Americans renouncing U.S. citizenship in record numbers due to taxes, overregulation

The United States was once the world’s flagship of freedom and capitalism. It produced more great inventions than any society that ever existed.

But in recent years, America has become more government-controlled, taxed, and overregulated.

During the past year, more Americans fled the U.S. and renounced U.S. citizenship than ever before.

Almost all who fled the U.S. cite the increasing government growth, high taxation, and overregulation of American life. See here.

Computers are now better at diagnosing cancer than government’s slave plantation healthcare workers

All of the diabolic schemes of the state cannot suppress the human spirit forever. Now that health care is the most overregulated industry in the U.S., computer software is quickly making government-licensed doctors obsolete.

There is now computer software which can diagnose cancer faster and more accurately than human, government-licensed, physicians.

“At 8 false positives per image, [the software] detects 92.4% of the tumours, relative to 82.7% by the previous best automated approach. For comparison, a human pathologist attempting exhaustive search achieved 73.2% sensitivity.” See here.

57 % of Americans can’t write a $500 check

Years of government impositions which punish savers and entrepreneurs have taken their toll on Americans. Social Security, Medicare, and other programs disincentivize people from saving and investing. Near-zero interest rates incentivize debt. Government licensing laws prevent the poor from entering rewarding careers. Minimum-wage laws prevent employers from offering entry-level positions to people needing jobs and skills.

The results are quite predictable. Today, 57% of Americans don’t have enough cash to cover a mere $500 unexpected expense. See here.

In socialist Venezuela, epileptic seizures go untreated

Socialism is a curse that should be wished only on our enemies. Just 20 years ago the people of Venezuela were the wealthiest and freest in South America.

Then the people voted for socialism and more government.

Now Venezuelans watch as their friends and neighbors suffer from epileptic fits and seizures without medicine. See here.

Starving Venezuelan prisoners have killed, cooked and eaten fellow inmates for food. Other Venezuelans have broken into zoos to cook and eat zebras and rare horses.

Western snowpack is now so deep that scientists’ devices can’t measure it

Government “scientists” have been warning for the past 20 years that glaciers are melting and snow is disappearing nationwide due to manmade, CO2-driven global warming. Humans must become socialist, and give governments even more power or we are all doomed, say the official government scientists of the western world.

But here is an interesting story in the USA Today: winter snowpack in the Rockies, Cascades and Sierras is now so deep that government-funded “scientists” can no longer measure it using their normal methods.

Dennis Prager: Universities are the seminaries of modern America

Today’s government-funded colleges and universities deliver a steady stream of elitist, socialist worship of the state.

Writer and higher-education reformer Dennis Prager compares modern government colleges to the seminaries of old Europe, where the Church indoctinated the leaders of western society. See here.

Starving Venezuelans losing 19 pounds per year due to socialism

Just 18 years ago, Venezuela enjoyed the highest standard of living in South America. Then the people voted for socialism.

Now the people of Venezuela eat dogs, cats, donkeys and even giant anteaters for survival. Women and girls prostitute themselves for as little as a tube of toothpaste or a box of diapers. Men die in the streets fighting over dollar bills.

Now a new study finds that 75 % of Venezuelans have lost an average of 19 pounds during the past year.

See here.

Washington State Supreme Court rules that florist must provide flower arrangements for gay wedding–and pay legal fees for fighting court battle!

Of course, people have widely differing views on faith and marriage. Last year the government of the State of Washington ordered a Christian florist in the Seattle area to provide flower arrangements for a gay wedding.

The florist, Barronelle Stutzman, refused to participate in a gay wedding on religious grounds, and challenged the Government’s decree.

Now the Washington State Supreme Court has ruled unanimously that the 72-year-old grandmother must participate in gay weddings. And Stutzman must pay the attorneys fees of the opposing parties. The fees could reach as high as one million dollars. See here.

Whistleblower emerges: Government temp claims were never scientifically verified

More government lies.

Remember last year, just ahead of the Paris climate conference when world governments were preparing to commit untold billions of dollars–taken from their subjects–to government climate-change agencies?

As the Paris meeting began, EVERY major newspaper in the world announced on its front pages that a new U.S. government study found no pause in global warming.

The world was careening toward disaster unless people gave governments more power and control.

Now a NOAA whistleblower named John Bates has come forward to announce that the NOAA “study” consisted of manipulated data and was rushed to publication to spread the government agenda.

The “data” were also kept secret from the public so no one could check them, just as with previous global-warming scares. See here

Multi-year ice in the Arctic is now at a 10-year high

The intrepid data analyst Tony Heller is back with more analysis of satellite data.

Multi-year ice in the Arctic is now higher than at any time in the past 10 years. See here.