Today’s news reports are dominated by the murderous rampage of Omar Mateen (pictured, wearing New York Police Department shirts).
Mateen is a licensed security officer in Florida, who apparently worships police authoritarianism. See here.
Jun 12
Today’s news reports are dominated by the murderous rampage of Omar Mateen (pictured, wearing New York Police Department shirts).
Mateen is a licensed security officer in Florida, who apparently worships police authoritarianism. See here.
Jun 09
Socialism is something one should wish on an enemy; not on one’s own society.
In only 15 years, Venezuelan officials transformed the rising nation into a third world sewer; using the miracle of socialism.
Food shortage, lack of medicine, water so contaminated that Venezuelans suffer from skin rashes from bathing in it.
Babies dying by the hundreds. Basic commodities such as soap, toilet paper and towels missing from stores.
Jun 06
Who can you believe? The Washington Post and most other major papers have been running stories throughout the spring proclaiming that Greenland’s ice and snow are melting faster than ever before.
But Tony Heller of has once again examined the available satellite and webcam evidence.
According to Heller, Greenland gained a large amount of ice over this past winter and its current ice levels are well above average. See here.
Jun 03
Astounding news from the federal courts of south Florida.
It has been revealed that the U.S. Attorneys Office has had secret access to all documents used by the defense teams they litigate against for more than 10 years!
Some people still think federal courts function according to an adversarial model, with the government pitted against defendants in a ‘fair’ fight.
In fact, the government games the system in every possible way. The Justice Department uses its vast, unaccountable, unconstitutional surveillance powers to monitor defense teams and defense strategies in advance of trial. See here.
Jun 03
Breaking! Yesterday it made national news that a California legislator had introduced a bill to criminalize climate skepticism as an ‘unfair trade practice.’ Californians were to obey the State and utter agreement with the State’s apocalyptic global warming theory.
Today there are more details. It turns out the bill actually made its way out of committee and was on its way to the floor for a final vote!
And the bill was written so as to have a lengthy retroactive statute of limitations. (California law has a general statute of limitations of 4 years; only severe crimes such as rape and murder may be brought up more than 4 years after their alleged commission.)
It seems that the totalitarians who drafted the climate skeptic criminalization bill intended it to rope in fossil-fuel companies that allegedly promoted skepticism more than a decade ago!
(This shows the shallowness and weakness of the government’s conspiracy theory that skepticism of the government’s theory is underwritten by the coal and oil industries: the theory rests on 1 line in 1 memo decades ago.)
UPDATE: The Democrats in the California legislature–sensing political winds are against them–have announced they are tabling the climate-skepticism criminalization bill. See here.
Jun 02
The American criminal courts have collapsed as venues for fairly evaluating criminal claims.
Today’s criminal courts overwhelmingly support and favor the prosecution bar and disregard the rights of defendants.
Many judges are practically co-counsel with local district attorneys.
Here is a story about a Nevada judge who grew tired of hearing a defense lawyer argue for her clients. The judge ordered the defense lawyer handcuffed in open court.
Jun 02
Totalitarians are cheering as a California legislator has introduced the “California Climate Science Truth and Accountability Act of 2016,” aimed at allowing prosecutors to pursue skeptics under the state’s Unfair Competition Law. See here.
Jun 01
Free, capitalist societies invariably produce populations who live longer, healthier lives.
Wherever markets have become freer, life expectancies have grown, and death rates have gradually decreased.
For years, the only country on earth where life expectancy has declined was North Korea.
Now the New York Times is reporting that the U.S. is experiencing a rise in death rates after a decade of increasing taxes, regulation, government control and socialism. See here.
Suicides, medication overdoses and complications from mental illnesses have all contributed to the rising death rates.
Jun 01
Astounding blow to privacy from the U.S. 4th Circuit Court of Appeals in Richmond, Virginia. See here.
For years the government has been arguing that any information you give up to a “3rd party” is not “private.” Thus, the government may intercept it without so much as a warrant.
Although warrants are necessary for government to tap one’s land-line phone, the government argued that cell phone transmissions are essentially like radio broadcasts. And the 4th Circuit Court of Appeals has now agreed with the government!
The implications of this decision are far-reaching. If no one has any expectation of privacy in cell phone calls, the government may freely track almost everyone’s movements without warrant.
And land lines are increasingly obsolete. Virtually everyone uses cell phones for most of their telecommunications today.
May 31
Writer Arjun Walia is out with a brilliant new essay (see here). Walia cites recent revelations by the highest-level CIA agent in charge of the Osama Bin Laden unit.
The agent has now admitted that “Al-Qaeda” (which means “the base” in English) never existed! It was a CIA operation the entire time.
A number of intelligence analysts have suggested that “Al Queda” began as a CIA data base of known anti-Soviet muslim rebels in Afghanistan which were known operatives of western intelligence (‘the base’).