Category: Socialist Lies

North Korean socialism devastated the environment

Government social planning in North Korea has destroyed much of the natural ecosystem. The poverty and starvation caused by North Korean socialism has led many North Koreans to eat grass and bark from trees. Consequently, the nation has lost a million hectares of forest. See here. Even the pro-government PBS NOVA program has commented on …

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“Environmentalist” groups appear to oppose Washington carbon tax because it wouldn’t grow government enough

Want more proof that those promoting apocalyptic-manmade-global-warming-by-CO2 theories are simply promoting socialism? Here is a story from the state of Washington about a true believer who found that “big green” groups weren’t supporting his carbon-tax ballot initiative. The reason: his ballot proposal was “revenue neutral” and did not require growth in government. Environmental groups are …

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Update on the Ship of Fools (2nd ed.): Crew Now Noticing that Government Maps are Lying about Arctic Ice

Virtually every government (and, consequently, every major newspaper) in the world has been promoting a narrative that 2016 is the “hottest year on record.” This collusion furthers and fosters a worldwide push for more powerful, centralized, socialistic governments. A group of global warming alarmists–having bought into the narrative–recently launched a sailing journey to “draw attention” …

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Venezuelan government now enslaves subjects to work on farms

Socialism is a curse that people should wish on their enemies. When hardline socialists won control of Venezuela 15 years ago, socialists and government trusters worldwide cheered. Professors and their grad students across the western world announced the success of “third way” politics: a fusion of private industry under the control and central planning of …

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America facing two consecutive “lost decades” of economic slowness

America, like Japan, Denmark and other former capitalist flagships, took a serious turn toward overregulation, overtaxation and socialism since the 1990s. And American economic growth has stagnated. 8 years into a supposed “recovery,” U.S. GDP growth rates still hover around 2 percent annually or less. According to George Will, “If 2 percent growth is, as …

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Venezuelan army now distributes all food

Mass starvation, famines and food shortages only happen in socialist, centrally-controlled societies. Today’s BBC online blared the headline “Venezuela army deployed to control food production and distribution.” See here. The story begins: In a decree, President Nicolas Maduro has ordered the army to monitor food processing plants, and co-ordinate the production and distribution of items. …

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More death and starvation while people stand in line in Venezuela

Just 20 years ago, Venezuela was a rising economic power with a dynamic economy and a growing business community. Today, after 15 years of socialism, Venezuelans spend much of their time standing in long lines waiting for soap, beans or other scraps. Sometimes the long lines transform into riots, and the people become looters. Robbers …

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California is about to experience Socialism’s fruits

For the past century, California was the national (and world) leader in innovation and entertainment. But after a generation of socialist impositions, one in three American welfare recipients resides in California, and almost a quarter of the state population lives below or near the poverty line. Government trusters frequently claim that high taxes, socialism and …

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U.S. Postal Service has lost more than $50 billion

Since 2007 the U.S. Postal Service has lost more than $50 billion. Its unfunded liabilities for its employees’ extravegent retirement benefits are nearly $100 billion. This despite having every advantage in the market place. Paying no taxes (property or income); being able to keep out competition; eminent domain; prestige locations, etc. Rural Post Offices are …

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More die in Venezuelan food riots

Every society that has ever adopted socialism ultimately became sick and weak. There are no exceptions. (Some socialist writers tend to point to countries like Denmark, Norway and Sweden as exceptions; yet those societies rose to power and wealth in past centuries when they were overtly capitalistic and commercial–and have each lost world standing as …

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