Phillippines police squads have killed hundreds; staged false-flag crime scenes

In the Philippines, two police whistle blowers have come forward to report that police unites have received cash payments for executing drug suspects, planted evidence at crime scenes and carried out most of the killings they have long blamed on vigilantes.

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See here.

San Diego spikes minimum wage; 4,000 restaurant jobs lost almost immediately

When the price of any commodity rises, demand falls. This iron law of economics applies even to labor.

Advocates of minimum wage laws (which allow government rather than the market to set wages) believe in a fantasy: that when politicians order wages to increase they are helping poor people.

The reality is precisely the opposite. Minimum wage laws harm the poorest workers above all.

In January 2016, the City of San Diego ordered that the minimum wage be raised from $10 per hour to $11.50 per hour. (The rest of the state raised the minimum wage from $10 per hour to $10.25 per hour.)

“In the year and three months since then, the number of food service jobs in San Diego has dropped sharply, with perhaps as many as 4,000 jobs lost, or never created in the first place.” See here.

Update: New speakers at Upcoming Las Vegas conference! Saturday, April 15, 2017

We have very alarming news to report regarding Ken Medenbach, our scheduled keynote speaker for April 15. Medenbach traveled to Nevada to watch the federal Bundy trial and to speak at Lysander Spooner University’s upcoming symposium. Ken is the world’s foremost authority on the history of judicial oaths and judicial review. Unfortunately, Ken was arrested while entering the federal courthouse in Las Vegas, based upon a claim that he wasn’t supposed to leave Oregon without his probation officer’s permission. (Ken is on probation for a MISDEMEANOR–illegal camping in a national forest.)

We will post updates regarding Medenbach as we receive more info. Ken deserves everyone’s support!

Additionally, Kelli Stewart, one of Portland’s finest motivational speakers and constitutional activists, has had a family emergency and cannot speak in Las Vegas on the 15th.

We have replaced Ken and Kelli with two exceptional lecturers: Neil Wampler and Julie Montiero.

Neil Wampler is a friend of Ken Medenbach and a fellow codefendant in the 2016 “conspiracy” case involving an occupation of the Malheur Wildlife Refuge near Burns, Oregon. Wampler will speak on the modern police state.

Julie Monteiro, RN, B.S.N. is an activist with Cannabis Nurses, a drug-legalization organization headquartered in Las Vegas. Julie will speak on “The War on Drugs as a War on Humanity.”

West Las Vegas Public Library, 951 W. Lake Mead Blvd, from 1 pm to 4 pm.

Government versus Freedom: Scholars Confront Tyranny, April 15 at the West Las Vegas Public Library

Scholars Confront Tyranny
Join us for a star-studded symposium at the West Las Vegas Public Library, 951 W Lake Mead Blvd, 1:00-4:00 pm.

Auctions, book-signings, trivia, and more!
Call Roger at 406-224-3105 for more info!

The market always wins: Americans intuitively exercise ‘school choice’ without realizing it

The market always wins. Every economic regulation creates a black market, and prices and distribution balance out in unpredictable ways.

The brilliant economist John Goodman explains in a new column that Americans actually have ‘school choice’ but don’t realize it.

For example, many parents deliberately locate or relocate into school districts with better schools. They are willing to pay more for life in better school districts. There is one street in Dallas which separates one (good) school district from another (much worse) school district. Houses on either side of the street appear indistinguishable in value from those on the other side.

But homes on one side go for an average of $72,000 more than houses on the other side. See here.

Government is the biggest burglar of all: “asset forfeiture” actions in 2014 took more money than all (nongovernment) burglaries combined

While Americans slept, government has been drastically increasing its numbers of “asset forfeitures” against innocent Americans (who are not charged with any offense). U.S. attorneys seized an estimated $12.6 billion between 1989 and 2010. And the numbers grew rapidly over that period. The growth rate during that time averaged +19.4% annually.

Analysis by Armstrong Economics reveals that in 2014 the Justice Department seized $4.5 billion from Americans. (This is greater than the annual budget of the State of Montana.)

According to the FBI, the total amount of goods stolen in (nongovernment) burglaries in 2014 was $3.9 billion. This means that the police are now taking more assets than the criminals.

See here.

More than 90 % of IRS “structuring” enforcements are aimed at innocent Americans

Some (but not all) Americans are aware that all banks are required to report to the IRS whenever a customer deposits or withdraws cash in the amount of $10,000 or more.

The stated aim of this federal law is to catch criminal activity such as money laundering and drug trafficking.

Often, the IRS swoops in and simply steals the money from bank accounts where someone has deposited $10,000 or more in cash.

A new report by Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration (TIGTA) has found that MORE THAN 90 PERCENT of the accounts and transactions which the IRS steals from are those of innocent restaurant owners, car dealers, merchants or other lawful business people. See here.

Snowpack in western U.S. is far above normal; while government-funded scientists say Spring is coming earlier

For years, government-funded “scientists” have been spreading hysterical apocalyptic claims about manmade global warming.

Only government can save us, these government-funded professors claim. Only by adopting socialism and empowering government can the earth be saved.

Yet glaciers and snowpack in the western U.S. is way above average as spring begins.

See here.

D.C. Daycare Operators Now Required to Have College Degrees

The District of Columbia has decreed that the directors of any licensed “Child Development Centers” — or day care — must have a “Bachelor of Arts (BA) in early childhood education or a BA with at least 15 semester credit hours in early childhood by Dec. 2022.”

The regs also mandate that “teachers” possess at least an “Associate of Arts (AA) in early childhood education or an AA with at least 24 semester credit hours in early childhood by Dec. 2020.” What the non-state’s Office of the State Superintendent of Education calls “assistant teachers” must have a “Child Development Associate (CDA) by Dec. 2018.”

The regs will further increase costs for the working poor and incentivize the creation of more useless, unnecessary and fake government-supported college “education” programs.

Justice Department has been unlawfully recording visits between prisoners and their defense lawyers

One of the most fundamental rights of a prisoner is the right to have candid attorney/client visits protected by the attorney/client privilege.

Jails and prisons assure defense lawyers that their visits with inmates will be unrecorded. Lawyers and prisoners commonly wonder (only half-jokingly) if prison facilities are secretly recording their visits. (As the courts have virtually collapsed as protectors of defendants from the government.)

Now it has been revealed that federal prison facilities at Leavenworth, Kansas–along with the U.S. Justice Department–have been recording and monitoring the visits of federal inmates with their defense lawyers.

Federal prosecutors have thus been able to know defense strategy, sabotage defenses, and otherwise wrongly convict dozens or hundreds of inmates. (The DOJ denies using the recordings for that purpose.)

See this story from a Topeka newspaper (which is quite favorable to the government).

See also this more balanced report by the Daily Beast.

The Daily Beast story reveals that CoreCivic and Securus—the two companies providing inmate phone service at the prison (at exorbitant prices)–have been accused of violating inmates’ constitutional rights at other institutions. Someone hacked Securus in 2015 and released 70,000 recordings to The Intercept, which found some 14,000 attorney-client conversations in the database.