Government university expels student for Facebook posts–and a federal appellate court upholds the expulsion!

America’s government universities are the least free places in the country.

A nursing student at Central Lakes College was removed from the nursing degree program after a number of his Facebook posts were found to be ‘unprofessional’ by a government administrator. (Not threatening, defamatory or harassing.)

And the U.S. 8th Circuit Court of Appeals–a typical judicial den of government iniquity–upheld the expulsion in spite of the First Amendment.

The government simply claimed an unlimited right to regulate student speech online because the college program imposed a professional ‘code of conduct’ on nursing students.

See here!inquisi

Intercept: Senate Republicans Who Most Support Surveillance are Receiving Major Koch Brother Support

People who call themselves ‘conservatives’ often claim they are advocating an originalist, strict-construction of the Constitution, consistent with the intent of America’s Founding Fathers.

Yet the strongest strand of principle which weaves through modern conservatism is worship of men in uniform, especially soldiers and cops. The Founding Fathers would be spinning in their graves if they pondered modern conservatism.

Glenn Greenwald’s Intercept has released a report regarding the massive funding by the Koch Brothers of the campaigns of three Republican U.S. Senators who are viewed as most supportive of the governmental police state. See here.

France Continues Building Space-Age Surveillance State


Governments love terrorism. It keeps subjects in fear and accepting government control. This is why false flag episodes are so alluring for government masters.

After several terrorist attacks in France, French authorities have constructed one of the world’s most elaborate surveillance states.

The French government now keeps extensive data files on every person in the country. See here.

In Turkey, mass arrests of dissident party members and blackouts of social media

Every government that ever existed ultimately came for all freedoms, all property, all resources, and to kill all who resist.

Now, the government of Turkey is blocking social media and arresting elected legislators from opposition parties. See here. imagesGADZ0V0W

Government trusters occasionally criticize policing, but offer no realistic remedy


Years ago, I authored one of the most widely read law review articles on the abuses and unconstitutionality of modern policing, “Are Cops Constitutional?”
I have received praise for years from a variety of anti-police-brutality writers and organizations.

But many movements aimed at stopping police criminality and abuses offer pointless solutions. One commonly suggested remedy is to impose so-called ‘citizen review boards’ in which groups of citizens sit in judgment of police officers accused of abuses.

The fix offers false hope, as most of these ‘citizen review boards’ quickly become political organizations which support the establishment and rarely if ever order the firing of an officer or any other substantive remedy.

See this study by the Cato Institute.

“The idea behind civilian review boards,” according to Cato’s Tim Lynch, “is to have a separate, independent entity address citizen complaints of police abuse.”

“In practice, however, civilian review boards have proven to be an ineffectual check against police misconduct.” The membership in such boards is invariably chosen by mayors, police chiefs, or other government authorities.

The real remedy–the only viable remedy–is to slash police budgets whenever police criminality surfaces; but trusters in government seem to never fathom this obvious truism.

New York City homeless levels are at all-time high


Government overcriminalization, regulation and licensing requirements have taken a severe toll on America’s poor.

After years of socialistic rule, New York City finds its homeless population is at an all-time high. See here.

Venezuela now has single-payer medicine–rationed by the military


Socialism is a curse that should be wished only on a hated enemy. All societies that embrace it inevitably become sick and weak.

Just a generation ago, Venezuela was a thriving, dynamic society with a robust economy.

Now, after 17 years of socialism, men die in the streets fighting over spare change. Women and children eat out of garbage cans, or hunt dogs and cats for food.

Now Venezuelans are blessed with single payer health care–distributed by the military. See here.

Overpaid government ‘workers’ are bankrupting major cities

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America has moved toward becoming a feudal society like the tyrannical fiefdoms of yesteryear, with private households mired in poverty, debt and hopelessness while those in government live like kings (pun intended).

The average federal ‘worker’ is paid about twice what a worker in the private sector would make doing the same type of job.

At the state and local levels, the situation is often better; but sometimes worse.

Here is a Reason Magazine story about how lavish pensions for city retirees in Dallas are now threatening to eat up one-fifth of the City’s budgets.

New York Times quarterly earnings fall 95 percent

America’s government-supporting newspapers are dying.

Now the New York Times–America’s premier pro-government newspaper–is reporting quarterly earnings that are 95.7 percent lower than just a year earlier. See here. comic_book_swap_qyzmsd

Life is improving for most people on earth; in spite of governments


Life expectancy, world health, literacy and education, average interior living space, and the cleanliness of environments is gradually improving throughout the world.

See here.

But this progress has been IN SPITE OF, rather than because of the world’s governments, which have constantly sought to repress and control the world’s subjects. See here.