Venezuelan government now enslaves subjects to work on farms


Socialism is a curse that people should wish on their enemies.

When hardline socialists won control of Venezuela 15 years ago, socialists and government trusters worldwide cheered. Professors and their grad students across the western world announced the success of “third way” politics: a fusion of private industry under the control and central planning of government officials.

Now Venezuelans die in the streets fighting over pennies. Venezuelans boldly loot stores loudly daring cops and soldiers to shoot them.

The latest: the Venezeulan government has now declared the people to be slaves. A decree requiring Venezuelans to work on farms for free was issued last week. See here.

Secret emails among high-level Democrats reveal them rigging their primary system


Julian Assange, the founder of Wikileaks (who is currently trapped in London’s Ecuadoran Embassy) recently released some secret emails by high level Democratic Party officials, including Democratic National Committee Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz. A hacker reportedly obtained the emails and posted them to Wikileaks.

The emails show DNC chairwoman Schultz and other DNC officials and staff rigging the Democratic primary system to ensure that Schultz’s friend Hillary Clinton would win the Party’s nomination.

There are emails indicating that the DNC deliberated about ways to marginalize Hillary’s rival–Bernie Sanders–by depicting him as an atheist in southern states, and even by mocking Sanders’ Jewish heritage. See here.

Turkey becomes a land of mass “treason” arrests and secret court hearings


Headlines blared last week regarding a supposed “coup” attempt to overthrow President Erdogan of Turkey.

Whistleblowers have since come forward and provided evidence that Erdogan himself staged the alleged “coup” plot to make himself look better and make his impoverished subjects “rally around the flag.” Such staged, false-flag attacks are quite common in history.

Now Turkish government authorities are doing what government officials have always sought to do in every society.

Warrantless arrests, mass surveillance, roundups of schoolchildren for “treason,” and process-free jail hearings are now part of everyday life in Turkey.

Climate Change Sailors are Apparently Lying to the Public by Secretly Using an Icebreaker to Travel through Arctic Ice


A group of fame-seeking manmade-global-warming alarmists are making headlines around the world with claims that they are sailing around the North Pole which is virtually ice-free.

The boat’s crew have bought into government statements that ice is disappearing in the Arctic.

Unfortunately for the crewmen of the sailboat, the government claims about unusual melting are lies.

Tony Heller writes that “They have zero chance of getting through without an icebreaker. It has become abundantly clear that these people are attempting to defraud the public about the state of Arctic ice.”

When Heller tried to contact the crew to ask if they are being led by an icebreaker vessel, the crew shut off all communications.

“So far,” Heller writes,

“everyone who has asked the Polar Ocean crew if they are being accompanied by an icebreaker has been blocked [on Twitter]. I was blocked by another crew member today for asking “Ben, are you being accompanied by an icebreaker through the Northeast Passage?””

See here.

Private citizens rescue baby bison from the cold and are criminally prosecuted; government agents who do the same thing are not even publicly named


Remember those tourists to Yellowstone Park who were prosecuted and punished for picking up a freezing abandoned bison calf and trying to save it in their vehicle?

The story made national news, with government officials shaming and lecturing YNP visitors to NEVER, EVER, try to save wildlife in national parks.

Apparently, a whistleblower came forward to tell a similar story about a National Park Service employee who did THE EXACT SAME THING with a baby calf bison in South Dakota. The Park Service investigated the claims and found them true:

But the government agent is NOT BEING PROSECUTED (or even publicly named, let alone shamed). See here.

There is one set of rules for government workers; another for common peasants.

America facing two consecutive “lost decades” of economic slowness


America, like Japan, Denmark and other former capitalist flagships, took a serious turn toward overregulation, overtaxation and socialism since the 1990s.

And American economic growth has stagnated. 8 years into a supposed “recovery,” U.S. GDP growth rates still hover around 2 percent annually or less.

According to George Will, “If 2 percent growth is, as he says, “the most likely scenario” for the foreseeable future, the nation faces a second consecutive lost decade — one without a year of 3 percent growth.”

N. Gregory Mankiw, Harvard economist and chairman of George W. Bush’s Council of Economic Advisers, writes in the New York Times that in the past decade the growth rate of the real gross domestic product per person averaged 0.44 percent, down from the historical norm of 2 percent: At 2 percent, incomes double every 35 years; at 0.44 percent, about every 160 years.

See here.

Climate fraud? Paul Dreissen details many dozens of demonstrable untruths by climate change hysterics

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The gifted writer Paul Dreissen is out with a tremendous column detailing dozens of demonstrably false statements made by those who trust the government’s catastrophic-global-warming-by-human-released-CO2 theory/agenda. See here.

Attempt to overthrow Turkey’s government reportedly fails


“National security” is something of an oxymoron. The fabric of history shows that liberal societies in which common people have more freedom to innovate, invent, and create without oversight of the state tend to be the most secure societies.

Paradoxically, societies that are ruled by a cult of government omnipotence tend to reel from crisis to crisis.

As previous posts have detailed, the government of Turkey has spent the past 2 years cracking down on anti-government criticism, jailing comedians, reporters and even teenagers who speak against government. See here, here, here, and here.

Now there has been an attempted coup against Turkey’s “rulership.”

It appears the coup has failed. See here.

Venezuelan army now distributes all food


Mass starvation, famines and food shortages only happen in socialist, centrally-controlled societies.

Today’s BBC online blared the headline “Venezuela army deployed to control food production and distribution.” See here. The story begins:

In a decree, President Nicolas Maduro has ordered the army to monitor food processing plants, and co-ordinate the production and distribution of items.
Venezuela is going through a deep economic crisis despite having the world’s largest oil reserves.

Amazingly, Venezuela was a thriving society just 20 years ago.

Venezuela followed the model of social planning recommended by most of America’s university social-science professors.

More death and starvation while people stand in line in Venezuela


Just 20 years ago, Venezuela was a rising economic power with a dynamic economy and a growing business community.

Today, after 15 years of socialism, Venezuelans spend much of their time standing in long lines waiting for soap, beans or other scraps. Sometimes the long lines transform into riots, and the people become looters. Robbers murder people for cell phones in toothpaste lines in front of crowds.

Although Venezuela has one of the world’s highest murder rates, Venezuelans are now so poor and desperate that they regard shortages–not safety–as their highest concern.

Shortages now top voters’ lists of concerns, surpassing even safety. That’s stunning in a country with one of the world’s highest homicide rates.

“Desperation fuels the violence.” Line-cutters are beaten severely. No one has sympathy for anyone.

ATM limits are capped at $8 a day (for those who still have accounts).

Venezuela has the world’s highest inflation rate.

All Venezuelans, including children, are assigned two shopping days a week based on their state ID number. They line up before supermarkets open, guided by rumors and where they’ve had luck in the past. Some use fake IDs to score extra shopping days. Pregnant women and the elderly get their own priority lines, and everyone is limited to two units of whatever is on offer.

The longest lines are for what is in the shortest supply: food.

Some elderly poor are so weak from the long lines that they collapse.

The lines are driven by scarcity and poverty, but they also reflect how much people have given up on traditional employment. With the minimum wage at less than $15 a month and inflation running well into triple digits, it barely pays to go to work.

Read the AP story here.