Government adjustments to temperature history show 10 times the warming that actually occurred.


Data expert Tony Heller began scrutinizing government temperature data sets a few years ago. Heller has exposed many scandals involving the tendency of government agencies to ‘adjust’ the temperature record to bolster the claims of socialists that manmade-global-warming-by-CO2 will doom the earth unless governments take over all world industries.

Now Heller has found that government agencies have adjusted temp records to show this past July was TEN TIMES warmer in relation to the past than it actually was.

“The actual raw temperature data [NOAA uses] to generate their graph, shows one tenth as much warming from 1895 to 2016, with 1901, 1936 and 1934 as the hottest years.

See here.

Government cracks down on private rescuers in Louisiana floods


During Hurricane Katrina, government troops erected roadblocks to keep out (private sector) rescuers. Government agencies wanted credit for any rescues.

Entire trucks filled with needed supplies, such as Wal-Mart semis carrying bottled water to the Hurricane victims, were turned away. Government agents wanted to deliver water to the victims (albeit a few days later and at massive taxpayer expense).

Now there is word that government agencies are stopping the so-called Cajun Navy, “the all-volunteer flotilla of Louisiana private boat owners credited with rescuing and helping countless thousands of marooned homeowners, livestock and pets” from helping any more Louisiana flood victims.

See here.

D.C. Minimum Wage Hike has already Cost 1,400 Jobs


Trusters of government rarely think beyond what Thomas Sowell calls “Stage One.”

The District of Columbia–like many regions of the United States–has recently enacted an increased minimum wage for all D.C. workers. Employers must pay them $11.50 per hour. You know, . . . to help the poor.

It seems the minimum wage increase has caused a 3 % drop in D.C. restaurant employment. 1,400 jobs have been lost.

Nearby Maryland and Virginia, with lower minimum wages ($8.75 and $7.25 respectively), have seen increases in fast food employment during the same period.

Higher unemployment rates are linked to numerous social ills, including lifetime and household poverty, illness, admissions to psychiatric facilities, domestic violence and homicide.

Swedish Socialism Stopped Prosperity in its Tracks

Sweden was a very prosperous country in the late nineteenth- and early twentieth-centuries because it was a limited government, low-tax society that spawned many great inventors and entrepreneurs (Alfred Nobel, Volvo, and Saab).

“But that prosperity was stopped in its tracks when Sweden adopted “democratic socialism” in mid-century. As a result, Sweden ate up (with taxes) the wealth created by previous generations, so much so that not a single net new job was created there from 1950 to 2005 according to the Swedish Economic Association.”

And when the Swedish central bank tried to bail out the floundering Swedish welfare state, it created 500% interest rates. (The same bank that pretentiously awards the Nobel Prize in Economic Science!).

(The above is from Thomas DiLorenzo.)anguish 2

U.S. Military Can’t Account for $6.5 TRILLION; Millions of Lost Records

Trusters of government view the military as an indispensable protection from invasion. Some even claim the U.S. military protects Americans’ freedom.

By any measure, however, Americans’ freedoms have been in decline even as military budgets have increased.

For as long as human records exist, military forces have been a source of despotism, tyranny, and enslavement.

Now the Pentagon is admitting it can’t account for $6.5 TRILLION. Millions of records have “disappeared.” See here.
Note that the entire annual output of the country is about $16 or $17 trillion.imagesJWSH3L6O

Bozeman “daycare” reports parents to the police because a child’s birthmark resembled a bruise

Boycott “Roots Nature School.”

Impeach and slash the budgets of Gallatin County Sheriff Brian Gootkin.

The Bozeman-area daycare called government “Child Protective Services” (CPS) after finding a mark on a child’s chest. They claim they suspected the child’s parents of abusing the child.

However, the mark on the child’s chest was a birthmark. The parents have been needlessly subjected to an embarrassing, coercive law enforcement investigation. See here.

big bro

In Boston, every Uber customer must contribute a nickel to sustain dying government-monopoly taxi industry

The taxicab industry has been so overregulated for so long that it cannot survive any exposure to real-world, market forces.

Many states grant monopoly jurisdictions to cab companies and control prices, fares, numbers of drivers, and numbers of cabs. Poor people who want to start a cab company are simply not allowed.

In fact, many states require new cab companies to prove to a government “taxi board” or “public service commission” that there is a need for their services.

Then came along Uber, Lyft and other App-generated services, by which a passenger can simply log onto an app and see if someone wants to share a ride with a passenger. The notion has caught fire and now threatens the viability of the dinosaur cab industry.

Cab companies are outraged, claiming falsely that Uber and Lyft are unsafe and dangerous.

In fact an average Uber driver drives a newer, cleaner, safer car than an average taxi cab.

In Massachusetts, the legislature has responded by making rideshare passengers contribute a nickel per ride to prop up the aging, obsolete, dying, government-controlled taxi industry. See here. images0P4M0FZ6

After carbon taxes kick in, hundreds of thousands of Canadians are late on utility payments

Governments worldwide are waging a war on their subjects, seeking to enslave them in a world of dependency without energy self determination.

Using the ruse of manmade-CO2-caused-global-warming, the Canadian government enacted carbon taxes and has been seeking to shut down fossil fuel power plants.

Now, hundreds of thousands of Ontarians can no longer afford to pay their energy bills. Undoubtedly, many will die.

See here.

U.S. Forest Fires Down 50 % in 10 Years; Down 80% in 80 years

Forget what you’ve heard in the government-supporting press. Forest fires and forest fire damage is way down from previous decades. See here.

forest fire

Chicago Police Report Recommends Firing 7 Lying Officers


According to the Washington Post:

“”Chicago police officials have recommended firing seven officers for lying about the shooting death of Laquan McDonald, a black teenager whose 2014 killing helped spark intense protests and a federal investigation of the department.”

Cops shot McDonald in the back from more than 40 feet away as McDonald walked away from them holding a knife. The cops lied and said McDonald was close to them and lunged at them with a knife.

See here.