Category: government-biased “peer review”

New Study Suggests that Peer-Review Process may Prevail in the End regarding Climate Change.

William N. Butos and Thomas J. McQuade are scholars of the tragic role of government funding in scientific scholarship. They have authored a study entitled, “Causes and Consequences of the Climate Science Boom,” which appears in the Fall 2015 issue of The Independent Review. See here. Butos and McQuade find that the domineering role of …

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20 government-supported “climate scientists” call for their skeptics to be jailed

Last week, 20 “climate scientists”–each of whom is government-funded–signed a letter to President Obama and U.S. Attorney General Lynch calling for government to investigate and prosecute those who question or disagree with the government’s climate-change messaging. See the letter here. The letter makes numerous preposterous claims (e.g., that skeptics are knowingly promoting false science, as …

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Fake Science: The Majority of Experiments by Government-Supported University Psychologists Cannot Be Replicated

Most government-supported universities are dens of pro-government sentiment masquerading as social science. Government “research” funding supports thousands of university psychologists who churn out studies that–unsurprisingly–support various socialist and pro-government theories and expansive welfare-state economics. Pro-government voices in academia are becoming increasingly shrill. Witness some of the hysteria surrounding the government’s “manmade-global-warming” claims. See here. But …

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Martin Armstrong: Government Research Grants go only to “Scientists” Who Produce Results the Government Likes.

The economist Martin Armstrong writes that a few years ago he was offered an opportunity to do a federal research project for substantial grant money. When I was called upon for research back to form the G5 and then wrote the White House warning that manipulating the dollar down would create volatility and a crash …

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Beware of Government-Funded Attacks on Privately-Funded Science

The government-worshipping website is reporting that certain manmade-global-warming-skeptical scientists who have testified before committees of Congress regarding the (non)threat of manmade climate change are now under investigation by the government for being nongovernmentally funded. As most Lysander Spooner University students know, the vast majority of what passes for scientific research in the area of …

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