America’s government-approved education system increasingly produces illiterate citizens

The great Professor Walter E. Williams has authored a startling column: “Is College Education Worth It?”

“According to the National Conference of State Legislatures . . . studies have found anywhere from 28 percent to 40 percent of students enroll in at least one remedial course” upon entering college.

“Only 25 percent of students who took the ACT in 2012 met the test’s readiness benchmarks in all four subjects (English, reading, math and science).”

And there is a strong correlation between needing remedial education upon entry and failing to graduate.

“The fact of business is that colleges admit a far greater number of students than those who test as being college-ready.”

Williams cites a study at the University of North Carolina where it was found that 60 percent of the 183 members of the football and basketball teams read between fourth- and eighth-grade levels. “About 10 percent read below a third-grade level.”

Today, “1 in 3 college graduates have a job historically performed by those with a high-school diploma or the equivalent.”

See here.

Spanish government (upon orders of Turkish government) arrests journalist for “terrorism”

Every government that ever existed has sought to equate dissent and criticism with terrorism or treason.

Untold thousands of humans have been arrested, subjected to mock trials, and/or executed for saying or writing things which their masters in government did not like.

Throughout European history, thousands were burned at the stake, hanged or tortured for heresy.

English history is replete with examples of pamphleteers who were hanged.

And governments frequently work together to hunt and apprehend dissenters and rogue journalists.

Modern Turkey, under the ‘leadership’ of Erdogan, has imprisoned more than a hundred journalists whose reports were critical of the regime.

Now there is word that Spain (with its own blood-stained history of press repression) has arrested an exiled Turkish journalist upon orders of Turkey. See here.

Andrea Parker confirmed as speaker at upcoming symposium

Lysander Spooner University’s upcoming “Despotism and Defiance” Symposium in downtown Las Vegas will feature a nationally recognized speaker and criminal justice lecturer: Andrea Parker.

Andrea Parker is the wife of Eric Parker, accused defendant in the Bunkerville (Bundy conspiracy retrial) case currently under way at the Las Vegas federal courthouse.

Andrea Parker has previously lectured on the prison industrial complex at Lysander Spooner University’s “Government Versus Freedom” conference on April 15th of this year. Her lecture was received with a standing ovation.

Be there! 7 dollars at the door, 6:00 pm at “Camp Liberty,” 1217 S. 4th Street, Las Vegas, Nevada.

Pro-government extremist site “” cannot pay its rent

U.S. government agencies such as the FBI and CIA have been secretly funding pro-government “journalists” for years.

But when government subsidies are stripped, pro-government media “news” sources frequently have trouble paying their bills.

Here is a new report that the pro-government extremist news and commentary site “” cannot pay its rent. pushes a steady stream of socialist and elitist advocacy of government central planning.

Government policies create shortage of primary care doctors

A free market in health care would immediately produce high quality medical goods and services at prices so low that even the poorest Americans could afford them without insurance.

But our masters in government have long imposed a slave-plantation level of control and regulation on the industry.

Becoming a doctor requires as much as $400,000 investment and almost a decade of government-approved education.

Now there is a looming need for 90,000 primary-care physicians across the United States. See here.

New Speakers Announced for August 12 Symposium

Amazing roster of speakers and lecturers for Lysander Spooner University’s “Despotism and Defiance” Conference.

Saturday, August 12, Las Vegas, Nevada downtown, 1217 S. 4th Street, just north of the Stratosphere at “Camp Liberty.”

Nationally recognized researchers and activists will discuss current threats to American liberty.

$7 at the door appreciated.

Maureen Peltier, army veteran turned freedom activist, will speak on recent efforts to create “Camp Liberty” in downtown Las Vegas
James (“Jamie”) Landin, liberty advocate and fellow “Camp Liberty” founder will also speak
Shelly Shelton, Tony Shelton, and Fayth Shelton, Nevada freedom advocates
Deb Jordan, producer of the Pete Santilli Show and Guerilla Media,
Shawna Cox, author and former accused Malheaur Occupier
Dr. Roger Roots, Founder of Lysander Spooner University, “The law of treason and the 1st Amendment”
John Lamb, LSU Professor of Journalism
Brand Thornton, minister, scholar and constitutional historian

Obamacare has caused millions to lose health care. Many have died.

“Obama and those in his administration knew that more than 40%-67% of those people in the individual market would likely lose their plans” at the time they were pushing Obamacare.

The Act has already added hundreds of billions of dollars to America’s national debt.

“The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) reported that between 2012 and 2022, the cost of Obamacare would be twice as expensive as the $900 billion price tag that Obama placed upon it.”

Proponents of the Act promised insurance premiums would go down. But premiums have increased in all 50 states. “In 42 states, premiums increased by triple-digit percentages for the lowest priced coverage.” See here.

In 33 of 50 states, there are fewer insurers than before Obamacare. And numerous people have died due to the Act.

The FDA has killed millions, saved only a few thousand

Government programs and agencies always achieve the very opposite of their stated purposes.

Antipoverty programs impoverish. “National security” efforts make societies less secure. Health and safety regulations make people less healthy and safe.

Here is a website dedicated to tallying the numbers of Americans who have died because of FDA-approved drugs, vaccines and medical devices. These deaths (820,000) are ADMITTED by the FDA itself.

Of course, for every acknowledged death there are numerous more which go unnoticed or not properly attributed. The site suggests that actual numbers of deaths from FDA-approved medications is likely 5 to 100 times greater.

Mind you, the FDA (“Food and Drug Administration”) was started to ensure that pills and medical products are safe and government-inspected.

Also, the numbers of people killed by FDA-approved medications probably pales in comparison to the numbers who have died BECAUSE THE FDA PREVENTED LIFE-SAVING TREATMENTS AND MEDICATIONS FROM COMING TO MARKET. This figure is certainly in the millions.

Experts say that getting FDA approval to market a new drug or device costs a company HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS of dollars, if not a billion dollars.

Announcing new symposium: “Despotism and Defiance,” Saturday, Aug. 12, Las Vegas, NV

Lysander Spooner University proudly announces a new scholarly symposium tentatively scheduled for Saturday, August 12 at “Camp Liberty Annex,” 1217 4th Street, downtown Las Vegas, NV.

Stimulating lectures, debates, and networking.

Speakers to include:

* Maureen Peltier, freedom activist

* James “Jamie” Landin,

* Dr. Roger Roots

* (others to be announced).

Tentatively scheduled for 6:30 p.m.

Bring your lawn chairs and your open minds; and prepare to be inspired and informed!

Unlike many modern, government-supported universities, Lysander Spooner University will never impose a speech code.

$7 at the door much appreciated.

Congress passes “bipartisan” bill to grow government by subsidizing hearing aids

Republicans have been winning elections for years with promises to limit government. They now control the majority of legislatures and governor’s mansions across the country as well as both branches of the U.S. Congress, the presidency and (arguably) the majority of judgeships (at the state levels, at least).

The people want cuts in government, taxation, and regulation.

Yet “Last week, a Hearing Aid Bill passed in the house and the Over-the-Counter-Hearing Aid Act of 2017 has been presented in the Senate.” See here.

This bill will subsidize hearing aids. Although it is presented with claims that this will bring prices down, THE MOST BASIC LAWS OF ECONOMICS HOLD THAT IT WILL MAKE HEARING AIDS MORE EXPENSIVE.

Just like Medicare, Medicaid and other laws which subsidize “health care,” this proposal will increase demand without increasing supply, causing prices to rise. People who would not otherwise purchase a hearing aid will line up to get them. Manufacturers will have a new captive market, and will lose incentives to produce cheaper, high-quality products.