Category: Government’s War on the Poor

Venezuelans give away their children to save them from socialist poverty

Just 15 years ago, Venezuelans were among the richest and freest people in Latin America. Then the country voted for socialism. Now Venezuelans struggle for daily survival. The government dispenses all food, education and medical care. Men die in the streets fighting over dollars. Women walk the streets as prostitutes for as little as a …

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U.S. life expectancy declines as government takes over health care

In every industry, free markets lead to higher quality goods and services, greater abundance and lower prices. Government control of industries, however, creates ever-higher prices, stable-or-worsening quality, and scarcity. U.S. life expectancy has risen steadily for decades, as market innovation has spread. But now, advances in innovation have stalled as government pours on the regulations. …

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New York City homeless levels are at all-time high

Government overcriminalization, regulation and licensing requirements have taken a severe toll on America’s poor. After years of socialistic rule, New York City finds its homeless population is at an all-time high. See here.

Overpaid government ‘workers’ are bankrupting major cities

America has moved toward becoming a feudal society like the tyrannical fiefdoms of yesteryear, with private households mired in poverty, debt and hopelessness while those in government live like kings (pun intended). The average federal ‘worker’ is paid about twice what a worker in the private sector would make doing the same type of job. …

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“Affordable Care Act” incentivizes poverty

“If you like your current plan, you will be able to keep it,” said President Obama. “Let me repeat that: If you like your plan, you will be able to keep it,” he said. This week, the Kaiser Family Foundation released an analysis of the Obamacare insurance exchanges that indicates there will be five states …

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Growing numbers of poor Americans find retirement elusive; they must work till they die

Sad story from the Associated Press. America has become a two-tiered society, with those in power pampered in luxury while those without government positions live lives of poverty. For years, the U.S. government has punished savers, entrepreneurs and investors. Social Security, for example, takes money from people’s paychecks during periods when they most need money …

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Starving Venezuelan prisoners kill, dismember and eat a fellow inmate

Socialism is a curse that should be wished only on a hated enemy. As Venezuela plunges deeper into socialist terror, poverty and malnutrition, there are now reports that 40 Venezuelan prisoners killed, dismembered and ate an inmate. See here.

Poorer households suffer more from government regulations than do richer households

A new study finds that poorer households spend a higher proportion of their incomes on more heavily regulated goods. Consequently, the costs of regulations falls disproportionately on the poor. See here. The study, entitled “How Do Federal Regulations Affect Consumer Prices? An Analysis of the Regressive Effects of Regulation,” was authored by Dustin Chambers and …

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7 in 10 Americans have less than $1,000 in savings

If you save anything in modern America, you are an utter fool. The U.S. government has been punishing savers for years. A variety of government programs punish savers: For example, near-zero percent interest rates (which disincentivize saving and incentivize borrowing), and the Social Security and Medicare programs (which incentivize early ‘retirement,’ and convince millions of …

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Minnesota medical insurance poised to skyrocket in cost

The “Affordable Care Act” was enacted by Congress in 2010 with claims that it would bring average savings of $2,500 per year per household. It has actually caused health care prices to explode faster than Medicare and Medicaid did. In Minnesota, average premium prices are set to increase by 50 % to 67% in 2017. …

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