Author's posts
Jul 11
Government temperature agency has “adjusted” past June temperatures downward by almost 2 degrees
Government agencies (and government supported organizations) are now trumpeting that this past June (2016) was the hottest on record. But they are able to do this only by altering the temperature record of the past. NOAA (the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) has adjusted historical June temperatures downwards by almost two degrees! See here. NOAA …
Jul 11
Dallas Craigslist advertised for “crisis actors” 2 weeks before mass shooting
Numerous online sources are pointing to an ad posted on Dallas Craigslist seeking “crisis actors.” See, for example, here. Many deep-state experts have pointed to the use of “crisis actors” at such events as the Boston Marathon bombing and the Sandy Hook “massacre.” Crisis actors are paid to stay in character during events and make …
Jul 07
California is about to experience Socialism’s fruits
For the past century, California was the national (and world) leader in innovation and entertainment. But after a generation of socialist impositions, one in three American welfare recipients resides in California, and almost a quarter of the state population lives below or near the poverty line. Government trusters frequently claim that high taxes, socialism and …
Jul 07
U.S. Postal Service has lost more than $50 billion
Since 2007 the U.S. Postal Service has lost more than $50 billion. Its unfunded liabilities for its employees’ extravegent retirement benefits are nearly $100 billion. This despite having every advantage in the market place. Paying no taxes (property or income); being able to keep out competition; eminent domain; prestige locations, etc. Rural Post Offices are …
Jul 05
More sightings of the word “austerity” in headlines (it exists almost nowhere else)
The word “austerity” means cuts in government payroll, welfare or other spending. Many opinion writers–and even a few “journalists”–write that there is “austerity” going on in various places. Rarely do they point to any specific events. Here is a recent example. A Huffington Post writer named Dean Baker claims in a headline that “Bill Gates …
Jul 05
Yale University “environmental” center claims that Greenland ice is melting at unprecedented rates; actual data show Greenland ice is melting slower than normal
Fascinating battle of claims regarding Greenland’s ice pack. Most elite, government-supporting institutions are heavily promoting claims that 2016 is vastly hotter than any other year in history. Some critics suspect that supporters of the government’s manmade-global-warming theories are escalating their hysterics this year for political reasons. In any case, Yale University’s “Environment 360” center is …
Jul 04
Newspaper editor (and his lawyer) charged with felonies for filing public records requests
Journalism which supports the state is probably the world’s safest profession. Journalism which attacks, critically investigates, or undermines the state has always been one of the world’s most dangerous professions. Now a reporter in Georgia, along with his attorney, have been arrested and charged with FELONIES for filing public records requests regarding a powerful local …
Jul 04
EU regs ban the claim that water can prevent dehydration
Britons have been highly criticized for their decision last week to leave the European Union. But the EU, like all centralizing bureaucracies, churns out stupid, expensive, life-choking regulations on a weekly basis. For example, EU officials recently banned bottled water firms from claiming that drinking water can prevent dehydration! See here.
Jul 04
Federal regulations are choking America: We are all 75 percent poorer because of them
According to a new time-series study by economists John Dawson of Appalachian State University and John Seater of North Carolina State, U.S. regulations have prevented the American economy from being productive and inventive. Because of this, U.S. GDP is just $16 trillion instead of $54 trillion. Ronald Bailey writes that “the growth of federal regulations …
Jul 03
GAO discovers that some federal employees take YEAR-LONG vacations at taxpayer expense
Federal workers are practically gods walking among us. They are so overpaid and overrewarded with benefits that they represent modern feudal overlords overseeing peasants. A new study by the GAO has found that it is not unheard of for federal employees in the Department of Homeland Security to take entire months off of work–and in …