Who Needs Data? TIME Magazine already predicting 2016 will be the hottest year on record!


Climatedepot.com reports that TIME Magazine recently (before 2016 even began) pronounced that 2016 will be the “hottest year on record.” See here.

Edward Snowden Exposes French “ISIS” Video as Fake


The CIA and other western intelligence agencies have been producing fake “Islamist” videos for years. Edward Snowden recently tweeted that a recent widely-viewed “ISIS” video was actually produced by “SITE,” a CIA front group. See here.

Government purports to issue “travel ban” for New York City


Under the Constitution and Bill of Rights, every person has freedom of movement and travel. Such rights are fundamental, natural rights, and it was once understood that any person had a right to use violence against any government official who tried to interfere with them. Including deadly violence if necessary.

(Don’t believe me? Read Roger Roots’ “The Originalist Case for the Fourth Amendment Exclusionary Rule” (providing numerous court citations from the 1800s).)

On January 23, 2016, various government officials in New York–including at least the governor and the mayor of New York City–purported to issue a “travel ban” for the people of the City, in response to a massive snow storm. News outlets like the USA Today seemed to report this story as nothing unusual. See here.

The NYC mayor, known as an extreme socialist and powermonger, decreed that parents would be “permitted” to let their children play in the snow, but only near their homes under tight supervision.

New York Police Department officials tweeted that citizens, . . .er, subjects caught out on the streets would be arrested.

The Weekly Standard seemed to recognize the “ban” for what it was: a declaration of martial law in response to a snowstorm:

Martial law has been declared in New York City.

See here.

Governments of the Middle Ages Killed 50,000 Witches for Causing Climate Change


In this video, Dr. Sallie Baliunas, Staff Astrophysicist at the Harvard Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, discusses her research into the “climate change” hysteria that spread across Europe between the 1500s to the 1700s.

Authorities prosecuted witches for acting with Satan to cause strange weather. Witch trials were administered by the most highly educated upper level clerics and governmental authorities.

Skeptics were considered sorcerers or witches and were tortured until they confessed. Then they were executed.

Government-funded computer models have thus far not been able to predict temperatures for even short 10-year periods

Paul Dreissen posts a tribute to the wonderful Australian scientist Bob Carter, who died of a heart attack last week. See here.

Carter exposed a number of climate-change claims as fraudulent. He documented that IPCC computer climate models have thus far not been able to predict warming or other climate changes accurately for even short 10-year periods. It is therefore highly unlikely that they can do so for 100 years in the future. Therefore, they should not be used as the basis for energy and economic policies.

“Alternative Energy”: California government to charge taxpayers millions to build electric-car charging stations


There seems to be a religious hatred among government trusters against fossil-fuel suppliers. A loathing almost as irrational as the unshakeable, almost hypersexual, love of self-styled “conservatives” for men in government uniforms.

Even as petroleum products have been made cheaper and cheaper by private sector innovators, the government of California is poised to forcibly take millions of dollars from the State’s long-suffering taxpayers to build an infrastructure of electric-car-charging stations.

See here for details.

Government again moves to ban private encryption


After the San Bernardino attacks last month, many voices suspected the episode was another false flag operation by undercover government agents. Evidence pointed to the fact, for example, that the very government buildings “attacked” (reportedly by Islamic militants) had been the focus of numerous government “drills” in the weeks prior.

Now, the FBI seems to be claiming that the alleged San Bernardino perpetrators “encrypted” (meaning password-coded) their cell phones–stopping the heroic FBI from tracking down the “AlQueda,” . . . er, “Isis” attackers’ masterminds behind the attacks.

See here.

This means, obviously, that the FBI is making YET ANOTHER major push for laws banning private-sector encryption and allowing the all-seeing eye of the state to have total access to all private-sector information.

The Lesson from Flint: Never Trust Government to Deliver a Vital Good or Service


The City of Flint, Michigan–long under the political control of pro-government extremists–is now in the news for secretly supplying high-lead water to its population.

Lots of political blaming and shaming. But the lesson is: Never trust government to dispense a vital commodity or service.

The private sector would NEVER knowingly provide contaminated water to customers. Any company that sold bad water would be quickly bypassed by customers. It would happen instantly.

it’s a great example of government failing to efficiently provide even the most basic of public services due to a characteristically toxic combination of administrative bloat and financial mismanagement.

See here.

Walmart losing millions, closing stores where minimum-wage laws are harshest

anguish 2

In case anyone needed further evidence that minimum-wage laws create unemployment, here is another story about Wal-Mart.

Wal-Mart once had a thriving business model. It offered cheap goods at a central location.

But Wal-Mart has come under attack from anti-business voices for years. In response, Wal-Mart has increased its pay rates for its labor (which has put the giant retailer in danger from competitors).

This past quarter, Wal-Mart suffered major losses, and announced it would close (or not open) several Wal-Mart stores around the country. Columnist Debra J. Saunders suggests that Wal-Mart appears to be closing stores sited in areas with higher-than-market minimum-wage ordinances.

Bozeman Chronicle Prints Headline Suggesting that “Coordinating” One’s Campaign with a Nonprofit Group is “Corruption”


The First Amendment protects political speech above all other forms of speech.

But in Montana, there is a powerful movement of pro-government voices (not the least of which are the major newspapers) who support ever-more government control over political speech under the guise of “campaign finance regulation.” Montana politicians have been investigated by the government for doing such things as purchasing a ten-dollar domain name without reporting the purchase to the government. See here.

The notion that a politician could be violating the law by merely approving favorable campaigns by independent groups or PACs is a new idea, unknown under First Amendment jurisprudence prior to Buckley v. Valejo in 1976 (and, to a great extent, after).

On January 20, 2016, the Bozeman Daily Chronicle–arguably Montana’s most extreme pro-government newspaper–published the FRONT-PAGE, ABOVE-THE-FOLD headline: “New cache of WTP emails preview arguments in Wittich corruption trial.” See here.

Say what? “Corruption” used to mean bribe-taking, skimming money from public coffers, abusing one’s authority, or using one’s position to hurt people. Things like a government official paying out millions of tax dollars to cover up a police murder just prior to reelection. See here.

Now the government supremacists are pushing to declare that private-sector advocacy groups may not even coordinate their brochures or flyers with candidates they support.

Stay tuned!