McClatchy Newspapers announces 500 job cuts

McClatchy has been an organ of government deception and propaganda for years

The McClatchy newspaper chain, which owns the Miami Herald and many other government-supporting newspapers, continues to lose subscribers and influence.

This week the newspaper chain announced it is cutting 500 jobs–ten percent of its workforce.

The chain has pushed socialism, taxes, and government growth for decades. Recently unclassified documents show that Miami Herald reporters worked as CIA propaganda operatives during the Cold War.

Wall Street Journal publishes article on federal employees “considering leaving government work”; can’t identify A SINGLE employee who actually left

During the recent federal “government shutdown,” hundreds of news stories reported on the tearful plight of federal “workers” who were temporarily laid off.

Hundreds of good samaritans, charities and businesses offered free goodies and giveaways to the furloughed government workers. Many municipalities, school districts, and universities held job fairs specifically aimed at getting alternative jobs to laid-off federal employees.

Now, a week after the “shutdown” ended (and all the furloughed employees are getting huge backpay checks), the Wall Street Journal has published a news story entitled: “During Shutdown, Federal Employees Considered Leaving Government Work.” The subtitle: “Budget fight and resulting worker furloughs touched off wave of searches on job websites.”

The news story painstakingly detailed results of “surveys” of government workers indicating they “considered” leaving government work.

But the article COULD NOT IDENTIFY A SINGLE federal employee who actually took another job instead of returning to the government after the “shutdown” ended.

Federal workers are generally paid two- to three times what they would make for the same work in the private sector. Their benefit packages include weeks of paid vacation annually and extravagant health and retirement benefits.

The next Paris will be Australia: voters’ patience with “climate change” impositions is wearing thin

CENTRAL PLANNERS WORLDWIDE WERE STARTLED weeks ago when the voters of France descended onto Paris streets wearing government-mandated yellow vests in a massive protest against the French government’s numerous carbon taxes enacted (supposedly) to “fight” manmade global warming.

The yellow vest protests brought the French government to its knees. French president Macron was forced to rescind some (but not all) of his “climate change” impositions.

Worldwide, the promoters of apocalyptic-manmade-global-warming-by-CO2 hysteria have identified their greatest enemy: voters.

Promoters of the hysteria are now rethinking about how to impose their will upon others.

In Australia, the central planners have enacted one “climate” tax and regulation after another.

According to Joanne Nova, Australia Wins The Global Patsy Award for 2019. Australia is doing more, paying more, suffering more and yet will make almost no difference to the global emissions tally in anything other than a purely symbolic impress-your-dinner–guests kind of way.

Australian energy prices have spiked along with its carbon taxes and regulations. Consequently, at least three recent Australian prime ministers have been removed by popular outrage in recent years.

Expect further uprisings in the near future.

“Mainstream” journalism sheds another thousand jobs

With the rise of credible “alternative” news sources, consumers will no longer pay for pro-government “mainstream” “news” content.

Yesterday, Verizon Media announced cost-cutting efforts at a wide variety of its media holdings. Buzzfeed, Gannett, AOL, Yahoo, HuffPost and other “mainstream” (meaning government supported and supporting) all laid off employees.

See here.

On a related note, all Microsoft-programming mobile devices will soon come equipped with browser programming which automatically filters out “unreliable” “news” sources. In practice this will almost certainly mean that alternative, non-government-approved information will be shadow banned.

Newsweek published a climate change article saying certain Mexican glaciers had disappeared; it failed to mention that the disappearance was caused by volcanic eruptions.

Global warming alarmists routinely predict that permanent ice and snow in the Arctic and Antarctic will soon disappear. But before Climate Change makes the glaciers near the poles disappear, it must first melt the glaciers in the tropics.

Yes, there are actually many glaciers and permanent snowfields in the mountain ranges between the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn. Indeed there are glaciers near the summit of Kilimanjaro just a few miles from the equator.

There are some two dozen glaciers in Mexico, all of which are south of the Tropic of Cancer. Just as with elsewhere, prevailing news reports have predicted that the Mexican glaciers will all disappear within the next two decades. A March 30, 2018 Newsweek article entitled “Glaciers in Mexico may Disappear Completely by 2023, Scientist Warns,” quoted Mexican glaciologist Hugo Delgado Granados as saying that all ice bodies on Iztaccihuatl (Mexico’s 3rd-highest mountain) will likely disappear “in five or 10 years.” Thus, by 2023 to 2028.

The same Newsweek article stated that “glaciers atop Popocatépetl [Mexico’s 2nd-highest peak] had become extinct” by 2001. Readers are left with the impression that climate change is to blame for this “extinction.” But Popocatepetl’s massive volcano erupted in 1994, blasting all glaciers on the mountain to smithereens. Numerous eruptions since then have kept glacier activity on the mountain to a minimum. The Mexican government has banned all climbing on Popocatepetl since 1994.
The omission of this most basic fact—that Popocatepetl’s glaciers became “extict” not from climate change but from volcanic eruptions—can only be described as misleading.

Nicaragua’s most famous journalist flees to Costa Rica

Nicaragua’s socialist government has been terrorizing newspaper and TV reporters for the past two years. Armed raids of news stations has become a fixture of life in Nicaragua.

Now even Carlos Fernando Chamorro–the most famed reporter in the country, and an heir to the prominent conservative family which formerly ruled the country–has gone into exile citing President Ortega’s media crackdown. Armed police raided and ransacked his newsroom in what experts called the latest chapter of the country’s slide into autocracy under President Daniel Ortega.

See here.

(The assassination of Chamorro’s grandfather, popular newspaper editor Pedro Joaquín Chamorro in 1978, ignited the country in days of rioting.)

Now the French government is firing LIVE ROUNDS at carbon tax protesters

Governments are prepared to shoot to kill in order to impose carbon taxes on resisting populations.

Government elites are quite unsettled over the ongoing Paris yellow-vest protests against the “global warming” carbon taxes.

Word is out that thousands of jobs at Land Rover and Porsche–preferred car makes for government ministers–may be threatened by the public’s disdain for the carbon taxes.

London’s Independent newspaper has scrubbed its most downloaded article in its history–“Snowfalls are now just a thing of the past”

“Climate science” is an area of relentlessly shifting claims, predictions, and threats. Hundreds of bizarre, apocalyptic claims have been made by governments and government-supported scientists pursuing the catastrophic-manmade-global-warming-by-CO2 theory.

Now the innovative journalist James Delingpole reports that the most ludicrous “news” article in the history of London’s Independent newspaper–the March 2000 article with the headline “Snowfalls are now just a thing of the past”–has been “mysteriously erased” from the Independent’s online archives.

While worldwide snow cover varies from year to year, overall snow cover has been increasing over the past 10 winters.


January 1, 2019. Mexico City. Lysander Spooner University is the world’s foremost institution of higher learning investigating pan-governmental claim that manmade-global-warming-by-carbon-dioxide is destroying the Earth’s ecosystems. Trillions of dollars have been spent by governments and government-supporting NGOs to promote worldwide fear that the earth is experiencing or will soon experience environmental collapse due to the use of petroleum and coal products. These organizations generally promote a socialistic agenda which aims to essentially nationalize (or even globalize) the world’s energy industries and impose further taxes on the overtaxed people of the earth.
Since 2015, Lysander Spooner University has been investigating government claims that the glaciers in the northern Rockies are melting away due to manmade global warming. University researchers have discovered that the glaciers in Glacier National Park appear to have grown since 2009. This growth appears to have been especially strong since 2015.
Even as governments predict that ice in the Arctic is disappearing, there continue to be large numbers of glaciers thousands of miles to the south, including near the equator and Tropic of Cancer.
Government-supporting media have mostly ignored the presence of these glaciers in the tropics. To the extent that such tropical glaciers are mentioned in news reports, they are described as being in a state of imminent peril.

Dr. Roger Roots is currently in Mexico’s glacier country (essentially the highest volcanos east of Mexico City) in order to launch a systematic, periodic survey of the glaciers. Dr. Roots’ initial investigation will focus on getting a layout of the landscape for future reference.

“Climate science” papers are mostly about politics

by Roger I. Roots, J.D., Ph.D., founder of Lysander Spooner University

Many of my friends are true believers in the prevailing pan-government theory that manmade-global-warming-by-carbon-dioxide will soon cause the earth to melt down and all or most humans to fry and die on the surface.

Interestingly, they avoid actual scientific debate on the subject. The ‘debate,’ such as it is, is over politics and guilt. Almost all who ‘believe’ in the theory most earnestly want to see an end to ‘capitalism.’

The socialist writer Naomi Klein–who authored several bestsellers calling for the abolition of capitalism during the 1990s and 2000s–leaped onto the ‘global warming’ bandwagon with her book “This Changes Everything,” which (of course, again) called for the abolition of capitalism to “fix” the alleged global warming “crisis.”

A recent review of the most-read “scholarly” “science” articles of 2018 reveals that the ‘best-sellers’ were peer-reviewed papers which called for worldwide socialism with a small bit of ‘science’ language thrown in. For example, the most-read ‘climate science’ article of 2018 called for a “deep transformation based on a fundamental reorientation of human values, equity, behavior, institutions, economies, and technologies.”