Government regulations aimed at helping the poor almost always harm the poor. After 6 years, the Affordable Care Act is increasingly harming the poorest Americans. In March, the Obama administration celebrated the Affordable Care Act’s anniversary by proudly declaring, “Thanks to this law, 20 million more Americans now know the security of having health insurance, …
Category: Government’s War on the Poor
Apr 04
World government leaders are laundering and hiding money from the regulations they impose on others
High taxes, cops on almost every streetcorner, and burdensome regulations are the norm worldwide. Yet a USA Today report documents that numerous ‘world leaders’ have been caught hiding money in offshore private bank accounts. In some cases, the money hidden away by these government officials was looted directly from government accounts gorged with funds from …
Apr 01
Too much government; a million too few doctors
CBS Marketwatch has published a frightening report of America’s near future. Americans will face a doctor shortage of up to a million physicians as overregulation, overinsurance and stupid government “health care” mandates and subsidies take their tolls. See here. Government overregulation subsidizes demand without increasing supply causing prices to rise. The poor have been largely …
Mar 31
Government has been pouring on regulations to ‘help the poor,’ yet the poor and minorities are poorer than ever
Government supremacists routinely argue for more government to ‘help the poor.’ Yet government regulations invariably harm the poor and cement the positions of the rich. Since the beginning of 21st century, the U.S. government has become increasingly “progressive”: with more regulations, higher tax rates, and a greater tax burden on ‘the rich.’ Yet “acccording to …
Mar 30
Under Cuban socialism, hookers could be had for toothpaste
Government-funded professors of social science frequently extoll the supposed virtues of socialism, ‘single-payer’ government healthcare, and ‘free’ college, entitlements, and redistribution. Here is a Jon Stossel interview of Gloria Alvarez, a Cuban-American who recounts that under Castro’s centrally-planned government economy, Cuban hookers could be had for a tube of toothpaste. See the interview at 3:20
Mar 06
D.C. Police raid homes based on little or no evidence
American criminal justice has collapsed. Decades of pro-government rulings by the courts have opened the door to wholesale violations of basic protections by unaccountable police. Now the Washington Post — -which generally trumpets the claims of the government — –has finally taken notice of the practice of police raiding homes armed with “search warrants” based …
Mar 06
Government welfare policies have greatly harmed the poor
Here is a Reason Magazine interview regarding a new study of the impacts of welfare on poor people. Since the 1970s, welfare policies have made poor people poorer; mostly by incentivizng poor people not to work or better themselves.
Mar 06
Government again moves to require financial “advice” columnists to be government-licensed
Governments worldwide constantly seek to require all workers to be government-approved and government-licensed. In the U.S., many occupations that poor people could enter freely in the past have been transformed into government-licensed occupations. Poor people must now go through expensive government “training” and approval processes just to work as hairdressers, manicurists, auctioneers, teachers or interior …
Feb 28
The U.S. has now gone 10 consecutive years in which GDP growth never rose above 3 percent
China, India and other countries have seen their annual GDP numbers grow by 6 to 8 to 10 percent annually. Much of the world has embraced increasing freedom, commerce and capitalism. Life expectancies have grown, and people are living healthier and happier all over the world. But not in the United States. A period of …
Jan 31
Haters of Wal-Mart wanted it gone: Now they complain of “food deserts”!
Just as Michael Moore complained when GM was there and then complained because GM left, haters of Wal-Mart are now complaining that Wal-Mart’s departure from certain neighborhoods is creating “food deserts”! See the Associated Press’s article here. The “food desert” argument is a claim that poor neighborhoods in certain cities are devoid of high-quality grocery …