Category: Government-supported media

Governments worldwide have always sought to control discourse. CIA analysts report that it is cheaper for governments to buy a journalist than to buy a hooker.

Montana newspapers in a frenzy over people disobeying government at Yellowstone National Park

A terrifying spectacle of hate has become front-page news in the Bozeman Daily Chronicle and the Billings Gazette. For the past 2 days, both papers have focused on a story of some fun-loving (but foolish) Canadian tourists who allegedly strayed off the government boardwalk at Yellowstone National Park’s Prismatic Spring geothermal area. The young men …

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Yellowstone County Court Clerk Criticizes Corrupt Judges; Billings Gazette Calls for her Defeat

Today’s ‘mainstream’ newspapers are dying a slow death; their content overwhelmingly supports the empowerment of government. It is probable that hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of newspaper stories published in America’s daily newspapers over the past decades have simply been rewritten government press releases. The Billings Gazette, a relentless pro-government newspaper covering eastern and …

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New York Times Prints Blatant Untruths about Forest Fire Increases

The New York Times just ran a story on April 12 claiming that climate change has caused record-setting numbers of forest fires and of acreages burned. See here. The story, headlined “Wildfires, Once Confined to a Season, Burn Earlier and Longer,” proclaimed that “The 10.1 million acres that burned in the United States last year …

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Vast Majority Distrust News Media

“Just 6 percent of people say they have a lot of confidence in the media, putting the news industry about equal to Congress and well below the public’s view of other institutions.” See here. For years, ‘mainstream’ news has parroted the positions of government. In fact, government agencies have been repeatedly caught secretly paying journalists …

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Major pro-government newspapers are dying. And even their online editions are losing readers

As the digital age dawned on the newspaper industry a decade ago, most of the major U.S. and western newspapers recognized that they should create online editions to capture readers who abandon print newspapers. But it turns out that content is more important than forum. Newspapers are dying; and so are the online editions! See …

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Analysts now wondering if U.S. government leaked the ‘Panamanian Papers’

Yesterday’s headlines blared with news about leaked documents from a Panamanian law firm which show major world government leaders have been laundering money in secret off-shore bank accounts. In some cases, billions of dollars appear to have been siphoned from impoverished taxpayers around the globe to enrich the secret (tax-free) bank accounts of government officials. …

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Another top European journalist admits that some of his ‘news’ stories were written by U.S. government officials

The “mainstream” press is dying. Alternative sources of information are blossoming. Several prominent “mainstream” journalists have recently come forward and admitted that many “news stories” found in the most prominent newspapers and TV news broadcasts are entirely generated by government agencies. In fact, “reporters” are explicitly paid to print the stories, and threatened with firing …

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Government launches major campaign to promote its surveillance agenda; accuses Apple of using the issue as a marketing strategy

The Justice Department has embarked on a national advertising campaign to drum up public support for forcing the makers of the iPhone to unlock the device used by alleged San Bernardino killers. It seems that FBI agents themselves are to blame for the locked-up iPhone. They bunglingly reset the password while trying to hack into …

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Who Needs Data? TIME Magazine already predicting 2016 will be the hottest year on record! reports that TIME Magazine recently (before 2016 even began) pronounced that 2016 will be the “hottest year on record.” See here.

Bozeman Chronicle Prints Headline Suggesting that “Coordinating” One’s Campaign with a Nonprofit Group is “Corruption”

The First Amendment protects political speech above all other forms of speech. But in Montana, there is a powerful movement of pro-government voices (not the least of which are the major newspapers) who support ever-more government control over political speech under the guise of “campaign finance regulation.” Montana politicians have been investigated by the government …

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