Australian professor fired by government university for global warming skepticism

James Cook University, a public university and the second oldest university in Queensland, Australia, has fired Professor Peter Ridd for climate skepticism and related “misconduct.” See here.

Social Security impoverishes: One-third of Americans have less than $5,000 saved for retirement.

A new study by Northwestern Mutual finds that one-third of Americans have less than $5,000 set aside for retirement.

21% of Americans have no retirement savings at all.


Many workers don’t save for the future because they assume they can live on Social Security. But that’s a dangerous, misguided assumption. In a best-case scenario, Social Security will replace about 40% of the average earner’s pre-retirement income. Most seniors, however, need double that amount to live comfortably.

See here.

Tens of thousands secretly arrested, detained in Chinese indoctrination camps

There are reports that tens–and perhaps hundreds–of Chinese muslims are being held in secret Chinese “indoctrination camps” in the far-western reaches of China.

Most appear to be arrested secretly, without warrant or court process, ans whisked away to the secret camps, where they are often tortured.

Detainees are made to denounce their religious beliefs and swear allegiance to the Communist Party and the Chinese government.

Deputy who cowered at school shooting will retire with $104,000 pension at age 55

Scott Peterson, the 55-year-old deputy who reportedly cowered outside while an alleged school shooter allegedly murdered dozens inside a Parkland, Florida school, will reportedly receive a six-figure pension for the rest of his life. See here.

Peterson retired in disgrace but is due to collect more than $104,000 a year plus benefits.

Peterson is typical of growing numbers of massively paid, millionaire government bureaucrats who appear to manifest hatred and contempt for private-sector Americans.

Two of the largest recent mass-slaughters of Americans were reportedly committed by retired or undercover government agents. Steven Paddock, a millionaire IRS worker, is said to have opened fire on hundreds of country music listeners in Las Vegas in October 2017. Omar Mateen, an undercover FBI asset, reportedly murdered 49 people at the Pulse Nightclub in Orlando, Fla., in June 2016.

Anthropologist: modern universities breed conformity rather than intellectual curiosity

Many have wondered why most college professors conform to stereotype: hopelessly closed-minded worshippers of elitist, ‘leftist’ ideology.

David Graeber, a professor of anthropology at the London School of Economics and Political Science, suggests in a recent book that the structure and norms of university life breed conformity.

Something about the experience of grad school, the job market, and pre-tenure trials ends up rendering 99 percent of even the most secure academics utterly incapable of meaningful rebellion. It’s a matter that surely deserves sociological analysis. The tenure system is ostensibly there to give professors the security to experiment with potentially dangerous ideas. Yet somehow the process of obtaining it reduces a good proportion of the most perceptive and sophisticated human beings our society produces to a state in which they can’t imagine what a dangerous idea would even look like.

A summary of these points in the Chronicle of Higher Education can be found here.

Ten years ago, CBO estimated that Congress would run a $151 billion surplus in 2017. Instead, they ran a $665 billion deficit.

Ten years ago, The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) estimated that Congress would run a $151 billion surplus in 2017. Instead, the U.S. ran a $665 billion deficit.

Now the CBO projects $12.4 trillion in additional debt over the next decade.

This represents a more than 50 percent increase to the current national debt, which has already blown past $21 trillion. See here.

New Report: 1 in 6 seniors are millionaires

An astounding new report about American demographics has been summarized by Bloomberg News service. See here.

Average wealth for retirees has risen more than 100 percent since 1989, to $752,000, and the share of those who are millionaires has doubled.

Also, more retirees—62 percent—are enjoying life without physical or cognitive limitations, according to the data. That number is up from 49 percent in 1963.

Thus, most seniors COULD work.

These astounding findings are significant and show that federal programs such as Social Security and Medicare are regressive. They transfer resources from the poor (i.e., the young) to the rich (i.e., the old).

Also, such programs transfer resources from Blacks, Native Americans and Latinos to Whites. This is because whites have relatively longer live expectancy.

In fact, Social Security and Medicare are second only to the institution of slavery in terms of being the biggest programs in American history that transfer resources from Blacks to whites.

50 year anniversary of “The Population Bomb” hoax

This month marks the 50th anniversary of the publication of Paul Ehrlich’s “The Population Bomb.” The book catapulted Ehrlich to superstardom among the world’s scientists, and remains one of the all-time science bestsellers.

Yet the past 50 years of knowledge and human development have proven the book to be fundamentally false. See here.

“Ehrlich prophesied that hundreds of millions would starve to death in the 1970s (and that 65 million of them would be Americans), that already-overpopulated India was doomed, and that most probably “England will not exist in the year 2000.”

As a cure, Ehrlich recommended expanding the powers of world governments to control populations. Sterilization, forced abortions, and one-child policies were a few of Ehrlich’s recommendations. Governments such as that of China subscribed to and adopted Ehrlich’s claims.

Thomas D. Williams writes that “The enduring power of alarmist theories such as Ehrlich’s, which somehow survive being exposed as utterly false, should give people pause before embracing similar theories and their practical corollaries, even when based on ‘settled science.'”

Professor John Lamb in Bozeman hospital after collision

Lysander Spooner University’s top professor of journalism, John Lamb, was involved in a serious traffic accident earlier today near Three Forks, Montana. Professor Lamb–known widely as “the last free man”–became a Youtube and Facebook sensation over the past two years while covering the Bundy trials and related government corruption.

John is now in an intensive care unit at Bozeman Deaconess Hospital.

Dr. Roger Roots visited Professor Lamb briefly. Lamb has more than a dozen broken bones and severe internal injuries.

Nonetheless John was able to talk and appears to be improving.

Lets all pray and wish John a quick and full recovery.

Tens of thousands have died due to Canadian single payer health care

If the power of freedom and capitalism were unleashed on medical care, societies would quickly become strong and healthy at low cost.

But governments around the world have choked their subjects with slave plantation style health care.

The Canadian government imposes a government monopoly on medicine, prohibiting Canadians from buying medical treatment.

A new study by the Fraser Institute estimates that tens of thousands have died from waiting for treatment in Canada. The median waiting time for patients in Canada from referral by a general practitioner to the date of actual treatment was 21.2 weeks in 2017. This is 128% longer than in 1993, when it was just 9.3 weeks.

Taxes and spending for the deadly government program are skyrocketing.