Data expert Tony Heller began scrutinizing government temperature data sets a few years ago. Heller has exposed many scandals involving the tendency of government agencies to ‘adjust’ the temperature record to bolster the claims of socialists that manmade-global-warming-by-CO2 will doom the earth unless governments take over all world industries. Now Heller has found that government …
Category: “science” which exalts the state
Aug 13
“Ship of Fools 2” becomes worldwide laughing stock as climate skeptics monitor its course
Months ago a group of true believers in apocalyptic man-made global warming loudly announced a sailing expedition by which they planned to sail around the Arctic Circle. “We are sailing around the Arctic, around the North Pole,” says the group’s website, “to demonstrate that due to progressive sea ice recession due to Arctic climate change, …
Aug 13
Greenland’s ice mass has been growing since the time period the Olympics propaganda squad selected to show the ice “disappearing.”
Last week’s Olympic opening ceremonies featured a pro-government propaganda film proclaiming that human-released greenhouse gasses were causing Greenland’s ice and snow to disappear. “Animated maps showed Greenland “disappearing very quickly” and Amsterdam, Dubai, Miami, Shanghai, Lagos and Rio being swallowed up by rising seas.” See here. But according to the best data, Greenland’s ice mass …
Aug 09
Vast Majority of Americans Dispute Government’s Claim that CO2-Caused Climate Change is “Settled”; Oppose Persecution of Doubters
Last Month the Democratic National Platform was changed to support government prosecution of those who doubt the government’s apocalyptic-global-warming-by-human-produced-carbon-dioxide theory. Now there is polling showing the VAST MAJORITY of voters–Republicans, Democrats and Independents–oppose such persecution. In fact, the VAST MAJORITY disagree that “the science is settled,” as government voices loudly decree. Only 25 percent of …
Aug 06
Unintended Consequences: “Natural Landscaping” May Make Future Heatwaves WORSE
Many who live in the desert southwest have seen local and state governments promoting “natural,” or “desert” landscaping as a replacement for traditional western-style green lawns and flower gardens. The campuses of most government universities in the southwest have replaced vast areas of green lawns with desert plants and weeds such as yucca. Now some …
Aug 06
Satellite data show thick ice has grown massively in the Arctic in only a year
Media experts continue to spread the myth that Arctic ice is rapidly melting. An analysis of 1.5 meter-plus ice in the Arctic apparently shows that such thick (5-feet thick) ice has GROWN, not declined, since last year. See here. Yet government agencies have been claiming these past months were the hottest on record.
Aug 06
“Environmentalist” groups appear to oppose Washington carbon tax because it wouldn’t grow government enough
Want more proof that those promoting apocalyptic-manmade-global-warming-by-CO2 theories are simply promoting socialism? Here is a story from the state of Washington about a true believer who found that “big green” groups weren’t supporting his carbon-tax ballot initiative. The reason: his ballot proposal was “revenue neutral” and did not require growth in government. Environmental groups are …
Jul 30
Update on the Ship of Fools (2nd ed.): Crew Now Noticing that Government Maps are Lying about Arctic Ice
Virtually every government (and, consequently, every major newspaper) in the world has been promoting a narrative that 2016 is the “hottest year on record.” This collusion furthers and fosters a worldwide push for more powerful, centralized, socialistic governments. A group of global warming alarmists–having bought into the narrative–recently launched a sailing journey to “draw attention” …
Jul 23
Climate Change Sailors are Apparently Lying to the Public by Secretly Using an Icebreaker to Travel through Arctic Ice
A group of fame-seeking manmade-global-warming alarmists are making headlines around the world with claims that they are sailing around the North Pole which is virtually ice-free. The boat’s crew have bought into government statements that ice is disappearing in the Arctic. Unfortunately for the crewmen of the sailboat, the government claims about unusual melting are …