The immense paperwork burdens, high malpractice premiums, and overregulation of medicine has driven most doctors to large, centralized institutions.
Oct 27
“News” establishment begs critics to stop criticizing
The safest profession in the world is probably journalism in support of the state.
Undoubtedly, the most dangerous profession in the world is journalism in opposition to the state.
For years, America’s pro-government (“mainstream”) press has promoted an agenda of increasing government power and control. Political movements which threaten the dominance of established government have received endless criticism from “the press.”
Now, as readers and viewers abandon the government-supporting press in favor of alternative news outlets, members of the “mainstream” press are literally begging critics to stop criticizing. See here.
Oct 26
“Affordable Care Act” incentivizes poverty
“If you like your current plan, you will be able to keep it,” said President Obama.
“Let me repeat that: If you like your plan, you will be able to keep it,” he said.
This week, the Kaiser Family Foundation released an analysis of the Obamacare insurance exchanges that indicates there will be five states in 2017 where only one insurance company is offering health insurance plans through the exchange.
In Birmingham, Alabama, according to the KFF analysis, the monthly premium for the second-lowest-cost silver plan for a 40-year- old nonsmoker will increase 71 percent — jumping from $288 to $492. In Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, it will increase 67 percent — jumping from $295 to $493.
In Phoenix, Arizona, it will increase 145 percent — jumping from $207 to $507.
But overnment apologists are quick to note that, if you make less than 400 percent of the poverty level, the government will subsidize your insurance premiums.
The government’s lesson here: Keep your income down, so you can get other Americans to subsidize your insurance.
Or, if you do not earn enough to buy insurance even with a government subsidy, you can go directly onto government-provided health insurance.
In July, the number of people in the United States enrolled in Medicaid and the Children’s Health Insurance Program exceeded the entire population of the United Kingdom. It also exceeded the population of France.
As of July 2015, 37.1 percent of Americans are insured by the government.
Oct 24
Growing numbers of poor Americans find retirement elusive; they must work till they die
Sad story from the Associated Press. America has become a two-tiered society, with those in power pampered in luxury while those without government positions live lives of poverty.
For years, the U.S. government has punished savers, entrepreneurs and investors. Social Security, for example, takes money from people’s paychecks during periods when they most need money to build their careers, families and homes–and transfers that money to wealthier Americans.
Studies of the impacts of Social Security and Medicare show that Americans save less, invest less, and work fewer total hours in response to the program.
Some 40 % of Americans reach retirement age without any significant savings or investments.
While government “workers” have never had it so good, a growing proportion of Americans must look forward to lives of misery and poverty in their old age.
Oct 22
40 percent of government temperature adjustments are fake–based on no actual thermometer data
NOAA, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, has been “adjusting” the ‘official’ temperature record at an increasing rate. Now,
“more than 40% of their adjusted monthly temperatures are now fake – i.e. no actual thermometer data behind them.” See here.
Oct 22
Overregulation will soon push thousands of doctors to abandon Medicare patients
If America’s health care industry were free, it would provide ever-higher quality medicine at steadily-decreasing cost. This is the pattern in most high tech industries where government control is limited.
But since 1965, the U.S. government has been overregulating health care–driving costs higher and higher.
Now, unless Congress approves some type of massive bailout, doctors will soon begin abandoning Medicare patients in droves. See here.
Oct 20
UN bans skeptical media from upcoming climate conference
The United Nations has refused to accredit three journalists associated with Canadian climate skeptic Ezra Lavant.
The UN appears to be blacklisting skeptics from covering the upcoming global warming conference in Marrakech, Morocco. See here.
The UN accuses Lavant’s “Rebel” journalists of being “advocacy journalists.”
Yet opinion journalists comprise a large proportion of the thousands of journalists who cover the UN’s global warming conferences.
“The UN even welcomes global warming lobby groups, including “community organizers” posing as journalists. Greenpeace-style blogs, like Canada’s own DeSmog Blog attend in full advocacy mode, as well as other small websites like The Tyee and the Vancouver Observer, both supported by Tides.”
Oct 20
Another U.S. Postal worker caught disposing of mail rather than delivering it
Many people believe the U.S. Postal Service monopoly is found in the Constitution. In fact, the Constitution merely says Congress has the power to establish a postal service.
Not only is there no power to grant a postal monopoly in the Constitution, the OTHER provisions of the Constitution make it clear that Congress MAY NOT violate people’s contract and property rights by establishing a postal monopoly.
And the First Amendment freedom of press requires that ‘the press’ have independent (nongovernment) delivery avenues.
And the current U.S. Postal Service monopoly violates the Fourth Amendment in that it pursues an agenda of identifying every American and placing every American at an address known to the government.
The U.S. Postal Service loses billions annually despite having every advantage in the marketplace (including tax-free status, prestige real estate locations, eminent domain, paying no property taxes, etc.).
Every independent investigation into U.S. Postal Service practices has found that Postal workers regularly throw valid mail into the trash without delivering it.
Now another U.S. Postal worker has been caught tossing tons of valid mail into the bushes. See here.
Oct 20
More Americans are fleeing America’s overregulation to purchase health care in Mexico
Astounding developments from America’s experiment with overregulating health care. Not long ago, Americans had access to the finest health care on earth. But prices have been increasing faster than inflation for years, as government regulation has increased demand artificially.
Now a headline in the USA Today reads: “For Californians living near the border, Mexico offers what the U.S. does not: reliable health care at a cheap price.”
See here.
Oct 20
Ad revenue for pro-government, er, . . . “mainstream,” newspapers is plummeting
For a decade, the pro-government newspapers of the western world have seen their ad revenues plunge as fast as their readerships.
A new report based on ad-buying trends predicts that global spending on newspaper print ads will decline 8.7% to $52.6 billion by the end of 2016.
In the internet age, “alternative” news sources are the sources most people trust for news.