Category: “science” which exalts the state

New Study finds no evidence whatsoever that polar bears are suffering from climate change

A central claim in Al Gore’s film “An Inconvenient Truth” is that polar bear populations are threatened or dwindling due to manmade global warming. The various versions of the UN IPCC Reports also repeat this claim. But a new exhaustive study by Canadian scientists finds there is no evidence to support this claim whatsoever. See …

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U.S. Government Spending Hundreds of Millions on “Global Warming” Theory–Despite Lack of Congressional Authorization

‘Manmade-global-warming-by-carbon-dioxide’ is a government theory. It is a theory that supports (actually, begs for) further government expansion and control over energy and industry. Despite what the theory’s proponents claim, the theory is highly contested in scientific circles. Yet ‘the science is settled’ among government circles. And among those who trust government. The U.S. government is …

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Global Warmists’ Theory that Fossil-Fuel interests are entirely responsible for climate skepticism is based on “one sentence in one memo”

Columnist Brian McNicoll nails the claim among government-trusters that skepticism of the government’s manmade-global-warming theory is all funded by energy companies. See here. The entire body of proof of this great conspiracy . . . comes down to one sentence in one memo written in support of a PR campaign by the coal industry that …

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NASA’s budget increasingly reflects obsession with global warming

Libertarians have long identified NASA as among the most unnecessary of federal government programs and agencies. It is axiomatic that the private sector could achieve NASA’s space-exploration goals far more cheaply and effectively than the agency does. Now, NASA is wasting increasing segments of its budget on proving the government’s manmade-global-warming-by-CO2 theory. See here for …

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Who Needs Data? TIME Magazine already predicting 2016 will be the hottest year on record! reports that TIME Magazine recently (before 2016 even began) pronounced that 2016 will be the “hottest year on record.” See here.

Governments of the Middle Ages Killed 50,000 Witches for Causing Climate Change

In this video, Dr. Sallie Baliunas, Staff Astrophysicist at the Harvard Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, discusses her research into the “climate change” hysteria that spread across Europe between the 1500s to the 1700s. Authorities prosecuted witches for acting with Satan to cause strange weather. Witch trials were administered by the most highly educated upper level …

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Government-funded computer models have thus far not been able to predict temperatures for even short 10-year periods

Paul Dreissen posts a tribute to the wonderful Australian scientist Bob Carter, who died of a heart attack last week. See here. Carter exposed a number of climate-change claims as fraudulent. He documented that IPCC computer climate models have thus far not been able to predict warming or other climate changes accurately for even short …

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The higher the status of an academic journal, the more likely it is that the journal publishes false “science”

More on the “fake, but peer-reviewed” front: in 2013, the “prestigious” journal, Psychological Science, published a paper supposedly finding that climate skeptics tend to have “conspiracist ideation” (whatever that means). The journal suggested that people who disbelieve the moon landing are more likely to doubt government climate claims. The “study,” by Lewandowsky, Oberauer and Gignac, …

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More than 100 peer-reviewed studies show the Sun is the driver of global temperatures

Government voices claim that it is settled science that manmade carbon dioxide is the primary driver of global temperatures. The debate is over! Yet well over 100 peer-reviewed papers have found a stronger correlation between sun activity and temperatures on the Earth. See here.

Will Glacier National Park’s glaciers be gone in four years?

by Dr. Roger I. Roots Last Fall I proposed a $5,000 bet that there will still be glaciers in Glacier National Park in 2030. This is contrary to DOZENS of signs inside Glacier National Park, as well as many government flyers and pamphlets that are handed out to GNP visitors. As of yet, no one …

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