Obamacare impoverishing millions


The government’s 2016 projections for Obamacare enrollees were off by 24 million people.

The public has balked at sky-high premiums and deductables, while insurers have lost BILLIONS.

Now the insurance companies are saying they will need to spike premiums in 2017.

For example, in Virginia, a state that reports early, nine insurers returning to the HealthCare.gov marketplace are seeking average premium increases that range from 9.4 percent to 37.1 percent. Those initial estimates filed with the state may change.

See here

New Course!!: Energy Storage Innovation

Lysander Spooner University will put on an exciting 1-hour course on Friday, May 20, 2016 at 6:30 p.m.: Energy Storage Innovation!!

The course will be taught by a local Montana mystery man: “Right On John.” See his Facebook page here.

Right on John purports to be from Canada. He has invented and designed a wide variety of alternative energy devices.

On Friday, May 20, Right On John will put on a demonstration and exam on the topic of energy storage innovations.

The event will take place at the DOT vacant lot/gravel lot parking area adjacent to the I-90 frontage road just west of exit 324. 6:30 pm.

Turkey’s President Pursues Thousands for Insulting Government


Every government in history ultimately came to jail or kill all resistors and critics as ‘traitors’ and promoters of ‘sedition.’

English history is filled with persecution and even hangings of people who criticized government. (And Britain has historically been ‘liberal’ compared to other countries.)

Now Turkey’s President Erdogan is pursuing some 2,000 CASES against journalists, celebrities and even comedians and teenagers who criticized him. See here.

Secretary of State Kerry–Part of an Administration that Lectures Americans Not to Squirrel Money away in Off-shore Accounts–Has hidden MILLIONS in Off-shore Accounts


President Obama frequently lashes out at U.S. companies that seek to escape America’s high tax burden by headquartering overseas. Last week, after the release of the “Panama Papers” which show that world leaders who impose high taxes on their own subjects are hiding their own riches in off-shore low- (or no-) tax accounts, Obama lashed out at people who seek to get around high tax rates by doing the same.

Now it seems that one of Washington’s wealthiest government officials–Secretary of State John Kerry (who is married to an heiress to the Heinze Ketchup empire)–has hidden MILLIONS in off-shore, low- or no-tax, secret, investment accounts. See here!

(BTW Kerry was previously caught docking and registering his multi-million-dollar yacht at a wharf in lower-tax Rhode Island instead of his nearby home state of (high-tax) Massachusetts in order to avoid hundreds of thousands of dollars in taxes.)

Was the Civil Rights Movement a Struggle for More Government?


Trusters of expansive, intrusive government have spread the notion that the Civil Rights struggles of the 1960s were struggles for more government.

In fact, the Civil Rights movement was a guerilla, libertarian victory over socialism and government supremacy.

When Civil Rights icon Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat for a white bus passenger in December 1955, she was defying the state.

The Montgomery, Alabama bus line was operated according to Alabama State laws which required commuter buses to be segregated by race.

The famed Montgomery bus boycott could not have been successful without the courage of black cab owners in the private sector. Montgomery taxis, like buses, were subject to segregation laws, meaning there were white cab companies and black cab companies. The 18 black cab companies in Montgomery stepped up to pick up and transport blacks for only a dime apiece (the same as bus fare).

Ironically it was the arrogance of the state that made the bus boycott truly successful. Immediately after Rosa’s arrest, the Montgomery police commissioner announced that 2 motorcycle cops would follow each bus the following Monday, “to protect anyone who wished to ride” from “goon squads.” Ironically, this announcement had the effect of convincing some waverers to join the bus boycott.

That Monday, virtually every black commuter in Montgomery found other transportation to and from work. Many car-pooled; others walked great distances; others took the discounted cab rides.

Government leaders were outraged at the defiance. City officials demanded that the black cab companies comply with the city code, which set a minimum cab fare of 45 cents per passenger. In response, the black churches organized a network of volunteer carpools.

The Montgomery bus boycott lasted a year, during which there were bombings and harassment on a grand scale by police. Cops followed black carpoolers and ticketed drivers for trivial offenses. Some black car owners were cited for petty nonmoving infractions such as weak brakes or maladjusted headlights. City wreckers towed the cars away at owners’ expense, to city-approved shops for repairs billed to the drivers.

On October 30, 1956, almost a year after Rosa’s arrest, the City of Montgomery went to local court seeking wide-ranging injunction “to stop the operation of the car pools or transportation systems growing out of the bus boycott,” and to collect damages of $15,000 for loss of tax revenues. A local Montgomery judge (the same judge who convicted Rosa Parks of a crime for refusing to comply with the government’s segregation program) was preparing to issue a decree declaring the boycott an illegal conspiracy.

However the court proceedings were interrupted by phone calls from Washington reporting that the U.S. Supreme Court had invalidated Rosa Park’s arrest and struck down Alabama’s bus segregation laws as unconstitutional.

Source: Jane Stevenson, “Rosa Parks Wouldn’t Budge,” 23 American Heritage 2 (Feb. 1972).

NASA again caught faking climate data: this time the Agency has altered sea level figures


Again, the tireless data analyst Tony Heller (Steven Goddard) has found that NASA is altering climate figures to help the government promote its global-warming-hysteria agenda. See here.

In 1983, the pro-government climate hysteric James Hansen (considered one of the founding fathers of the manmade-global-warming-hysteria movement) published data showing the seas were rising.

But NASA must have thought the data wasn’t startling enough. The Agency has altered the data to make it seem that the seas are rising even faster!

The reality of socialism: Hugo Chavez’ daughter is worth $4 billion in a nation of starving slaves


Socialists promise equality but deliver slavery, impoverishment, poverty and heartbreak. Gavin McInnes writes about attending a recent rally for socialist Bernie Sanders. The brain-dead attendants all expect the impossible.

McInnes writes about Venezuela, where the late Hugo Chavez imposed a vast socialist remake for his impoverished and long-suffering subjects.

After 20 years of socialism, Venezuelans are suffering, starving and struggling for food, energy, medicine and basic goods.

Meanwhile Hugo Chavez’s daughter is reported to be worth $4 billion. See here.

Government ice measurement agency caught altering measurements to make 5-year-old ice appear to be at “its smallest level” ever recorded


Tony Heller, the dogged data analyst who blogs as Steven Goddard, has previously caught the NSIDC (National Snow and Ice Data Center) cheating, just as Arctic sea ice extent was about to cross above the 1979-2000 average.

The NSIDC changed their measurement system to hide the fact that Arctic ice was growing to above-average levels.

Now Heller has caught the NSIDC cheating again. The agency has been promoting a claim that 5-year-old-plus ice is disappearing in the Arctic.

Heller had been carefully monitoring the agency’s weekly data reports, and noticed that just before the agency’s charts for ‘4-year-old’ ice was about to turn 5 years old (and show that 5-year-old ice is growing, not declining), the agency altered their measurement system! See here.

Nearly 900 Superfund sites are abandoned military facilities


Think capitalism harms the environment and more government would cure the problem?

Karen De Coster of Lewrockwell.com writes that most of the worst environmental disasters in America are attributable to the government. See here.

According to a 2010 federal report, nearly 900 Superfund sites in the U.S. are abandoned military facilities or facilities that provided materials to or otherwise supported the military. The potential liability from connecting people’s health disorders to the toxic pollution they were exposed to at those hundreds of facilities could mean a staggering cost.

‘Peer Review’ has Collapsed as a Tool for Ensuring the Validity of Science


With so much government money flowing into ‘top-tier’ research universities, the peer-review process has virtually collapsed.

More observers are wakening to the fact that the ‘science’ which appears in high-level scholarly journals tends to favor government positions.

William A. Wilson, in an article entitled “Scientific Redress” in the current issue of First Things (see here) notes that:

If peer review is good at anything, it appears to be keeping unpopular ideas from being published.

What they do not mention is that once an entire field has been created—with careers, funding, appointments, and prestige all premised upon an experimental result which was utterly false due either to fraud or to plain bad luck—pointing this fact out is not likely to be very popular. Peer review switches from merely useless to actively harmful.

Wilson points to replicability studies from a group of cancer researchers. Only a dismal 11 percent of the preclinical cancer research they examined could be validated after the fact. And the “bad” papers that failed to replicate were, on average, cited far more often than the papers that did!

“The problem with ­science,” writes Wilson, “is that so much of it simply isn’t.”