Ludwig Von Mises was one of the most far-thinking and insightful economic thinkers in history. Mises studied the economy of Russia when communism was riding high; and Mises concluded it was only a matter of time before its Soviet economy melted down. Mises correctly calculated that below-natural-interest-rate lending by government central banks created unhealthy business …
July 2015 archive
Jul 07
Chinese Government-Owned Newspapers Telling Readers: “Don’t Panic!”
Here’s a tip: When governments give investment advice, you should generally do the very opposite. Governments worldwide are gorged on massive debt and teetering from decades of Keynsian economics. There is not a currency on earth that is backed by anything but paper. Now the government-owned newspapers of China are loudly telling readers not to …
Jul 07
Analyst: To become a “one percenter,” get into heavily-regulated industries!
Analyst Sam Wilkin, who studies the habits of the super-rich, was interviewed for an interesting piece in THE TELEGRAPH. Read it here. Having studied the habits of billionaires and “one percenters” for years, Walkin offers a list of seven general principles for becoming super-wealthy. The most interesting tip–6th among the 7 appearing near the end …
Jul 05
Socialism is a curse we should wish only on our enemies. Any society that embraces it will become sick and weak. You know you are a prisoner—or a slave—when your prison administrators can reach out and rob your savings account to pay for their lavish lifestyles. It appears that backroom deals being negotiated by bankrupt …
Jul 05
Obamacare Causing 20- to 50-Percent Annual Insurance Rate Increases.
If Americans only had the courage to do nothing, and unleash the power of capitalism on health care, prices would come quickly down so that the poorest consumers could afford quality health care. Hobos, bums and vagabonds could afford quality health care if the government got out of it. Just look at the telecommunications industry …
Jul 04
Rising atmospheric carbon dioxide levels are bolstering plant life worldwide.
Forget what you may have heard from your teacher, your professor, your politician or your pope. Rising CO2 levels in the atmosphere are greening the planet–not desertifying it. Environmental scientists report in a newly published peer-reviewed study that satellite measurements of global plant life contradict assertions by governments that global warming is causing deserts to …
Jul 04
Professor: Jail Climate Skeptics
Professor Lawrence Torcello an assistant professor of philosophy at Rochester Institute of Technology, has called for the arrest and prosecution of doubters of the government’s manmade-carbon-dioxide-driven-global-warming hysteria. Torcello says there is “an organised campaign funding misinformation” regarding climate change which “ought to be considered criminally negligent.” See here. Torcello is not speaking of the well …
Jul 04
The Average Retiring New York Firefighter Costs Taxpayers About 2 Million Dollars.
Today’s federal and state government employees are often lavished with luxurious pensions and salaries. In many counties, the largest and most expensive mansions are owned not by business leaders but by government employees. New York City firefighters are greatly overpaid. And when they retire, a very high percentage (80 percent or more) declare they are …
Jul 04
U.S. Senator Calls on Justice Department to Persecute Climate Skeptics
We have previously reported on leading journalists and professors who have called for the arrests and prosecutions of those who question the government’s climate-change messaging. See here and here. Now a sitting U.S. Senator, Sheldon Whitehouse (D.-R.I.), is calling on the U.S. Justice Department to pursue (apparently civil) charges against those who disagree or question …
Jul 02
Kuwait becomes first country to mandate government DNA registry for all subjects
The endless quest by governments to monitor, surveil and control all human life and activity continues. It went mostly unnoticed 10 years ago when the U.S. Congress enacted a “Real ID” law requiring that every state impose some form of biometric identifier in its driver-licensing. There was a minor popular backlash in state legislatures; then …