Category: Slave Plantation Healthcare

Socialized health care causing rationing of medications nationwide

The New York Times has been a vocal supporter of government slave plantation healthcare proposals like Obamacare. Now the Times has run a story about the rationing of pills in American health care. Just like what is found in socialist countries like Venezuela, Cuba and previously in Soviet Bloc countries! See here. In recent years, …

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Non-government health care gets cheaper and better; while government health care gets steadily more expensive

Government subsidies of health care–often enacted with claims that they “help the poor”–increase demand without increasing supply, causing prices to rise. Medicare, Medicaid, Obamacare, and the VA system have all INCREASED the basic costs of medical care for poor people. But there are areas of medicine that are ‘elective,’ meaning that people make choices for …

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In Effort to Strip Private Citizens of Guns, “Liberal” President Moves to Strip Mental Health System of Confidentiality

Every government ultimately comes for all freedom, all property, and to kill all who resist. For centuries, the law has recognized physician-patient confidentiality. Doctors who snitch on their clients or who disseminate private, confidential information regarding their patients have faced professional penalties. Now, in the never-ending quest of government to strip the private sector of …

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Lone profitable Obamacare insurance co-op losing millions

Every government policy that subsidizes health care increases demand without increasing supply, causing prices to rise. Thus, Medicare, Medicaid, the VA program and the ACA (“Obamacare”) have all made health care more expensive. In turn, the poor (who are sometimes mentioned as the supposed beneficiaries of such government programs) find medical care more and more …

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Health Care Costs Accelerating Faster

It is the dream of every truster of government: universal, government-dispensed health care, made cheaper by eliminating the profit motive from the industry. Unfortunately, it never works. Every government program which subsidizes health care simply increases demand without increasing supply, causing prices to rise faster than inflation. Now, after Obamacare has come completely on line, …

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Obamacare’s supporters drastically overestimated the number, finances, and health of new enrollees

Every government program that subsidizes heath care makes health care more expensive. Government supports subsidize demand without increasing supply, causing prices to rise. New research by the Mercatus Center (see here) shows that Obamacare’s enrollment figures fell far short of projections. By MILLIONS. Also, enrollment of “all but the near-poor is far below projections.” The …

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Largest Health Insurer Has Lost Millions under Obamacare

According the USA TODAY (see here): The nation’s largest health insurer warned Thursday that it may pull out of the Obamacare exchanges after 2016 – forcing more than a half million people to find other coverage – after low enrollment and high usage cost the company millions of dollars. The possible move by UnitedHealth Group …

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Obamacare has led to fewer insurance options, fewer firms, higher costs and a need for another bailout

Just as in other heavily-regulated industries (think meatpacking), the new regulations in healthcare are causing consolidation, fewer but larger insurance companies, and much higher premium costs. Here is a summary of the situation. Dr. Mandy Cohen of the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services recently testified that almost 700,000 Americans have lost their health coverage …

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Medicaid patients are 13 percent more likely to die than those without insurance

A 2011 University of Virginia study found that surgical Medicaid patients are 13 percent more likely to die than those without insurance. Of the 893,658 surgical operations reviewed between 2003-2007: Patients on Medicare were 45% more likely to die than those with private insurance; the uninsured were 74% more likely; and Medicaid patients 93% more …

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Government Admits that “Affordable Care Act” is Causing HIGHER PRICES

“Underperforming bailout-style programs (expiring after next year) designed to artificially hold down rates, sicker-than-expected risk pools, and stagnating enrollment projections.” These are, according to columnist Guy Benson, the ways that promoters of Obamacare underestimated costs and unintended consequences of the “Affordable Care Act.” Premiums are rising an average of at least 7 percent annually (despite …

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