Haters of Wal-Mart wanted it gone: Now they complain of “food deserts”!


Just as Michael Moore complained when GM was there and then complained because GM left, haters of Wal-Mart are now complaining that Wal-Mart’s departure from certain neighborhoods is creating “food deserts”! See the Associated Press’s article here.

The “food desert” argument is a claim that poor neighborhoods in certain cities are devoid of high-quality grocery supermarkets. (Those same neighborhoods, of course, are often inhospitable places for grocery retailers, due to combinations of high taxes, high crime, poor customers and low profits.)

French March in Protest of ‘Permanent Emergency’ Police State


Governments love emergencies, terror and crises of all kinds. Consequently, governments have a stake in spreading fear and terror, and almost never benefit from peacefulness or tranquility.

Many articles have documented suspicious links between recent French terrorist attackers and French intelligence. Were the French terror attacks of the past year “false flag” attacks?

It is undeniable that French advocates of intrusive expansive government have benefitted. Since the Concert killings of November 13, 2015 (which killed 130 people), France has become a virtual totalitarian police state. Machine-gun toting paramilitary troops now patrol the sidewalks. Tanks roll freely through streets. There have been warrantless midnight raids of Islamic homes and religious institutions.

Now the people of France are beginning to wake up and complain of their long-lost freedom. See here.

Socialized health care causing rationing of medications nationwide


The New York Times has been a vocal supporter of government slave plantation healthcare proposals like Obamacare.

Now the Times has run a story about the rationing of pills in American health care. Just like what is found in socialist countries like Venezuela, Cuba and previously in Soviet Bloc countries! See here.

In recent years, shortages of all sorts of drugs — anesthetics, painkillers, antibiotics, cancer treatments — have become the new normal in American medicine. [Reasons range from] manufacturing problems to federal safety crackdowns to drugmakers abandoning low-profit products.

The Times expose’ conceded that regulatory barriers were responsible for scarcity:

Many drugs are made by only one manufacturer, so production or safety problems at a single plant can have big effects. For another company to begin making the products and getting them approved by regulators requires the right combination of manufacturing capabilities and economic incentives.

Government solutions after government poisoned thousands in Flint: Send money to fund more government!


Unlike a private business, which loses money and goes bankrupt after providing bad service, government agencies generally benefit from failure and crisis. Failure means even more money and power!

Good money after bad. Here is an Associated Press article about Michigan lawmakers passing a bill to take $28 million more from taxpayers to divert to the Flint, Michigan tainted-water situation.

Flint has been controlled by extreme pro-government-expansion politicians for decades. They ran the city into the ground and then poisoned the community with toxic lead-polluted water.

These are the same social parasites who decry privatization and talk about how bad it would be if greedy profiteers ever provided water to the citizenry.

An Infowars expose’ detailed the millions upon millions of dollars of government spending that is being recommended with a straight face by government cheerleaders like Michael Moore. The antidote to the “greed” of the private sector, according to Moore.

FCC moves to require radio and cable networks to report all political advertising to the government


All who question, discuss, or criticize the government must identify themselves to the government.

That is the direction the FCC is moving in. Yesterday, the FCC (Federal Communications Commission) ordered that all radio, cable and Satellite stations report the identity of all political ad purchasers to the government.

See here.

In the past, governments have sought out those who publish dissenting political flyers or brochures for torture, prosecution or execution.

Turkish prosecutors seek life sentences for journalists who offended Turkish president


Freedom of press is among the most precious of rights. Always in danger, especially from governments pushing “national security” rationales.

Now two reporters whose reporting offended Turkish president Erdogan are in danger of being imprisoned for the rest of their lives. See here.

Of course, the prosecutors are alleging the journalists “revealed state secrets.”

Specifically, the reporters broke the story that Erdogan was apparently shipping arms to “Islamists” in Syria.

This by itself was bombshell news. But the details are even more startling. Some observers point to evidence that Erdogan was planning a “false flag” attack on himself (or Turkey), staged by the Syrian “Islamists” he was funding. See Infowars coverage here.

Is it any wonder these reporters must be punished?

Bozeman Chronicle Finally Produces Evidence of Montana’s “Dark Money” “Corruption”: Politicians May have Approved of Volunteer Efforts Which Political Police Liken to ‘Contributions’ (!)

The Bozeman Daily Chronicle is, arguably, Montana’s most extreme pro-government publication. For years, the newspaper has poured out steady support for government control over political messaging under the auspices of campaign-finance regulation. (‘The private sector must never defend itself from regulation!’)

It is rare that one reads the word “shadowy” outside the editorial pages of a newspaper. But the Chronicle has printed the word in actual “news” reports about some of Montana’s private political advocacy groups. The Chronicle has probably printed the phrase “dark money” on hundreds of occasions while describing Montana’s political landscape. The Chronicle has even printed the word “corruption” in stories about politicians who dared to allow nonprofit groups to support or echo their messaging. (‘How dare they!’)

It is doubtful that the BDC’s readers have a good grasp of what the Chronicle has been hinting at; but a reader would be forgiven for thinking the Chronicle had unearthed some scandal involving secret bribery under darkness of night.

Now, after years of reporting on the “shadowy” world of private-sector political advocacy, the Chronicle has revealed its evidence (see here):

thousands of pages of documents obtained by Montana Political Czar Jon Motl indicating that Right-to-work groups “provided services and labor to certain candidates [also known as volunteer work] without disclosing [to the government] what was done or how much was spent.”

“In some cases, the documents show, those groups gave away those services for free.”

Oh my!

After government poisoned Flint, private companies donate clean water. Government trusters complain that this “sends the wrong message.”


Government officials purportedly “in charge” of Flint, Michigan ran the City into the ground after decades of corruption. Then the government secretly exposed the people of Flint to polluted, lead-contaminated drinking water.

Yet those who trust and worship intrusive, expansive government are now complaining that Wal-Mart, Pepsi, Nestle, and Coca-Cola are offering to provide free water to the residents of Flint, Michigan for the rest of the year! See here.

If these for-profit private corporations are allowed to donate water to Flint’s residents, according to a writer for The Atlantic, the residents “may find that the private sector has supplanted many of government’s functions” (!)

As Reason Magazine’s Robbie Sloave writes:

Is government-managed delivery of public goods really an absolute moral necessity, even if the government is bad at delivering said public goods?

Total Government Failure: Detroit Public Schools Spend as Much on Debt Service as Salaries & Benefits


Socialism is a curse that should be wished on one’s enemies.

Markets always win in the end, and no big-government welfare state can outlive its financial irresponsibility.

Here is a story about a public school system that has overpaid teachers and administrators so much for so many years that interest payments on its debts now approach the same costs as current salaries and benefits.

And these interest payments have been required in a period of low interest. Imagine what will happen when interest rates rise!

More corporations fleeing high U.S. tax rates

The U.S., once the global flagship of capitalism, now has the world’s highest corporate tax rates.

The New York Times reported this week that Johnson Controls is renouncing its U.S. corporate citizenship by selling itself to Tyco International, based in Ireland.

This is designed to reduce the company’s tax bill, which it said should drop by about $150 million annually.

The Times, known as a “progressive,” high-tax-promoting newspaper, reported that “Until Washington lawmakers reform the tax code, we will continue to see an exodus of American companies from our shores in search of a lower tax rate.” See here.