Even as government trusters become hysterical with claims that global ice is melting due to human-released CO2, ice levels in Greenland appear to be growing at a record rate. See here.
Jan 04
Join us for Lectures on Liberty, Pahrump, Nevada public library, Saturday Jan. 7, 2017
An Incredible afternoon of lectures in Pahrump, Nevada!
Join us for an afternoon of facts and fun!
Saturday, January 7, 2017 at the public library in Pahrump, Nevada
Free to the public! Everyone is welcome!
Refreshments and Stimulating Lectures!
1:30 p.m.: Patricia Aiken, “Milestones to Tyranny: How We Got Here.”
2:15 p.m.: “Cowboys and Indians in the New West,” by Shawna Cox. Shawna was one of the “Malheur 7” defendants in the 2016 federal trial in Portland, Oregon. In this talk, Shawna will recount the malicious prosecution and discuss the contemporary landscape of protest and conflict in the American West.
3:00 p.m.: John Lamb: “One Man’s Struggle for Sanity in the New World Order.” Montana’s courageous John Lamb recounts the experiences that led him to renounce corruption and tyranny and launch a path-breaking online journalism career.
3:45 p.m.: Attorney Roger Roots: “Legal Research for the Poor and Downtrodden.”
Jan 04
“Liberals” once distrusted the CIA and cheered Wikileaks; now they claim to trust the CIA and distrust Wikileaks
There was a time, not long ago, when people who called themselves liberals or leftists were suspicious of the CIA and cheered the activism of Julian Assange and Wikileaks.
(It was Assange who released Bradley Manning’s videos of Bush-era U.S. military helicopters murdering an innocent news cameraman in 2008; a revelation that led to no punishment whatsoever for the killers but the imprisonment of Bradley (now Chelsea) Manning.)
All throughout the ’50s, ’60s and ’70s, people who call themselves liberals were suspicious of the CIA; rightfully accusing the CIA of controlling geopolitical events from behind the scenes. Evidence is overwhelming that elements within the CIA killed JFK and helped cover up the crime in 1963.
Now, however, “liberals” trust the CIA and are suspicious of Assange!
The government-cheerleader site Salon.com is decrying the fact that Donald Trump doesn’t “trust” the CIA’s claim that Russia “hacked” the 2016 election. Instead, Trump trusts Julian Assange’s assurances that the alleged “hacked” Hillary emails came from a source other than “Russians.”
(Assange released emails during the campaign to show Hillary’s corruption–including Hillary’s spending of hundreds of thousands of dollars of “Clinton Foundation” funds on her daughter’s wedding, Hillary’s antisemitic attacks on Bernie Sanders’ religion in southern states, and coverups of her State Department activities.)
(Assange has stated repeatedly that the emails were provided to his Wikileaks organization by disgruntled Bernie-Sanders supporters–not “the Russians.”)
Jan 02
Join us for an afternoon of free lectures, refreshments and fun in Pahrump, Nevada!
An Incredible afternoon of lectures in Pahrump, Nevada!
Join us for an afternoon of facts and fun!
Saturday, January 7, 2017 at the public library in Pahrump, Nevada
Free to the public! Everyone is welcome!
Refreshments and Stimulating Lectures!
1:30 p.m.: Patricia Aiken, “Milestones to Tyranny: How We Got Here.”
2:15 p.m.: “Cowboys and Indians in the New West,” by Shawna Cox. Shawna was one of the “Malheur 7” defendants in the 2016 federal trial in Portland, Oregon. In this talk, Shawna will recount the malicious prosecution and discuss the contemporary landscape of protest and conflict in the American West.
3:00 p.m.: John Lamb: “One Man’s Struggle for Sanity in the New World Order.” Montana’s courageous John Lamb recounts the experiences that led him to renounce corruption and tyranny and launch a path-breaking online journalism career.
3:45 p.m.: Attorney Roger Roots: “Legal Research for the Poor and Downtrodden.”
Jan 02
Greenland ice levels are growing at record speed
A couple years back there was a documentary called “Chasing Ice” featuring claims that manmade-global-warming was causing Greenland’s ice sheets to melt away. The film featured heroic guys in expensive North Face parkas bravely wandering around Greenland’s melting glaciers while sad piano music played in the back ground.
We haven’t heard much from those guys in the past year or so. Their website charges money to view any of their imagery and does not provide much real data.
Right now, Greenland’s ice is at its highest level in years–as measured by satellite. See here.
And Greenland’s glaciers are growing faster than ever.
This while the mainstream (meaning pro-government) press has released several stories of far-higher-than-average temps at the North Pole. (Although there were some above-average temps at the North Pole around Christmas (due to a windstream pattern), those temps did not reach a melting temperature, and were not unusual in a historical context.)
Jan 02
Washington, D.C.: Homeless numbers double amid highly-paid government households
Throughout the past 20 years, the salaries and benefits of government workers have increased substantially, even as the American people struggle to survive in trailer parks.
Lawmakers at the federal, state and most local levels have been transforming government employees into kings and queens walking among peasants.
In many locations, the largest mansions are owned by government bureaucrats. Government workers often get many weeks of paid vacation annually, totally-free medical and dental treatment, and extravagant retirement benefits. Many brag that they work only a few hours a day. THOUSANDS of applicants now apply for even the lowest level federal job opening. Bookstores are filled with books on how to apply for a federal job.
Now the New York Times reports that the numbers of homeless have doubled in communities around Washington, D.C., where large numbers of government workers live like kings among starving peasants. These communities have some of the highest household incomes IN THE WORLD.
Socialism is a curse that should be wished only on a hated enemy.
Jan 01
Government regulations are creating a less mobile society
American history has been defined by innovation and mobility.
But increasingly, government regulations, licenses and “benefits” are forcing Americans to stay put. See here.
“The percentage of Americans moving every year is less than half that of a half-century ago and down significantly since the early 1990s.”
Jan 01
Retired government “workers” in one California town rake in two hundred thousand dollars annually amid peasants with average HOUSEHOLD incomes of $32,000
California is a place with bountiful treasures but a socialistic-style government. Voters trust government so much that they now have some of the highest taxes in the world.
In one town, El Monte, the average HOUSEHOLD scrapes by on $32,000 annually while retired city government “workers” draw pensions as high as $200,000 annually. Such government employees often get as much as 8 weeks of paid vacation annually and pay nothing into their retirement funds. See here.
Government retirees live in mansions among starving people living in shacks. Many retired government employees are so lavishly pampered that they avoid any conversation with local friends regarding their extravagant compensation packages.
Jan 01
Another fake government “cyber attack”
Fora decade, government supremacists have demanded that people surrender freedom of speech and press and allow the government to take control of the internet.
They frequently claim “cyber terrorists” will use the internet to shut down the “power grid” or otherwise disrupt American life.
Of course the nation’s power plants are not online and are safe from such threats. (They would be even safer without government ‘public utility commissions’ controlling them.)
Yesterday the (secretly government-funded) Washington Post proclaimed that a Vermont electric utility had fallen victim to “Russian hackers” (perhaps the same Russian hackers who convinced 90 percent of U.S. counties to vote against Hillary by spreading “fake news”).
The Post story quickly collapsed upon scrutiny and the Post has quietly retracted it. See here.
Dec 26
As Venezuelan Socialism Collapsed, America’s Government Trusters Never Saw it Coming
By Roger Roots,
founder, Lysander Spooner University
I remember many conversations with fellow graduate students while I obtained my Ph.D. in Sociology at UNLV around 2002-2004. Socialist politics had recently taken power in Venezuela and my fellow grad students all spoke warmly of Venezuela’s Hugo Chavez.
Some of my friends told me that Venezuela was plowing new ground for “the people” by throwing off the oppression of Capitalism. Venezuela would soon be an example of the wonders of central planning, I was told.
Today after 15 years of socialism, the people struggle to survive by dumpster diving, and eating dogs, cats and pigeons. Starving Venezuelan prisoners recently killed, cooked and ate a fellow inmate for food. Other Venezuelans have broken into zoos to kill and cook rare horses and other zoo animals for food. Hookers turn tricks for as little as a tube of toothpaste or a box of diapers.
Writer Jeff Jacoby has a new column recounting the deceptions and excuses offered by prominent government trusters regarding Venezuela over the years.
In a Salon piece titled “Hugo Chavez’s economic miracle,” David Sirota declared that the Venezuelan ruler, with his “full-throated advocacy of socialism,” had “racked up an economic record that . . . American president[s] could only dream of achieving.” The Guardian offered “Three cheers for Chavez.” Moviemaker Oliver Stone filmed a documentary gushing over “the positive changes that have happened economically in all of South America” because of Venezuela’s socialist government. And when Chavez died in 2013, Jimmy Carter extolled the strongman for “improving the lives of millions of his fellow countrymen.”