U.S. Postal Service–with every possible advantage–lost $5 billion last year and $50 billion over a decade

Government sucks at everything it tries–with the exception of killing, stealing and impoverishing.

The U.S. Postal Service lost $5.1 billion last year – and more than $50 billion over the last decade. Even with every advantage in the market–including the world’s most prestige locations, a monopoly on its core operations, paying no taxes (either property or income), and the power of eminent domain, the USPS is unable to make a profit.

The USPS delivers substandard, overpriced goods and services, spies on its customers and overpays its workers.

Only 6 % of Americans trust the news media

A survey by the American Press Institute shows that only 6 percent of Americans trust the major news outlets to provide them with fair and accurate news. See here.

As the power of government has grown, more and more news outlets are secretly funded by government agencies to provide a steady stream of government-worshipping content.

Alaska, Russia, and Greenland are experiencing near record cold winters

Polar Bears -Ursus maritimus-, female and juvenile on an ice floe in the pack ice, Spitsbergen Island, Svalbard Archipeligo, Svalbard and Jan Mayen, Norway

While the government-funded news media continues to barrage us with claims of manmade global warming (to promote the government’s various power grabs), Russia, Alaska and Greenland are currently experiencing near record cold winters. See here.

Heller: climate scam ends tomorrow

Tony Heller, the world’s foremost authority on the manipulation of temperature data by government agencies, is out with a new post:

“Scam Over In 26 Hours”

Heller quotes some preposterous claims made yesterday by government-loving extremist senator Bernie Sanders.

Sanders spewed various well-worn climate-change lies, including the often-repeated false claim that “97 percent of scientists . . . have concluded that climate change is real, it is caused by human activity, and it is already causing devastating problems in our country and around the world.”

Of course, if man-made CO2 was really posing a danger, the private sector could fix it in a month. But most government-trusters view the promotion of climate hysteria as a mechanism for achieving their goals of more expansive and intrusive government.

As the Trump presidency approaches, Heller remarks that the climate-change-hysteria scam will be over in just a few more hours.

See here.

German newsman who exposed CIA control of “mainstream news” found dead

Udo Ulfkotte, the German newspaper editor who was fired 2 years ago for reporting on the CIA’s control of most major world newspapers, has been found dead at 56. See here.

Reportedly, Ulfkotte died of a heart attack.

Ulfkotte exposed the CIA’s payments to most of the world’s top journalists, newspapers and TV news programs. In general, the CIA pays “newsmen” to spew out pro-government, pro-war, pro-surveillance and anti-capitalist content.

English professors promote elitism, socialism and government at “Modern Language Association” conference

The sorry state of university-level humanities was on display in Philadelphia recently when the Modern Language Association held its annual meeting.

The MLA is the largest organization of English professors in the world of American academia.

The “study of English” at most colleges has gradually degenerated into a field of socialist, elitist, pro-government propaganda.

See here.

English departments have virtually been taken over by the spirit of government worship. Censorship and discrimination against dissenters prevails on most American campuses.

Greenland has gained 400 billion tons of ice since winter began

Even as government trusters become hysterical with claims that global ice is melting due to human-released CO2, ice levels in Greenland appear to be growing at a record rate. See here.

Join us for Lectures on Liberty, Pahrump, Nevada public library, Saturday Jan. 7, 2017

An Incredible afternoon of lectures in Pahrump, Nevada!

Join us for an afternoon of facts and fun!
Saturday, January 7, 2017 at the public library in Pahrump, Nevada

Free to the public! Everyone is welcome!

Refreshments and Stimulating Lectures!

1:30 p.m.: Patricia Aiken, “Milestones to Tyranny: How We Got Here.”


2:15 p.m.: “Cowboys and Indians in the New West,” by Shawna Cox. Shawna was one of the “Malheur 7” defendants in the 2016 federal trial in Portland, Oregon. In this talk, Shawna will recount the malicious prosecution and discuss the contemporary landscape of protest and conflict in the American West.

3:00 p.m.: John Lamb: “One Man’s Struggle for Sanity in the New World Order.” Montana’s courageous John Lamb recounts the experiences that led him to renounce corruption and tyranny and launch a path-breaking online journalism career.

3:45 p.m.: Attorney Roger Roots: “Legal Research for the Poor and Downtrodden.”

“Liberals” once distrusted the CIA and cheered Wikileaks; now they claim to trust the CIA and distrust Wikileaks

There was a time, not long ago, when people who called themselves liberals or leftists were suspicious of the CIA and cheered the activism of Julian Assange and Wikileaks.

(It was Assange who released Bradley Manning’s videos of Bush-era U.S. military helicopters murdering an innocent news cameraman in 2008; a revelation that led to no punishment whatsoever for the killers but the imprisonment of Bradley (now Chelsea) Manning.)

All throughout the ’50s, ’60s and ’70s, people who call themselves liberals were suspicious of the CIA; rightfully accusing the CIA of controlling geopolitical events from behind the scenes. Evidence is overwhelming that elements within the CIA killed JFK and helped cover up the crime in 1963.

Now, however, “liberals” trust the CIA and are suspicious of Assange!

The government-cheerleader site Salon.com is decrying the fact that Donald Trump doesn’t “trust” the CIA’s claim that Russia “hacked” the 2016 election. Instead, Trump trusts Julian Assange’s assurances that the alleged “hacked” Hillary emails came from a source other than “Russians.”

(Assange released emails during the campaign to show Hillary’s corruption–including Hillary’s spending of hundreds of thousands of dollars of “Clinton Foundation” funds on her daughter’s wedding, Hillary’s antisemitic attacks on Bernie Sanders’ religion in southern states, and coverups of her State Department activities.)

(Assange has stated repeatedly that the emails were provided to his Wikileaks organization by disgruntled Bernie-Sanders supporters–not “the Russians.”)

Join us for an afternoon of free lectures, refreshments and fun in Pahrump, Nevada!

An Incredible afternoon of lectures in Pahrump, Nevada!

Join us for an afternoon of facts and fun!
Saturday, January 7, 2017 at the public library in Pahrump, Nevada

Free to the public! Everyone is welcome!

Refreshments and Stimulating Lectures!

1:30 p.m.: Patricia Aiken, “Milestones to Tyranny: How We Got Here.”


2:15 p.m.: “Cowboys and Indians in the New West,” by Shawna Cox. Shawna was one of the “Malheur 7” defendants in the 2016 federal trial in Portland, Oregon. In this talk, Shawna will recount the malicious prosecution and discuss the contemporary landscape of protest and conflict in the American West.

3:00 p.m.: John Lamb: “One Man’s Struggle for Sanity in the New World Order.” Montana’s courageous John Lamb recounts the experiences that led him to renounce corruption and tyranny and launch a path-breaking online journalism career.

3:45 p.m.: Attorney Roger Roots: “Legal Research for the Poor and Downtrodden.”