Numerous manmade-global-warming alarmists predicted a decade ago that Arctic sea ice would disappear by 2015. Yet climatologist Steven Goddard says “The Arctic has gained hundreds of miles of ice over the past three years, much of which is thick, multi-year ice.” See here. Goddard’s post also provides links to headlines and “news stories” in which …
September 2015 archive
Sep 09
More Businesses are Dying than Starting in America
According to Jim Clifton, chairman and CEO of Gallup, “for the first time in 35 years, American business deaths now outnumber business births.” See here. Small business startups are being choked off by mountains of taxes and regulations. “Believe it or not, when measured in per-capita terms, socialist countries such as Denmark, Finland, New Zealand …
Sep 08
Wages have nothing to do with miserliness or generosity
The brilliant economist John C. Goodman is out with another brilliant column. This one about the foolishness of minimum wage laws. See here. : To summarize: a firm that pays workers more than they are worth cannot survive because it cannot match the prices and the rate of return to investors of its rivals. A …
Sep 08
Obama Claimed CO2 is Melting Glacier that has Actually Been Melting Since 1815–Long Before Rising CO2 Levels
Last week, U.S. President Barack Obama was on an Alaska propaganda trip, designed to promote government’s “climate-change” socialism agenda. Give government vastly greater power, says Obama (and hundreds of other U.S. government officials) or everyone is doomed. To illustrate the government’s hysterical claims, Obama spoke at Alaska’s Exit Glacier, claiming the Glacier is melting rapidly …
Sep 06
Government continues waging war on pain doctors and their patients
For years, government drug investigators and prosecutors have sought to act as “supervising physicians” over the medical profession–indicting and imprisoning doctors (and often, their patients) whom the government deems to be dispensing or using too much pain medication. Pain is a symptom, not an illness, and no two doctors or health experts agree on pain …
Sep 05
“Disability” Checks Now Sustain 11 Million Americans
There are roughly 300 million Americans. Some 100 million of those are children or retirees. Of the remaining roughly-200 million eligible workers, MORE THAN 5 PERCENT claim to be “disabled” and unable to work. They generally draw monthly “disability” checks for life. The “labor participation rate” is now near an historic low. See here. The …