Socialist Bernie Sanders just purchased his THIRD home: a $600,000 lakefront summer home

Bernie Sanders

Socialism disguises itself as a movement of the poor; but it has always been a movement of wealthy elites.

Hugo Chavez’s daughter is reportedly worth $4 billion in a land of starving slaves.

Fidel Castro has always lived like a king, with mansions, private lakes stocked with pet dolphins, and other luxuries. His serfs live daily lives of struggle and suffering.

Now we learn that millionaire 1%er Bernie Sanders–America’s foremost promoter of socialism–has recently purchased his third (at least) home: a $600,000 lakefront luxury summer home. See here. Sanders reportedly donates almost nothing to charity. See here.

Greenland’s ice mass has been growing since the time period the Olympics propaganda squad selected to show the ice “disappearing.”


Last week’s Olympic opening ceremonies featured a pro-government propaganda film proclaiming that human-released greenhouse gasses were causing Greenland’s ice and snow to disappear.

“Animated maps showed Greenland “disappearing very quickly” and Amsterdam, Dubai, Miami, Shanghai, Lagos and Rio being swallowed up by rising seas.”

See here.

But according to the best data, Greenland’s ice mass has actually been growing! See here.

Americans renouncing U.S. citizenship at a rate 15 times higher than in previous years


Government overregulation is forcing many Americans to flee the U.S.

“There’s a lot of them who are tired of the hassle and headache and expense of complying with US tax rules,” says Reed. “Most of them are U.S. citizens who’ve lived abroad for a long-time.”

See here.

The U.S. government is also bullying foreign banks worldwide–demanding that all banks reveal bank accounts held by Americans.

“Affordable Care Act” Premiums to Increase an Average of 9 Percent


Ever since the passage of Medicare in 1965, health care costs have increased much faster than inflation.

This is because Medicare increased demand without increasing supply, causing prices to rise.

Government trusters, in response, have looked for MORE GOVERNMENT to fix the problem. In 2009, the U.S. government enacted the “Affordable Care Act,” purportedly designed to help the poor obtain health care.

Now, health insurance premiums are set to increase an average of 9 percent, according to an analysis of 17 cities by the Kaiser Family Foundation. But some hikes are far higher: Blue Cross Blue Shield has proposed increases of 40 percent in Alabama and 60 percent in Texas.

See here.

Starving Venezuelans Break into Zoo to Eat Rare Horse


Socialism is a curse that should be wished only on a hated enemy.

Just 15 years ago, Venezuela was a rising, thriving, dynamic society.

Today, after 15 years of government central planning, men die in the streets fighting over pennies. People drink dirty water. Hookers sell themselves for food scraps.

Now there is news that a group of starving Venezuelans broke into a zoo and slaughtered a prize horse for food. See here.

“Economists say that strict price controls . . . imposed by Venezuela’s socialist government . . . make it unprofitable for businesses to import or produce food.


“The India Times reported last month that 50 animals have starved to death over the past six months due to food shortages at the same zoo.” See here.

Former Communist Countries that Rapidly Shifted to Market Economies Fared Better than those that went Gradually


Markets are a miracle cure. They transformed stone age societies with no plumbing and no electricity into world commercial powers with long life expectancy, advanced art and culture and healthy populations in only two generations (South Korea, Singapore, Tiawan, etc.).

When the Berlin Wall came down in 1989, 27 former Soviet countries faced an uncertain future.

Some of the 27 countries leaped quickly toward market reforms. Others went more slowly, not wanting to unravel socialist social programs, government “health care” operations, etc.

A new study shows that those countries which embraced markets quickly did much better.

Vast Majority of Americans Dispute Government’s Claim that CO2-Caused Climate Change is “Settled”; Oppose Persecution of Doubters


Last Month the Democratic National Platform was changed to support government prosecution of those who doubt the government’s apocalyptic-global-warming-by-human-produced-carbon-dioxide theory.

Now there is polling showing the VAST MAJORITY of voters–Republicans, Democrats and Independents–oppose such persecution.

In fact, the VAST MAJORITY disagree that “the science is settled,” as government voices loudly decree.

Only 25 percent of voters said they believe the debate on global warming is settled. 61 percent said the debate is not over.

Only 21 percent of Democratic voters said in the survey they favor the government investigating and prosecuting climate-change skeptics.

See here.

Government experts now claiming glaciers at GNP are melting faster than predicted!


Throughout Glacier National Park there are signs, posters and statements predicting that all of GNP’s glaciers will disappear by around 2030. The government films and flyers provided at GNP also make this claim.

A new government website–published by the U.S. Geological Survey–now suggests this (2030) prediction is too conservative:

A computer-based climate model predicts that some of the park’s largest glaciers will vanish by 2030 (Hall and Fagre, 2003). This is only one model prediction but, if true, then the park’s glaciers could disappear in the next several decades. However, glacier disappearance may occur even earlier, as many of the glaciers are retreating faster than their predicted rates.

See here.

Dr. Roger Roots has offered $5,000 if the glaciers at GNP are all gone by 2030. Thus far, no one has taken him up on the bet.

South American Socialism has destroyed the environment

holocaust 3

Professor Thomas Dilorenzo of Loyola University of Maryland writes about the way that socialism destroyed the environment of the old Soviet Bloc:

The world learned that the socialist countries dumped untreated sewage into their rivers, streams, and lakes for decades; the Volga River in Russia was so polluted that boat were equipped with signs warning against throwing cigarettes in the water for fear the chemical-laden water would catch fire; factories had no pollution controls whatsoever; massive fish kills were routine; and the Polish Academy of Sciences reported that by the early 1990s one-third of the Polish people lived in areas of “ecological disaster.”

Dilorenzo recounts these facts in light of the current environmental devastation currently on display at the Olympics in Brazil:

* Triathletes have been told not to put their heads under water; bacteria and virus levels in Guanabara Bay, where the triathlon will take place, are 1.7 million times higher than health-hazard levels in the U.S. and Europe.

* Rubbish in some of the bays is so thick that you cannot see the water and rats live on top of the floating rubbish. A floating corpse and a severed arm were recently spotted floating in Guanabara Bay.

Nearby, Venezuela suffers from massive deforestation and its Lake Maracaibo is heavily polluted with 10,000 gallons of raw sewage per second.

“Socialism is always and everywhere an economic and environmental disaster.”

North Korean socialism devastated the environment


Government social planning in North Korea has destroyed much of the natural ecosystem.

The poverty and starvation caused by North Korean socialism has led many North Koreans to eat grass and bark from trees. Consequently, the nation has lost a million hectares of forest. See here.

Even the pro-government PBS NOVA program has commented on the environmental destruction unleashed by North Korean socialism. Barely a tree branch or a bird survives on much of the landscape.