More Asian governments enacting “fake news” laws to imprison critics

The Los Angeles Times has a chilling story about the growth of “fake news” laws and prosecutions across Asia.

Thailand, Taiwan, Cambodia, and other southeast-Asian governments are enacting or expanding their laws to crackdown on private news and social media which criticizes governments.

In China and Vietnam, the governments already own or license all media, so control is more direct. “China’s 2017 Provisions for the Administration of Internet News Information Services require that online news providers reprint information from government-approved organizations without changing the content.”

Even in Singapore, where there is a tradition of more freedom, “legislators are considering regulations to strengthen media controls that are already in place. Journalists can now be jailed for libel, threats to national security or “ill will” against religious or racial groups, Reporters Without Borders said.”

Deep state journalism’s gatekeeper attacks alternative news for lack of ethics and professionalism; writes book filled with plagiarism, factual errors

by Roger Roots

Mainstream journalism is in its death throes. In the information age, consumers just won’t pay for tired news content extolling the virtues of big-government establishment institutions. ‘Mainstream news’ is becoming so marginalized that it isn’t even, well . . . mainstream anymore. It is the voice of a small minority of elitist central planners.

And virtually every adversarial inquiry into the funding behind mainstream (generally meaning government supporting and supported) journalism has found that much mainstream journalism is secretly bought and paid for by government agencies.

As mainstream news institutions are shedding hundreds of jobs, the backlash in news rooms centers around claims that independent media upstarts are “unprofessional,” purveyors of conspiracy theories or even sources of “fake news.”

But now mainstream news’ loudest gatekeeper, who is publishing a book called “Merchants of Truth: The Business of News and the Fight for Facts,” is identified as a two-bit plagiarist and a downright sloppy reporter.

Jill Abramson attacks and condemns modern alternative news sources as scandalous, simplistic and headline obsessed. She insists on “standards” and laments the job-hunting difficulties of Columbia School of Journalism grads.

But according to Michael Moynihan of Vice, Abramson’s book is little more than a collection of stolen paragraphs, unchecked sources and outright untruths.

“The irony here,” according to Sean Illing of VOX, “is impossible to miss: a book that talks at length about journalistic ethics and praises legacy media titans like the New York Times and the Washington Post while lambasting new media companies like Vice and BuzzFeed for sloppy reporting that is, well, filled with errors and what appears to be very sloppy reporting.”

See here.

Microsoft’s “NewsGuard” tool to ‘weed out fake news’ is controlled entirely by Deep State Operatives

Over the past two years, major government-supporting media have (simultaneously, it seems) pronounced a need to cleanse their platforms of “fake news.”

This push seems to correspond with Deep State investigations into “Russia collusion,” marginalization of Julian Assange and Wikileaks and a general effort by the establishment to limit public discourse to the confines of “mainstream news.”

Major tech platforms such as Youtube, Google, Twitter and Facebook have culled and censored hundreds of libertarian and right-of-center content sources. Much of this self-censorship seems, on the surface, to be against the self-interests of the platforms themselves. When Youtube banned Alex Jones Infowars programming, it was banning THE MOST VISITED CHANNEL ON YOUTUBE.

Now, Breitbart News is investigating Microsoft’s latest “anti-fake-news” operation (which Microsoft calls “NewsGuard”).

It turns out NewsGuard’s ‘experts’ on identifying ‘fake news’ are all ENTRENCHED DEEP STATE OPERATIVES who have been caught spreading fake news themselves.

NewsGaurd has banned many barely-edgy content sources as purveyors of fake news, including even Drudge Report, Breitbart and the Daily Mail.

Most mainstream outlets, even those with a record of publishing fake news, are rated as reliable sources of information.

According to Bretibart, “NewsGuard has also rated stories which have been proven to be fake news as trustworthy, while rating the fact-checking articles of those news pieces as untrustworthy.”

As reported by Breitbart News’ John Nolte, some fake news stories rated as trustworthy by NewsGuard include, “Rolling Stone’s 2014 hoax about a gang rape at the University of Virginia (UVA),” “BuzzFeed’s debunked lie about President Trump telling his then-personal attorney, Michael Cohen, to lie to Congress,” “The Washington Post’s debunked hoax about Russia hacking Vermont’s utility grid,” “The lie about first lady Melania Trump being an illegal alien,” and “The lie about Trump changing the name of Black History Month.”

“NewsGuard’s board is packed with neoconservative figures and former U.S. intelligence operatives, most of whom are alumni from the administrations of George W. Bush, Bill Clinton, and Barack Obama.”

One member of NewsGuard’s advisory board, General Michael Hayden, previously worked as a National Security adviser where he argued incessantly for greater government surveillance over the U.S. population.

Socialist elite of Venezuela live like kings while the population starves

The London Daily Mail is out with a scandalous report on the children of Venezuela’s socialist “leaders.” See here.

“The rich kids of Venezuela’s socialist elite know nothing of the misery their parents have wreaked on their country.”

“Socialist revolution leader Hugo Chavez’s oldest daughter Maria Gabriela is rumoured to be Venezuela’s richest woman, with a personal fortune of more than 4 billion dollars, hidden in bank accounts Europe.”

While the people of Venezuela dig through garbage cans for food and survival, the children of the country’s socialist leadership are known to blow $45,000 for hotel stays in Paris and Madrid.

Venezuela’s internet goes down during anti-government speeches and protests

Venezuela’s socialist government regulates and licenses all internet providers.

During recent anti-government protests and speeches by President Maduro’s political challenger, the internet went down for most of the country’s subjects.

See here.

Venezuelan death squads have killed over 500

Just 50 years ago, Venezuela was one of the 6 wealthiest countries on earth. Its people enjoyed the highest standard of living in Latin America.

Then around 2000, Venezuelans began voting for socialism.

Now millions have fled the socialist hellhole. Hundreds of thousands have died of hunger and disease.

New York Times reports that Venezuelan dictator Maduro is now deploying death squads to crush dissent and eliminate those who attend protests against him.

McClatchy Newspapers announces 500 job cuts

McClatchy has been an organ of government deception and propaganda for years

The McClatchy newspaper chain, which owns the Miami Herald and many other government-supporting newspapers, continues to lose subscribers and influence.

This week the newspaper chain announced it is cutting 500 jobs–ten percent of its workforce.

The chain has pushed socialism, taxes, and government growth for decades. Recently unclassified documents show that Miami Herald reporters worked as CIA propaganda operatives during the Cold War.

Wall Street Journal publishes article on federal employees “considering leaving government work”; can’t identify A SINGLE employee who actually left

During the recent federal “government shutdown,” hundreds of news stories reported on the tearful plight of federal “workers” who were temporarily laid off.

Hundreds of good samaritans, charities and businesses offered free goodies and giveaways to the furloughed government workers. Many municipalities, school districts, and universities held job fairs specifically aimed at getting alternative jobs to laid-off federal employees.

Now, a week after the “shutdown” ended (and all the furloughed employees are getting huge backpay checks), the Wall Street Journal has published a news story entitled: “During Shutdown, Federal Employees Considered Leaving Government Work.” The subtitle: “Budget fight and resulting worker furloughs touched off wave of searches on job websites.”

The news story painstakingly detailed results of “surveys” of government workers indicating they “considered” leaving government work.

But the article COULD NOT IDENTIFY A SINGLE federal employee who actually took another job instead of returning to the government after the “shutdown” ended.

Federal workers are generally paid two- to three times what they would make for the same work in the private sector. Their benefit packages include weeks of paid vacation annually and extravagant health and retirement benefits.

The next Paris will be Australia: voters’ patience with “climate change” impositions is wearing thin

CENTRAL PLANNERS WORLDWIDE WERE STARTLED weeks ago when the voters of France descended onto Paris streets wearing government-mandated yellow vests in a massive protest against the French government’s numerous carbon taxes enacted (supposedly) to “fight” manmade global warming.

The yellow vest protests brought the French government to its knees. French president Macron was forced to rescind some (but not all) of his “climate change” impositions.

Worldwide, the promoters of apocalyptic-manmade-global-warming-by-CO2 hysteria have identified their greatest enemy: voters.

Promoters of the hysteria are now rethinking about how to impose their will upon others.

In Australia, the central planners have enacted one “climate” tax and regulation after another.

According to Joanne Nova, Australia Wins The Global Patsy Award for 2019. Australia is doing more, paying more, suffering more and yet will make almost no difference to the global emissions tally in anything other than a purely symbolic impress-your-dinner–guests kind of way.

Australian energy prices have spiked along with its carbon taxes and regulations. Consequently, at least three recent Australian prime ministers have been removed by popular outrage in recent years.

Expect further uprisings in the near future.

“Mainstream” journalism sheds another thousand jobs

With the rise of credible “alternative” news sources, consumers will no longer pay for pro-government “mainstream” “news” content.

Yesterday, Verizon Media announced cost-cutting efforts at a wide variety of its media holdings. Buzzfeed, Gannett, AOL, Yahoo, HuffPost and other “mainstream” (meaning government supported and supporting) all laid off employees.

See here.

On a related note, all Microsoft-programming mobile devices will soon come equipped with browser programming which automatically filters out “unreliable” “news” sources. In practice this will almost certainly mean that alternative, non-government-approved information will be shadow banned.