Martin Armstrong and the American justice system

Those of us with the most intimate knowledge of the U.S. justice system are well aware of its absurdities and failings. But few have thought about the evils of the U.S. criminal courts as much as Martin Armstrong.

Now Armstrong is out with a brilliant essay on American justice that is worth reading.

“Only an idiot accepts government allegations as fact in any case,” says Armstrong.

The problem, according to Armstrong, is the law of absolute immunity, which protects agents of the U.S. government from liability.

Obamacare spiked insurance premiums 24% last year

The “Affordable Care Act” caused health insurance premiums to increase 24 % last year.

And Americans now have fewer health insurance choices. The average number of insurers offering health insurance in most markets has gone DOWN from 5.9 in 2015 to 3.9 today.

Some government trusters blame Trump, who has been president for 3 months. See here.

Americans grow weary of tyranny: cops now turning to less aggressive policing techniques

The Washington Times is reporting on a poll of police officers nationwide. See here.

It seems that officers are ‘de-policing’ as anti-cop hostility becomes the ‘new norm’ for long-suffering Americans.

Years of seeing cops yell and shout at the American people, kick in their doors, shoot their dogs, and kill and hurt their friends and neighbors have taken their toll.

Multi-year ice in the Arctic has tripled in a decade

Government agencies have spent the past 20 years in a scheme to promote more government power, socialism and control. The government’s apocalyptic manmade-global-warming-by-CO2 story requires deception and fakery by government “science” agencies.

Even while government and government trusters are claiming that ice in the Arctic is melting, actual satellite data show multi-year ice has TRIPLED in just a decade. See here.

Billings Gazette features fake photos of Greek “austerity”

The Billings Gazette delivers a steady stream of pro-government content.

Today, May 4, 2017, the Gazette featured a typical smattering of pro-government news commentary, local business stories and feature stories.

But at the bottom of the Gazette’s webpage there appeared a photo feature entitled: “Here’s what seven years of Greek austerity looks like.” See here.

“Austerity” means cuts in government spending and benefits. The Gazette’s photo feature showed scenes of homeless people sleeping on sidewalks, soup lines, and Greek families struggling in poverty.

While the pictures may show real homelessness and poverty in Greece, they do not depict, realistically, the effects of “austerity.” There hasn’t been any to speak of.

The Greek government spent much of the past few generations doing precisely what the editors and reporters of the Billings Gazette promote: growing government, creating new government agencies, and establishing government welfare and entitlement programs. When Greek officials became unable to pay the government’s debts, they turned to begging, complaining and protesting against more solvent creditor nations.

The Wikipedia page “Greek government-debt crisis countermeasures” provides details of the actual reforms made by Greek governors in recent years: such things as selling government-owned companies, limiting the growth of government salaries, raising VAT (value added taxes) from 5% to 5.5%, from 10% to 11% and from 21% to 23%, mild cuts to public employee benefits, and tax increases.

Although the word “austerity” appears frequently as a curse word among government trusters, it exists almost nowhere in the western world–no matter how badly it is needed.
–Roger Roots

Americans elect Republicans to cut government, and get . . . more government

Vast majorities of American voters have spoken. They want smaller, less intrusive government.

For years, Americans have elected “conservative” Republicans who promise to cut government.

Now, finally, Republicans control BOTH chambers of Congress, the presidency, the Supreme Court, the majority of state legislatures and the majority of state governorships.

But the most recent budget agreement passed by Congress grows government at a pace even greater than the previous budgets of Obama and the Democrats.

MIT climate scientist Richard Lindzen: Belief that CO2 controls global temperature is like belief in magic

“Science is a mode of inquiry rather than a belief structure,” according to legendary MIT climate scientist Richard Lindzen.

But many modern people are in the habit of claiming that their own beliefs about manmade global warming represent “science.” Moreover, an immense modern movement to SUPPRESS scientific inquiry has been launched in the name of science. See here.

The U.S. has the highest tax rates in the developed world

America rose to greatness and prosperity because of its low taxes, property rights and culture of nonregulation.

Over the past century, however, trusters of government have fundamentally altered America’s governmental structure.

Today, American economic growth is stagnant, and prosperity is increasingly elusive. See here.

Climate “scientists” call for boycott of New York Times after the Time hires climate skeptic writer

Government-funded climate “science” is more about politics and religious faith than about subjecting scientific hypotheses to rigorous testing or analysis.

Now one of the America’s most obnoxious and government-funded “climate scientists”–Michael E. Mann of Penn State–is cheerleading for a boycott by government-trusters against the New York Times.

The New York Times, according to Mann, has hired one (1) columnist who questions the government’s apocalyptic global-warming theory. See here.

New CIA director declares war on free speech rather than on actual adversaries of the United States

The Washington Post has published an essay by the courageous Julian Assange about Mike Pompeo, the new director of the CIA.

In “his first speech as director of the CIA,” according to Assange, Pompeo “chose to declare war on free speech rather than on the United States’ actual adversaries.” See here.

Pompeo described WikiLeaks as a “non-state hostile intelligence service.”