One of the biggest lies of government-trusting socialists like Bernie Sanders is that “the rich” are in control of American politics because of the Citizens United decision, “unlimited” rights of spending on campaign ads, etc. In fact, the overall share of the federal tax burden paid by the richest 10 percent has been steadily increasing …
Category: Socialist Lies
Feb 20
Gas in Venezuela Rises to 15 Cents a Gallon
Socialist Venezuela has the cheapest gasoline on earth. See here. But the socialist government has controlled and manipulated prices so extensively that the “real” price of gasoline is unknowable, and may be almost nothing. The hilarious LA Times article describes how the socialist, mob-ruled country is plummeting in economic health due to the government’s central …
Feb 13
Venezuelan socialism = rationing of electricity
Socialism is a curse that should be wished only on one’s worst enemies. Any society that embraces it will eventually become sick and weak. Venezuela was developing and prospering rapidly during the 1980s and ’90s. Then the country went hard-line socialist. Venezuelans are accustomed to severe shortages of cooking oil, diapers and other staple products. …
Jan 07
New Study: only 5.8 % of people in highest 1 % are there two years in a row
A shocking new study shatters sacred myths of government trusters. Some 11% of Americans will join the Top 1% for at least one year during their prime working lives, according to research done by Thomas Hirschl, a sociology professor at Cornell University. But only 5.8% of the 1% will be in the 1% for two …
Dec 20
Puerto Rico: a Case Study in How Central Planning Benefits the Ultra-Rich
Fascinating expose’ in the New York Times yesterday. “Inside the Billion-Dollar Battle for Puerto Rico’s Future” The report details how the outrageous overregulation and overspending by Puerto Rico’s “leaders” led to territorial debts which are unpayable. In turn, Puerto Rico’s “leaders” sought bailouts from the world’s richest investors, promising a 20 percent annual return for …
Dec 03
Health Care Costs Accelerating Faster
It is the dream of every truster of government: universal, government-dispensed health care, made cheaper by eliminating the profit motive from the industry. Unfortunately, it never works. Every government program which subsidizes health care simply increases demand without increasing supply, causing prices to rise faster than inflation. Now, after Obamacare has come completely on line, …
Dec 03
Socialist Venezuela Descends into Primitive Bartering
Socialism is a curse that should only be wished on a hated enemy. Any society that embraces it will eventually become sick and weak. The Miami Herald reports that the impoverished people of Venezuela–suffering from decades of socialist ‘rulership’–have developed a primitive bartering system to obtain basic goods.
Nov 24
Thomas Sowell: 56 percent of all households will be in the top 10 percent in income at some point in their lives
Trusters of the state frequently complain about “income inequality.” Yet Thomas Sowell points out that “the rich” and “the poor” are frequently the same people at different stages of their lives. In fact, 56 percent of all households will be in the top 10 percent of income at some stage in their lives. See here. …
Oct 21
A dying socialist city: Chicago
Socialism is a curse that one should wish only on a hated enemy. All societies which embrace it become sick and weak. Gary North has a new column about the death of a major socialist city: Chicago. See here. “The four major employers in Chicago, in this order, are these: the federal government, the public …
Oct 10
New study: Government Regulations are the PRIMARY Reason Why the Poor Cannot Launch Businesses
Trusters of the state often decry the gap between the rich and the poor and call for socialist policies to cure this allegedly growing gap. Specifically, they demand ever-more taxation and wealth redistribution, along with greater and greater levels of regulation on industry. But those very policies are the CHIEF REASON why the poor cannot …