Another Climate Heretic Comes Under Government Investigation


For a decade, governments worldwide–already gorged on money and power–have been demanding ever more power under the guise of climate policy. Untold millions–and probably billions–of dollars taken by force from taxpayers have been channeled into research and development of alleged climate science which supports expansive government control over industry and commerce. The most common tool of this government-funded research and development has been modeling: university professors supported by government grants punching hypothetical numbers into computer models.

Unfortunately for the world’s governments, the actual temps appear to be trending lower than even the lowest government-supported-computer-model predictions. And a few scientists have been brave enough to voice disagreement. Such scientists are threatened with loss of career rewards and even physical violence and death in some cases.

Now we hear that another climate blasphemer, professor Roger Pielke Jr. of the University of Colorado Boulder, is under investigation by a member of the government. The top Democrat on the House Committee on Natural Resources, Rep. Raul Grijalva of Arizona, has sent a formal letter to Professor Pielke’s university demanding information about any private sources of funding behind Professor Pielke’s research. This comes in the wake of similar witchhunts last week into the funding sources of another noteworthy science heretic, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics scientist Wei-Hock “Willie” Soon.

China Employs More than 100,000 Bureaucrats To Regulate the Internet


In the wake of this week’s takeover of the internet by the FCC, paleolibertarian economist Gary North points to a 2013 Economist article reporting that the government of China employs 100,000 government workers to monitor and regulate Chinese internet users. (We think that number is probably quite low.)

Gary North writes today that “The FCC is not in a position to hire 100,000 bureaucrats.”

North continues: “The genie is long out of the bottle. . . . The Internet has stayed ahead of all regulators. It will continue to do so.”

“The essence of bureaucracy is this combination: lack of innovation, lack of courage, lack of vision, lack of long-term planning, and lack of collective IQ.

Government is dumb.”

Courts Continue Abandoning Surveillance Restrictions, While Congress and the President Slowly Abandon Plans to Limit NSA


February 27, 2015. In the immediate wake of Edward Snowden’s revelations that the NSA is unconstitutionally intercepting, seizing and storing virtually every American email and phone record, there were many promises by congressional candidates and President Obama to stop the NSA’s mass surveillance. Now, months later, a federal court has again renewed an order allowing the National Security Agency to continue its bulk collection of Americans’ phone records.

The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance (“FISA”) Court approved this week a government request to keep the NSA’s mass surveillance of U.S. phone metadata operating until June 1, coinciding with when the legal authority for the program is set to expire in Congress.

The extension is the fifth of its kind since Obama said he would effectively end the Snowden-exposed program as it currently exists during a major policy speech in January 2014.



We often hear of “American exceptionalism.” America has been—since its inception—the world’s flagship of freedom, property rights, invention and capitalism. Hard work and ingenuity has fueled thousands of economic miracles, and produced a nation of unparalleled abundance and prosperity. The poor in modern America live better than the kings and queens of Europe a hundred years ago.
But recent economic data reveals a rapidly changing country. “In the 14 years between 1998 and 2012,” writes veteran Washington insider Terence P. Jeffrey in a recent column, “government spending in the U.S. more than doubled in current year dollars.” Analyzing data from the White House Office of Management and Budget and the Census Bureau, Jeffrey revealed the following startling facts from 2012:


Did you catch that? Government spending per person is now substantially higher than the median income of full-time American workers. Obviously this means that a mathematical majority of Americans are now “on the dole” (at least to some extent) and that a shrinking sector of the population (“the rich” as politicians might call them) are paying much more than their shares. In fact, America has increasingly become like most of the countries of the earth. Half of the population lives off of the other half—through government.

Government licensing obstacles now keep most of the poor from rising. It takes 1500 hours of government-approved “training” just to get a barber license in Nebraska. Merely getting a CDL truck-driving license now requires a seven- or eight-step process, annual inspections, medical checkups, etc., etc., etc.

Meanwhile those in government have hit the lottery. Seven of the richest ten counties in the United States are the counties surrounding Washington, D.C. where overpaid bureaucrats live in large numbers. A federal employee is now statistically more likely to die than to quit. The pay and benefits for government workers have become so high that hundreds now apply for most entry-level federal job openings. If you visit your local bookstore you will find multiple books on “How to get a federal job,” “Applying for a Federal Job,” etc.

The same phenomenon can be seen in the government employee parking lots of Lincoln, Pierre, Cheyenne or Helena. Hummers. BMWs. Mercedes. This while many Americans hold their pickups together with duct tape and baling wire.

In just a short while, America has been transformed into a society like most others on earth. Is there anyone who doubts that politicians will soon seek to make us bow before government employees? And—trust me—not long after we get used to bowing, we will be made to kneel.

Washington Post: Earth could soon cease to be a “safe operating space” for humans


On January 15, the Washington Post published a story claiming that “At the rate things are going, the Earth in the coming decades could cease to be a “safe operating space” for human beings.” Citing a published paper in the journal “Science,” the article suggested that “we have already crossed four “planetary boundaries”: “the extinction rate; deforestation; the level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere; and the flow of nitrogen and phosphorous (used on land as fertilizer) into the ocean.”

Capitalism is blamed for “destabilizing the global environment.” Although the article (citing the paper) claims it doesn’t offer proposed solutions, it suggests that government “leaders” may be able to save humanity by having more power.

FCC “Net Neutrality” Takeover Will Turn Internet into a Government Licensing Scheme


In the wake of yesterday’s powergrab of the internet by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), we should all refamiliarize ourselves with the way innovation in telecommunications was arrested by FCC control over telephone companies. For decades, the telephone industry has been under FCC regulation. And for much of the 20th Century, Bell Telephone enjoyed something of a government-licensed monopoly.

As Reason Magazine’s Nick Gillespie writes in an essay entitled, “3 Charts That Show The FCC is Full of Malarkey on Net Neutrality and Title II”:

[T]hink about how the delivery of the Internet has evolved, first from a university-based system to early commercial providers using phone lines, then to various types of fixed connections (such as DSL and coaxial cable and increasingly fiber and mobile services). Does anyone think that in 2035 we’ll be getting the Internet via a cable that pops up in your living room and also provides televison programs? What increased regulation almost always does is freeze into place existing structures and business models. Certainly that’s the case with telephony, where the heavily regulated Bell monopoly fought hard, and for a long time very successfully against all sorts of innovation, from alternative methods of long-distance delivery to accessories such as answering machines to letting people own (rather than rent) their phones. “Communism is a drag, man,” Lenny Bruce riffed. “It’s like one big telephone company.”

Socialists and Government Bullies Everywhere Are Cheering the FCC’s “Net Neutrality” Takeover of the Internet


For several years, trusters of expansive intrusive government have sought to impose what they call “net neutrality”–a government regulatory structure–upon the internet. Ridiculously, some of them claim they are trying to “free” the internet and keep it “open.” Who exactly is threatening to enslave or close the internet? Why, the private sector; or capitalism; or certain big corporations.

Today, February 26, 2015, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) voted 3 to 2 to impose such a government regulatory takeover of the internet.

The ever-insightful Ron Paul described the situation fairly accurately:

Today the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), a non-elected federal government agency, voted three-to-two to reclassify broadband Internet as a common carrier service under Title II of the Communications Act. This means that – without the vote of Congress, the peoples’ branch of government – a federal agency now claims the power to regulate the Internet. I am surprised that even among civil liberties groups, some claim the federal government increasing regulation of the Internet somehow increases our freedom and liberty.

The truth is very different. The adoption of these FCC rules on the Internet represents the largest regulatory power grab in recent history. The FCC’s newly adopted rule takes the most dynamic means of communication and imposes the regulatory structure designed for public utilities. Federal regulation could also open the door to de facto censorship of ideas perceived as threatening to the political class – ideas like the troops should be brought home, the PATRIOT Act should be repealed, military spending and corporate welfare should be cut, and the Federal Reserve should be audited and ended.

The one bright spot in this otherwise disastrous move is that federal regulations making it more difficult to use the Internet will cause more Americans to join our movement for liberty, peace, and prosperity. The federal government should keep its hands off of the Internet!

The Entire History of “State Secrets Privilege” is Based on Fraud


Today the U.S. government is constantly invoking “State Secrets Privilege” to shut down lawsuits against the government and keep the American people from knowing the truth about government affairs. When Americans file lawsuits against the government or its blood-brother corporate agents, the government asserts “state secrets privilege” to force the courts to throw out the lawsuits. The government claims that even answering or discussing lawsuits about unconstitutional surveillance, spying and invasions of privacy would imperil national security and alert ISIS (or other bogeyman threats, most of which are creations of western intelligence agencies) to the government’s defense operations.

But the “state secrets privilege” was invented by fraud. The privilege was first officially recognized by the U.S. Supreme Court in United States v. Reynolds, 345 U.S. 1 (1953). The case involved widows of three civilians (RCA employees, actually) who died when a military airplane they were riding in crashed in Georgia. The widows filed suit and sought discovery of the accident reports. The U.S. government refused to provide the accident reports, claiming that to release such details would threaten national security by revealing the bomber’s top-secret mission. For the first time, the federal courts adopted the idea of “state secrets privilege,” and shut down the lawsuit.

There was language in the U.S. v. Reynolds opinion suggesting that the privilege would never be “lightly invoked.” However, the U.S. government has asserted the privilege on hundreds of occasions in recent years, in order to have lawsuits against itself and its coconspirators dismissed.

In 2000, the Georgia accident reports were declassified and released, and it was found that the assertion that they contained secret information was fraudulent. The reports did, however, contain information about the poor condition of the aircraft itself, which would have been very compromising to the Air Force’s case.

Federal Government Making Plans For Major Takeover of Internet

A dozen sources indicate that our “masters” in government in Washington are preparing to launch a major push for so-called “net neutrality” policies to regulate the internet. This socialist model will spread the stink and stain of government over the internet in a manner similar to the way governments have long controlled utilities.

If adopted, the net neutrality legislation/executive action will turn the internet over to government regulators in Chinese style.

For years, government supremacists have chaffed under the freedom of expression and discussion that prevails on the internet. Without controlling the internet, socialists will never be able to achieve their dream of slave-plantation-level thought and property control. Government insiders have been spreading a false claim that the internet is in danger of being monopolized by a small number of private firms who will then (in this fantasy dream world) keep out small, poor websites by discriminating in favor of well-funded websites.

Of course there is UTTERLY NO EVIDENCE OF SUCH A THREAT.marx_dees

Beware of Government-Funded Attacks on Privately-Funded Science


The government-worshipping website is reporting that certain manmade-global-warming-skeptical scientists who have testified before committees of Congress regarding the (non)threat of manmade climate change are now under investigation by the government for being nongovernmentally funded.

As most Lysander Spooner University students know, the vast majority of what passes for scientific research in the area of climate change is government funded and promoted. Government research money floods through the channels of scientific research, scientific journals and research-grant “peer review.” This explosion of government money produces a steady stream of alleged science which supports demands for more socialism and government power. is reporting that U.S. Rep. Raúl Grijalva (D-AZ), the top Democrat on the House Natural Resources Committee, recently sent letters to seven universities, requesting information on professors who have testified before Congress on global warming. The letters are designed to intimidate as much as to request information. They speak of “external funding” in a near-perjorative sense, suggesting that good, government-approved scientists should never accept private research grants or support.

Under particular fire is Wei-Hock Soon, a scientist at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics. According to, “Soon claims that variations in the sun’s energy are likely to blame for global warming.” (Shocking!) “It turns out,” says the pro-government website, “that he has been paid over $1.2 million by the fossil fuel industry to have these views. He has also failed to disclose the conflict of interest in the majority of his scientific articles, according to the New York Times.”

Such language sounds as if Professor Soon has been accepting “fossil fuel industry” research support in secret and then deceiving scientific journals regarding such support. However, anyone familiar with scholarly publications knows that most of the journals do not request acknowledgments of all sources of funding in an author’s life, but merely request sources of funding that directly supported the study or studies being submitted for publication. This concerted effort to taint Professor Soon’s research can be viewed as part of a large-scale government agenda to discredit all but government-funded scientific research.

Of course, the vast majority of important scientific discoveries and inventions have come from private funding, while government-funded science is notoriously inefficient and unproductive. During the period when the Wright Brothers were privately inventing aviation, the U.S. military was directing hundreds of thousands of tax dollars into unsuccessful research aimed at producing a steam-powered airplane.