Category: “science” which exalts the state

Peer-Reviewed, Comprehensive Study of Worldwide Glacial Melt Cannot Detect Influence of Carbon Dioxide

Glaciers have been melting steadily for centuries. This peer-reviewed study–perhaps the most comprehensive study of global glacial melting patterns ever published–concludes that the world’s glaciers GENERALLY MELTED at the same rate in THE FIRST HALF OF the 20th Century as in the SECOND HALF of the 20th Century. What of the influence of carbon dioxide? …

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Scientific American Falls Further: Magazine Now Abandons All Pretext of Objectivity in Pursuit of Climate Socialism

In case one needed more evidence that the “Scientific American” magazine has become a political sheet rather than a science periodical. A December 1, 2015 article in the once-respected science magazine bore the title, “Without Government, the Marketplace Will Not Solve Climate Change.” The political essay, by global-warming hysteric Naomi Oreskes, provided such tidbits as …

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“Journalists” cheer and jump wildly as Paris Climate-Change Agreement is announced

Here is amazing video of alleged journalists supposedly covering climate treaty negotiations in Paris objectively. Watch as they scream and jump for joy at the announcement! Now we know why such alleged journalists rarely report facts which undermine the government-controlled manmade-global-warming thesis.

Forest Fire Burn Acreage Has Plummeted Since the 1930s

It is frequently said that forest fires are increasing. Some who claim this attribute it to manmade global warming. The reality is that the total U.S. acreage burned by forest fires has plummeted since the 1930s. See here.

Climate Hysteric Michael Mann Speaks at Montana State University

by Roger Roots, 12/10/2015 An amazing spectacle of doublespeak, smoke, and mirrors took a stage at Montana State University in Bozeman on December 9, 2015. At taxpayer expense. Dr. Michael Mann, the overbearing pro-government climate scientist at the heart of the 2009 Climategate scandal, was invited by MSU faculty to lecture a large public audience. …

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A Primer on Government Temperature “Adjustments”

Anthony Watts from is an articulate debunker of government claims regarding global warming. Here, Professor Watts gives a brilliant summary of how government agencies are doctoring temp data to give a false impression of global warming. Watch the video here.

Global Warming Solutions Same As Global Cooling Cures — Wait . . . What?

Investors Business Daily reports on the recent discovery that a 1977 book called for (1) higher taxes, (2) greater government control and regulation over the oil, coal and gas industries, (3) more socialism and central planning by elites in government offices, and (4) a government program of subsidizing and supporting “alternative” energy sources. See here. …

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Another researcher finds falsified government temperature data

By now the evidence that climate-change socialists within government “science” agencies are falsifying temperature data to bolster their manmade-global-warming-by-CO2 claims has become insurmountable. Another researcher bothered to do some homework and scrutinize some of the NASA temperature adjustments. See here. Professor Dr. Friedrich Karl Ewert, a German scientist, found that some time between 2010 and …

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More Temp Data Tampering Behind claim that October 2015 was the “hottest October on Record”

In the past 3 days, virtually every major, government-approved newspaper has run a short story claiming that the recent October (2015) was the “hottest on record.” The official government claim is that the “normal” worldwide temperature for October is 1.04 degrees Celsius and that the recent month showed the largest “anomoly,” or was the farthest …

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While ANTARCTIC ice is at an all-time high, ARCTIC ice is at only a 10-year high

Satellites have only been in the sky for about 25 years or so. And their measurements of the world’s ice coverage show that ice in ANTARCTICA is at the highest level ever measured. While NASA admits this, its postings have suggested that ice totals in the northern hemisphere are declining. See here.But Danish data reveal …

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