Socialists and Government Bullies Everywhere Are Cheering the FCC’s “Net Neutrality” Takeover of the Internet


For several years, trusters of expansive intrusive government have sought to impose what they call “net neutrality”–a government regulatory structure–upon the internet. Ridiculously, some of them claim they are trying to “free” the internet and keep it “open.” Who exactly is threatening to enslave or close the internet? Why, the private sector; or capitalism; or certain big corporations.

Today, February 26, 2015, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) voted 3 to 2 to impose such a government regulatory takeover of the internet.

The ever-insightful Ron Paul described the situation fairly accurately:

Today the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), a non-elected federal government agency, voted three-to-two to reclassify broadband Internet as a common carrier service under Title II of the Communications Act. This means that – without the vote of Congress, the peoples’ branch of government – a federal agency now claims the power to regulate the Internet. I am surprised that even among civil liberties groups, some claim the federal government increasing regulation of the Internet somehow increases our freedom and liberty.

The truth is very different. The adoption of these FCC rules on the Internet represents the largest regulatory power grab in recent history. The FCC’s newly adopted rule takes the most dynamic means of communication and imposes the regulatory structure designed for public utilities. Federal regulation could also open the door to de facto censorship of ideas perceived as threatening to the political class – ideas like the troops should be brought home, the PATRIOT Act should be repealed, military spending and corporate welfare should be cut, and the Federal Reserve should be audited and ended.

The one bright spot in this otherwise disastrous move is that federal regulations making it more difficult to use the Internet will cause more Americans to join our movement for liberty, peace, and prosperity. The federal government should keep its hands off of the Internet!

The Entire History of “State Secrets Privilege” is Based on Fraud


Today the U.S. government is constantly invoking “State Secrets Privilege” to shut down lawsuits against the government and keep the American people from knowing the truth about government affairs. When Americans file lawsuits against the government or its blood-brother corporate agents, the government asserts “state secrets privilege” to force the courts to throw out the lawsuits. The government claims that even answering or discussing lawsuits about unconstitutional surveillance, spying and invasions of privacy would imperil national security and alert ISIS (or other bogeyman threats, most of which are creations of western intelligence agencies) to the government’s defense operations.

But the “state secrets privilege” was invented by fraud. The privilege was first officially recognized by the U.S. Supreme Court in United States v. Reynolds, 345 U.S. 1 (1953). The case involved widows of three civilians (RCA employees, actually) who died when a military airplane they were riding in crashed in Georgia. The widows filed suit and sought discovery of the accident reports. The U.S. government refused to provide the accident reports, claiming that to release such details would threaten national security by revealing the bomber’s top-secret mission. For the first time, the federal courts adopted the idea of “state secrets privilege,” and shut down the lawsuit.

There was language in the U.S. v. Reynolds opinion suggesting that the privilege would never be “lightly invoked.” However, the U.S. government has asserted the privilege on hundreds of occasions in recent years, in order to have lawsuits against itself and its coconspirators dismissed.

In 2000, the Georgia accident reports were declassified and released, and it was found that the assertion that they contained secret information was fraudulent. The reports did, however, contain information about the poor condition of the aircraft itself, which would have been very compromising to the Air Force’s case.

Federal Government Making Plans For Major Takeover of Internet

A dozen sources indicate that our “masters” in government in Washington are preparing to launch a major push for so-called “net neutrality” policies to regulate the internet. This socialist model will spread the stink and stain of government over the internet in a manner similar to the way governments have long controlled utilities.

If adopted, the net neutrality legislation/executive action will turn the internet over to government regulators in Chinese style.

For years, government supremacists have chaffed under the freedom of expression and discussion that prevails on the internet. Without controlling the internet, socialists will never be able to achieve their dream of slave-plantation-level thought and property control. Government insiders have been spreading a false claim that the internet is in danger of being monopolized by a small number of private firms who will then (in this fantasy dream world) keep out small, poor websites by discriminating in favor of well-funded websites.

Of course there is UTTERLY NO EVIDENCE OF SUCH A THREAT.marx_dees

Beware of Government-Funded Attacks on Privately-Funded Science


The government-worshipping website is reporting that certain manmade-global-warming-skeptical scientists who have testified before committees of Congress regarding the (non)threat of manmade climate change are now under investigation by the government for being nongovernmentally funded.

As most Lysander Spooner University students know, the vast majority of what passes for scientific research in the area of climate change is government funded and promoted. Government research money floods through the channels of scientific research, scientific journals and research-grant “peer review.” This explosion of government money produces a steady stream of alleged science which supports demands for more socialism and government power. is reporting that U.S. Rep. Raúl Grijalva (D-AZ), the top Democrat on the House Natural Resources Committee, recently sent letters to seven universities, requesting information on professors who have testified before Congress on global warming. The letters are designed to intimidate as much as to request information. They speak of “external funding” in a near-perjorative sense, suggesting that good, government-approved scientists should never accept private research grants or support.

Under particular fire is Wei-Hock Soon, a scientist at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics. According to, “Soon claims that variations in the sun’s energy are likely to blame for global warming.” (Shocking!) “It turns out,” says the pro-government website, “that he has been paid over $1.2 million by the fossil fuel industry to have these views. He has also failed to disclose the conflict of interest in the majority of his scientific articles, according to the New York Times.”

Such language sounds as if Professor Soon has been accepting “fossil fuel industry” research support in secret and then deceiving scientific journals regarding such support. However, anyone familiar with scholarly publications knows that most of the journals do not request acknowledgments of all sources of funding in an author’s life, but merely request sources of funding that directly supported the study or studies being submitted for publication. This concerted effort to taint Professor Soon’s research can be viewed as part of a large-scale government agenda to discredit all but government-funded scientific research.

Of course, the vast majority of important scientific discoveries and inventions have come from private funding, while government-funded science is notoriously inefficient and unproductive. During the period when the Wright Brothers were privately inventing aviation, the U.S. military was directing hundreds of thousands of tax dollars into unsuccessful research aimed at producing a steam-powered airplane.

Dutch City Removes All Traffic Signs; Traffic Accidents Go Down

imagesWe were recently alerted by a essay about how traffic safety actually improves when traffic controls are decreased. American car traffic is tremendously overregulated; and there are way too many traffic cops on the roadways.

Within the link is the mention of a Dutch city of 50,000 people, Drachten, which stripped its streets of all traffic signals and signs in the past decade.

Germany’s largest-circulation magazine, Der Speigel reported in 2006 that the number of accidents in Drachten “declined dramatically” after the open traffic design was implemented – See more at:

17,000 Federal employees made more than $200,000 last year


Statistically, a federal worker is now more likely to die than to quit. Federal employees are so overpaid that there are multiple books on the shelves of most bookstores on the topic of how to get a federal job.

Those who work in the federal government have hit the lottery. As the American middle class is drained of its wealth and it becomes harder to start businesses or earn a good living in the private sector, America’s wealth is rapidly moving into the public sector.

Now the National Journal reports that at least 17,000 federal workers made more than $200,000 from the taxpayers last year. America is increasingly a landscape of marble and oak-paneled government palaces surrounded by shanty towns and trailer parks occupied by the private sector.

Savers Continue To Be Punished


If you save anything in modern America, you are an absolute fool. For years, the Federal Reserve Bank has set interest rates well below “natural” levels. (In a free lending market, private banks would tend to charge substantially more interest per dollar lent, and savers could expect substantially higher rates of return for keeping their savings with banks.)

Since the economic recession of 2008, the Federal Reserve has set interest rates at near zero. (Interest rates were already well below natural rates.) This is a powerful incentive to borrow, and a very powerful incentive NOT to save. On February 24, 2015, Fed Chair Janet Yellen announced that the Central Bank would not be hiking rates for the next couple quarters.

In practice, zero-percent interest rates mean that it COSTS BANKS MONEY TO HOLD PEOPLES’ SAVINGS. On the same day the Fed announced it would not raise interest rates, J.P. Morgan bank announced it will start charging its big clients to keep their money in savings.

Savers who keep their money in banks will increasingly find that those banks will CHARGE them fees rather than PAY any interest.


mhikerDr. Richard Lindzen is an American atmospheric physicist and retired Alfred P. Sloan Professor of Meteorology at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. In an important interview, Lindzen states (beginning around 7:20) that:

The trouble is all of us scientists are government employees—even if we’re working for private universities. All research is supported by the government. As such we’re very sensitive to what politicians say and believe. That’s a shortcoming.

You have to figure out how to fund science in a way that there are no incentives to artificially promoting things.
When you hear for instance a scientist saying ‘the science is settled,’ you know the person has stepped out of the science.
Whenever you see someone say—instead of answering arguments—‘how could so many people agree if it weren’t true?’ That should be a red flag.

Great Lakes “likely to have the most ice since records began,” says meteorologist


Meteorologist Joe d’Aleo has studied the weather of the Great Lakes for years. On February 20, 2015, d’Aleo stated that the current state of ice on the Great Lakes is likely greater than at any time since records began.

Medicare Has Cost Ten Times More Than Government Predicted

change4th_deesMedicare was pitched in 1965 as being economically responsible. Its promoters in Congress estimated that the Medicare bill would cost $1.1 billion for the following two years. The day after the bill was signed into law, its costs were widely estimated to be $6.5 billion over a decade. The House Ways and Means Committee said Medicare would cost $12 billion by 1990.

But actual costs of Medicare in its first decade were double the estimates: $13.2 billion. And by 1990, Medicare had cost $98 billion, not $12 billion.

Today Medicare costs at least $457 billion PER YEAR–more than ten times the original estimates–even when inflation is factored in. These figures are from the U.S. Office of Management and Budget’s “President’s Budget: Historical Tables” (2010).