The prestigious British medical journal Lancet is out with a statement indicating that as much as half of all published “science” is untrue. See here. Reasons vary. But most of the blame falls on the role of government, and the religion of government supremacy, which dominates universities worldwide.
Category: government-biased “peer review”
Mar 13
The majority of government-funded scientific research cannot be replicated
In May of 2016, a survey by Nature revealed that over two thirds of researchers surveyed had tried and failed to reproduce the results of another scientist’s study. In the field of cancer biology, merely 10% of results from published literature were found to be reproducible. Government funding of university “science” produces published “studies” which …
Mar 02
Western snowpack is now so deep that scientists’ devices can’t measure it
Government “scientists” have been warning for the past 20 years that glaciers are melting and snow is disappearing nationwide due to manmade, CO2-driven global warming. Humans must become socialist, and give governments even more power or we are all doomed, say the official government scientists of the western world. But here is an interesting story …
Feb 06
Whistleblower emerges: Government temp claims were never scientifically verified
More government lies. Remember last year, just ahead of the Paris climate conference when world governments were preparing to commit untold billions of dollars–taken from their subjects–to government climate-change agencies? As the Paris meeting began, EVERY major newspaper in the world announced on its front pages that a new U.S. government study found no pause …
Jan 16
English professors promote elitism, socialism and government at “Modern Language Association” conference
The sorry state of university-level humanities was on display in Philadelphia recently when the Modern Language Association held its annual meeting. The MLA is the largest organization of English professors in the world of American academia. The “study of English” at most colleges has gradually degenerated into a field of socialist, elitist, pro-government propaganda. See …
Sep 18
Mainstream Science appears to be ignoring hundreds of peer-reviewed papers showing global cooling in the 1960s and ’70s
Industrial production and coal-fired power plants were exploding worldwide after World War II. Carbon dioxide release into the atmosphere was also increasing rapidly. Hundreds of scientific papers have documented that global temperatures appeared to have been declining between the 1950s and late 1970s. But today’s government-funded scientists seem to ignore this data–or pretend that it …
Aug 31
Government professors expressly forbid any skepticism of the government’s climate change theory–and tell students to drop course if they dispute
Government colleges and universities are some of the least free places in America. Now three professors co-teaching an online course called “Medical Humanities in the Digital Age” at the University of Colorado-Colorado Springs have told their students that man-made climate change is not open for debate, and those who think otherwise have no place in …
Apr 21
‘Peer Review’ has Collapsed as a Tool for Ensuring the Validity of Science
With so much government money flowing into ‘top-tier’ research universities, the peer-review process has virtually collapsed. More observers are wakening to the fact that the ‘science’ which appears in high-level scholarly journals tends to favor government positions. William A. Wilson, in an article entitled “Scientific Redress” in the current issue of First Things (see here) …
Mar 01
Another dubious study claims humans are destroying the earth
Even more from the ‘false, but peer-reviewed’ category. The journal Nature recently published a study purporting to show that humans may have unleashed the sixth known mass extinction in Earth’s history. The study lays the blame for this alleged mass extinction on a variety of manmade causes: habitation loss, over-hunting, over-fishing, the spread of germs …
Jan 12
The higher the status of an academic journal, the more likely it is that the journal publishes false “science”
More on the “fake, but peer-reviewed” front: in 2013, the “prestigious” journal, Psychological Science, published a paper supposedly finding that climate skeptics tend to have “conspiracist ideation” (whatever that means). The journal suggested that people who disbelieve the moon landing are more likely to doubt government climate claims. The “study,” by Lewandowsky, Oberauer and Gignac, …