What do Americans Fear Above all other Things? Government Corruption


Our masters in government routinely propagandize us to surrender ever-more freedom and deliver ever-more power to government officials.

But a new Chapman University poll shows Americans list “government corruption” as THEIR GREATEST FEAR.

Fear of government corruption is ranked above “terrorism,” crime, financial insecurity, climate disaster and every other potential threat. See TIME Magazine story here.

Fear of government is quite logical, given that the average person in the world is far more likely to be killed by his own government than by any other source. See here.

Vast Billions Appear to be Missing From “Affordable Care Act” Treasuries


It is not unusual for government programs with immense budgets to “lose” large amounts of money. Government agents are known to siphon off money for use on fine dining, fancy hotels, payoffs and kickbacks and the occasional new deck or swimming pool in the back yard.

But according to Mytheos Holt (see here), several BILLION DOLLARS are missing from various “Obamacare”-network treasuries, or have been spent without explanation.

Holt suspects that vast millions may have been spent on propaganda efforts, on campaigns promoting Obamacare, and on payoffs to state officials in exchange for “supporting” the program.

Government’s “War on Terror” Now Focusing on Americans as Targets


Every government ultimately comes for all property, all money, all freedom, and to kill all who resist.

Yesterday, the U.S. Justice Department announced a major new program and office dedicated to surveilling Americans and targeting so-called “home-grown” terror threats. See here.

As many observers predicted, the vast “War on Terror” has come home. Those who criticize expansive, intrusive government are known be high on the list of those targeted.

Previously-leaked secret government documents have already characterized libertarians, third-party voters and constitutionalists as “domestic extremists.” See here.

Social Security has Redistributed Hundreds of Billions of Dollars from Blacks to Whites


A 1996 Rand study authored by Constantijn Panis and Lee Lillard found that the average Black male loses approximately $10,000 to Social Security over his lifetime. Because Blacks have lower average life expectancy than whites, most of this money is transferred to white people.

Social Security ranks second only to the institution of slavery as history’s most evil mechanism for forcibly robbing blacks of their resources and delivering those resources to whites.

Here is a link to the study.

Nixon demanded that all photos of other presidents be removed from Executive Office Building


Alexander P. Butterfield, former deputy in the Nixon Administration, recounts the following story:

On Christmas Eve 1969, Nixon walked through the Executive Office Building adjacent to the White House to wish employees a merry Christmas. Nixon discovered that some employees had prominently displayed photographs of President John F. Kennedy. Nixon was furious and ordered that all photos of other presidents be removed.

Unearthed Nixon Memo: 10 Years of total control over Vietnam Airspace Achieved “Zilch”


The hubris and arrogance of governments and government officials is rarely realized by the officials themselves.

Conventional wisdom among political scientists suggests that when governments achieve TOTAL domination and control over others, great achievements and accomplishments are just moments away.

Yet the opposite is true.

Take, for example, “total institutions” such as prisons. One might think that they would produce perfect, er . . . “corrected” people. Yet all history shows prisons produce the worst of all human beings.

Take, for example, the Soviet Union–the “workers paradise”–according to Marxists. It was actually hell on earth for workers and the poor.

Now a recently-surfaced memo shows the thoughts of U.S. President Richard Nixon on Jan. 3, 1972 about the U.S.’s total control of Vietnamese airspace.

We have had 10 years of total control of the air in Laos and V.Nam. The result = Zilch. There is something wrong with the strategy or the Air Force.”

(Just one day earlier, Nixon told CBS News that “the results [of U.S. air force actions in Vietnam] have been very, very effective.”)

See here.

New study: Government Regulations are the PRIMARY Reason Why the Poor Cannot Launch Businesses


Trusters of the state often decry the gap between the rich and the poor and call for socialist policies to cure this allegedly growing gap. Specifically, they demand ever-more taxation and wealth redistribution, along with greater and greater levels of regulation on industry.

But those very policies are the CHIEF REASON why the poor cannot narrow the gap.

Socialism inevitably benefits the rich, and entrenched business interests, while keeping the poor from getting started in business. See the study here.

Americans overwhelmingly want a LESS powerful government but are not getting it


Is libertarianism a fringe ideology, pushed by a tiny minority?

Since 2002, Gallup has been asking Americans if they think the government is too powerful. Today, Gallup published its polling data for 2015.

Fully SIXTY PERCENT now say the federal government has too much power. See here.

The view that the current federal government has about the right amount of power is a minority–almost fringe–view, held by a mere 32 percent.

Average federal “worker” is compensated almost $120,000 annually


The USA Today reported in 2011 that statistically, federal employees are more likely to die than to be fired or laid off. The federal government fires only about one-half of one percent of its workers annually–compared to the the private sector, which fires about 3% of workers annually.

“White-collar federal workers,” the USA Today reported, “have almost total job security after a few years on the job. [In 2010] the government fired none of its 3,000 meteorologists, 2,500 health insurance administrators, 1,000 optometrists, 800 historians or 500 industrial property managers. Several huge agencies, such as the 1,800-employee Federal Communications Commission and the 1,200-employee Federal Trade Commission didn’t lay off or fire a single employee [in 2010]. The SBA had no layoffs, six firings and 17 deaths in its 4,000-employee workforce.

Now a new Cato Institute report finds that Federal pay averaged $84,153 in 2014, compared to an average in the private sector of $56,350.

And when pension, medical and other benefits are added, federal employees averaged an astounding $119,934 in 2014, which was 78 percent higher than the private-sector average of $67,246.

This places the AVERAGE federal employee near the “one-percenter” category that some people claim are controlling the country. See here.

Medicare’s promoters in 1965 promised the program would cut medical costs


When Medicare was enacted in 1965, Congress projected its costs into the future, and estimated that it would cost $3 billion dollars by 1990.

Actual cost in 1990 was $98 billion.

Today the program costs taxpayers more than $500 billion annually.

Government officials consistently underestimate entitlement costs, refusing to recognize that medical entitlements artificially increase demand, causing prices to rise.

Because of Medicare (and Medicaid), American health care costs have risen faster than inflation every single year for more than 40 years. See this Medicare fact page.

And Medicare has apparently done little to improve the overall health of retirees. Today’s American seniors are actually sicker than their predecessors in earlier generations. See here.

Studies of those on Medicaid show such people generally have no better health outcomes than IF THEY HAD NO HEALTH INSURANCE WHATSOEVER. See here.