There is increasing evidence that Google, Facebook and Twitter are censoring climate skepticism and colluding with each other in doing so

During the final years of the Obama Administration, executives at Google, Facebook and Twitter were regularly meeting with Obama in the White House.

Not long after, all 3 internet giants (which together rake in more than 85% of all online ad revenue) began promoting the “net neutrality” concept for a government takeover of the internet, as well as the government’s “fake news” meme.

In the past year, all 3 internet dominators launched initiatives to weed out supposedly “fake news”–based on a notion first announced by the CIA-funded Washington Post that “the Russians” were spreading fake news in U.S. media.

Now we see that these pro-government corporations regard any skepticism of the government’s apocalyptic-manmade-global-warming-by-CO2 claims as “fake news.”

Leo Goldstein of Watts Up With That? has authored an interesting report that suggests the major pro-government internet corporations are now COLLUDING with each other in their censorship decisions regarding “climate change” skepticism.

Hundreds of thousands flee socialist California

North Koreans flee to China. East Germans fled to West Germany. Cubans flee to Florida.

We recently reported that 33,000 people fled socialist Illinois in the past year, and some 247,410 people left Illinois over the past decade, taking some $13.7 billion with them. Illinoians are some of the most heavily-taxed people on earth.

Now Forbes magazine has reported that since socialist Gov. Jerry Brown was sworn in as governor of California, 243,099 people have fled California for other states, taking $7.794 billion with them.

Russian satellites capture U.S. training “ISIS”

U.S. intelligence agencies have been caught repeatedly funding, supplying, and training the very “terrorists” that U.S. taxpayers are then duped into “fighting.”

(Of course, almost every other world government has also engaged in such false flag operations.)

U.S. neocons and warhawks in government office use the excuse of ‘terrorists’ to justify constant erosions of the American Bill of Rights. And many of the ‘terrorists’ cited by U.S. intelligence agencies are undercover U.S.-funded operations.

Today’s Yahoo News has broken the story of yet another apparent false-flag training operation in progress. Russian satellites have reportedly captured “ISIS” terrorists being trained at a U.S. military base near Syria. See here.

United ‘first class’ seats are now mostly reserved for government employees–and higher-level government officials apparently bump lower level government workers to ‘economy’ seating as needed

As private-sector Americans struggle for existence, government officials and workers continue to gain wealth and privilege.

Here is a story published in the London Daily Mail (U.S. ‘mainstream’ news outlets have ignored it) about a school teacher who purchased a first-class seat on a United flight.

The school teacher was told before the flight that her ticket had been canceled, and was given a $500 voucher and a seat in the economy class (where poorer, nongovernment, travelers are seated).

The teacher noticed as she walked past seat 1A (which she had initially purchased) that the seat had been taken by Congresswoman Shiela Jackson Lee, a constant advocate of expansive, intrusive government who masquerades as a champion of the poor.

In socialist Venezuela, food trucks must now be escorted by military guards

Socialism is a curse that should be wished only on a hated enemy. Any society that adopts it will inevitably become sick and weak.

Just 4 decades ago, Venezuela was one of the wealthiest economies in the world. It was 12 times wealthier than China, and by some measures was the 4th richest country on earth. Its people enjoyed the longest life expectancy in South America.

Then the people voted for more government, and trusted government to control and distribute all goods and services in the economy.

Today, life in Venezuela is a daily struggle for survival on the streets, while a wealthy elite controls all resources.

Children work as prostitutes while babies die of hunger and malnutrition. The environment is increasingly devastated and deforested.

As reported by The New York Times, things have gotten so bad there that food transports cannot move without a military escort.

What’s worse, the country’s most vulnerable citizens — it’s children — are starving to death at a much higher rate than the adult population, which is also high:

With delivery trucks under constant attack, the nation’s food is now transported under armed guard. Soldiers stand watch over bakeries. The police fire rubber bullets at desperate mobs storming grocery stores, pharmacies and butcher shops. A 4-year-old girl was shot to death as street gangs fought over food.

See here.

Every claim behind “campaign finance reform” is untrue

In 2010 the Supreme Court decided Citizens United v. FEC, which struck down a small number of “campaign finance” laws–or at least their application–on First Amendment grounds.

Trusters of government went into hysterics. They claimed the Supreme Court had ruled that corporations are people, and that the Supreme Court had pronounced that money is speech in every instance.

(Of course laws which limit spending on political pamphlets and ads DO infringe on freedom of press, and corporations are–for some purposes–legal persons which can hire, fire, pay taxes, sue, be sued, create books and movies and publish news, websites, ads and information.)

And most of the “corporations” which fund political ads are NONPROFIT ideological groups such as the NRA or the NAACP. (and their influence on election outcomes can always be debated.)

Chief among the “campaign finance reform” advocates has been the New York Times, a FOR-PROFIT CORPORATION which buys its ink by the 55-gallon drum. The Times has been a consistent cheerleader for government expansion and intrusion into every aspect of human life.

And this year the Times actually came out openly as something of a pro-government Super Pac (but which is not subject to the campaign finance laws the Times promotes).

The Times’ editorial board changed the bio on the opinion section’s Twitter account to inform the public that it was “temporarily taking over” the feed to lobby against the Senate GOP tax bill. The board then proceeded to tweet out the phone numbers of various Republican senators and implored the public to deluge their offices with phone calls, “to urge the Senate to reject a tax bill that hurts the middle class & the nation’s fiscal health.”

See here.

Veterans Administration violates medical regulations

Regulation kills. For decades, government policymakers at state, local and federal levels have piled regulations onto the medical industry. Combined with government subsidies, these policies have sent health care costs spiraling upward faster than inflation every year for decades.

Recently the USA Today reported that even government “health care” operations such as the Veterans Administration have had to violate regulations in order to function. The VA has been hiring doctors with revoked medical licenses for years.

(Of course, the licensing laws have been imposed because lobby groups such as the American Medical Association (AMA) deliberately seek to enrich themselves by limiting the market of medical professionals.)

VA officials may have cut corners to address widespread failures to treat veterans, which were publicized throughout 2014 and 2015.

The VA Inspector General admits that hundreds of thousands of veterans may have died as a result of VA wait lists. In Los Angeles, nearly 100 veterans died waiting for health care between October 2014 and August 2015. There’s also another report that links veteran suicides to neglect.

Government scientists rage at slight Trump budget cuts

Study after study shows that when government pays for science, that “science” tends to be very expensive, very inefficient, and biased in favor of government. This can be seen in numerous fields including welfare policy, education, health care and climate science.

Dr. Roger Roots, the founder of Lysander Spooner University, documented the inefficiency of government-funded “science” in an insightful 2013 study.

Dr.Terence Kealey found that government funding of science results in very few important discoveries. He published his findings in The Economic Laws of Scientific Research (1996).

On December 22, the Washington Post published the headline “Government scientists blocked from the biggest meeting in their field.”

The story went on to detail that the Trump Administration recently capped government attendance at the annual meeting of the American Geophysical Union, the largest gathering of Earth, space and climate scientists in the world.

Last year some 450 government scientists from the Interior Department attended and read their research papers at the conference. This year, the Trump Administration decreed that

no more than 199 employees across the department could travel to the meeting, and expenditures could not exceed $399,000.

Thousands flee socialist Illinois

The State of Illinois has increased taxes, fees and regulations on its long-suffering subjects for years.

Now Illinoians are some of the most heavily-taxed people in the world. Their socialist overlords have so bankrupted the State that businesses and workers are fleeing.

Now Illinois has been passed by Pennsylvania as the 5th most populous state. See here.

U.S. life expectancy declines for second year in a row as government takes larger role in “health care”

Where societies are free, life expectancy grows steadily. Abundance, nutrition and technological advancement drive humans to ever-higher standards of health and wellbeing.

But since 1965, the U.S. government has taken an ever-larger role in “health care” and welfare. Now the medical market is more than half socialist. Government slave-plantation health care operations have driven medical costs steadily upward, and faster than the rate of inflation every year for decades.

Consequently, U.S. life expectancy is declining. Last year was the second year in a row in which life expectancy declined.

NBC “news”–which has been secretly supported by millions of dollars from the federal government for years–blames the trend on “epidemic drug overdoses.”