Three judges of British High Court Invalidate Brexit Vote!

A shocking act of judicial arrogance by three judges of the United Kingdom High Court.

The Court ruled that Britain can’t leave the EU without having a parliamentary vote to do so. See here.

Yet that parliamentary vote already happened with the European Referendum Act of 2015. (Parliament voted to let the people speak on the issue, and to abide by the people’s wishes.)

Stay tuned!


Government college professors call for pro-Trump student protestors to be expelled

There is almost no free speech on today’s government college campuses. Faculty at the University of New Hampshire–a government institution supposedly subject to the Bill of Rights–are calling for two pro-Trump students in costume to be expelled.

The two students showed up to protest an anti-Trump rally on the campus. See here.


Growth in Jail Population Has Been Mostly Driven by Increased Incarceration of Innocent Inmates

While the jail population in the U.S. has grown substantially since the 1980s, the number of convicted people in jails has been flat for the last 15 years. Detention of the legally innocent has been consistently driving jail growth! See here!convicted_unconvicted_jail_1983-2014_320w

Pro-government news sources decry the influence of “fake news”


Once again, there is a major push among government trusters to censor anti-government or alternative news. Pro-government forces who decry the election of Donald Trump two weeks ago are blaming the increasing influence of alternative news sources.

They couldn’t force voters to view their tired, old, dying pro-government “news” sources.

Now pro-government sources are launching formal efforts to ban real, anti-government news-calling it “fake news.” See here:

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg Friday laid out the latest steps by his company to weed out fake news, amid growing criticism over the possible impact misinformation on the social network had on swaying the U.S. presidential election outcome.

The company has found itself thrust at the center of the debate on fake news, with even U.S. President Barack Obama lamenting the spread of misinformation on the social media platform. A report released earlier this week showed that more Facebook users engaged with misleading stories than real, mainstream reporting.

Even as governments pronounce September to be the ‘hottest on record,’ there are no scientifically calibrated long-term thermometers in place in vast reaches of the earth


The apocalyptic man-made-global-warming-by-carbon-dioxide scare has been promoted by government agencies which have been repeatedly caught ‘adjusting’ temp records to prove their case.

Now, again, government agencies are pronouncing September to be the ‘hottest on record’–pointing to temp maps which show areas of Africa and the Middle East and stating that September in such regions was the ‘hottest on record.’

But such areas have not had reliable thermometer readings on the ground in the past for comparison! See here!

No more gleaming government temples


The voters spoke to Gallatin County and Bozeman officials on November 8. But officials apparently didn’t get the message.

Read this astounding Bozeman Daly Chronicle story by Eric Dietrich. It seems the government officials are intending to renew their efforts to convince voters to approve their marble-and-gold temple of government power (“law and justice center”).

While the world’s people dwell in shacks, shanties and mobile homes, governments everywhere seek to build massive, expensive palaces of power and intimidation.

Poll: vast majority do not trust “news” media


Astounding new poll out today. 7 in 10 (69%) voters do not believe the news media are honest and truthful.

An overwhelming majority viewed recent political “mainstream” news media as biased in favor of Hillary Clinton. 59% believe the “mainstream” press was pushing Clinton. 21 % believe the media was pushing Trump. (Even 1/3 (32%) of Clinton voters believe the media were “pro-Clinton.”)

Most significantly, 97% of voters said they did not let the media’s bias influence their vote! See here.

These findings further undermine the prevailing claim that voters are easily influenced by ads and messaging.

Revealed: government “law enforcement” protected Mexico’s largest drug cartel, targeting lower-level competitors


It has been frequently revealed that government “law enforcement” agencies make deals with the highest-level crime organizations and help the organizations eliminate lower-level competitors.

The FBI’s “Organized Crime” unit in New England made a practice of aligning with Boston’s Irish mob and prosecuting the mob’s (mostly Italian) mafia rivals.

The Irish mob, protected by the FBI, committed far more murders than the Italian mob, which was weak and ineffectual in comparison. The Italian mob was constantly investigated and prosecuted by the FBI.

These facts are documented in the book “Black Mass,” which later became a major motion picture.

Now we learn that the U.S. “Drug Enforcement Agency” (DEA) has had a long-running relationship with Mexico’s largest drug cartel. The cartel has used the DEA to scatter, weaken and imprison its competitors

British government, defying voters, has no plan to exit EU after Brexit vote

Months ago the courageous people of Great Britain voted to leave the European Union and declared their independence.

Now, months later, their governmental masters have made no effort to obey their constituents. There is NO PLAN, AGENDA, OR SCHEDULE for exiting! See here.evil

America’s cops kill thousands of harmless pets annually

Reason Magazine has published a story about the common practice by police of shooting and killing harmless dogs at police work areas.

It is common for cops to arrive at a home to talk to occupants or serve a warrant and encounter barking (or exuberant, tail-wagging) dogs. The cops immediately shoot the dogs dead.

You know, to ensure the safety of the police.

Some officers openly acknowledge that they have killed hundreds of dogs.authoritarianism