Socialism is a curse that should only be wished on a hated enemy. Any society that embraces it will eventually become sick and weak. The Miami Herald reports that the impoverished people of Venezuela–suffering from decades of socialist ‘rulership’–have developed a primitive bartering system to obtain basic goods.
December 2015 archive
Dec 03
French Government Begins Closing Mosques
So much for freedom of religion in France. For that matter, so much for the relative freedom of the western world. In the wake of the Islamist-generated terrorist attacks at a Paris heavy metal concert two weeks ago, French SWAT teams are raiding and shuttering Muslim religious facilities across France. The mosques are being shut …
Dec 03
Bankrupt Greek Government Demands that Citizens Report all Jewelry, Coins, Private Cash
Are mass confiscation raids about to be unleashed in Greece? The Greek newspaper Enikonomia reported days ago that Greek taxpayers will be forced to declare all private cash held outside the banks, and all jewelry boxes containing more than 15,000 euros or gold or other metals worth over 30,000 euros. See here. The Greek government …