Author's posts

Another U.S. Postal Worker Caught Burning Mail

Every inspection of every U.S. Post Office facility has always found duly-stamped mail in trash bins. Postal workers have been caught throughout the U.S. burning, burying, hiding, and disposing of stamped mail rather than delivering it. Here is yet another story of a U.S. Postman who was caught burning entire tubs of mail. The U.S. …

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Facebook and Twitter–which led the fight for government takeover of internet claiming corporations might censor online content–are now exposed as censoring online content

The push for a government takeover of the internet, sometimes called “net neutrality,” has been led by socialist government trusters and monster corporations such as Twitter, Facebook, Google, and Amazon. These corporations all claimed that unless the government took over the internet and required all internet providers to obtain licenses, such internet providers might impose …

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The Rich Flee Connecticut

Connecticut politicians have been raising taxes and increasing regulations for a generation. Now people with high incomes are fleeing the State. They have taken some $6 billion with them. See here. Many Connecticut expatriots are fleeing to nearby New York or to Florida. But those who left for state-income-tax-free Florida had an average annual income …

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More death threats against FEC Chairman Pai

The heroic Ajit Pai, appointed by Trump as Chairman of the FEC, has been the target of dozens of violent threats. His family has also been threatened. Pai recently led an effort in the FCC to overturn the government’s takeover of the internet which government-trusters called “net neutrality.” At the very meeting of the FCC …

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While France moves to ban “fake news,” German policymakers realize that speech restrictions empower critics

The historic struggle for freedom of speech and press is filled with stories of anonymous pamphleteers who overcame state repression to claim victory over darkness. Governments have historically sought to ban speech which is critical of government. Sometimes government officials claim such speech spreads “sedition,” or promotes violence, or allows “millionaires and billionaires” to control …

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EPA’s top “climate change expert” was just sentenced to prison for fraud

John Beale was absent for years at a time, did no work, and traveled first-class. Will Rogers once said It’s a good thing we don’t get all the government we pay for. Here is news of the EPA’s highest paid “climate change expert,” John C. Beale, who was just sentenced to 32 months in prison …

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More freedom, less crime: New York City sees crime drop after halting aggressive policing

Throughout the early years of the 21st century, HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of innocent people–mostly males of the lowest classes–were violently thrown against walls or sidewalks while New York City cops frisked and searched them without warrant. Cop worshippers claimed the “stop and frisks” were necessary to fight crime. When activists, lawyers and judges worked to …

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Bozeman, Montana government hires “affordable housing director”–thereby ensuring that housing will be increasingly unaffordable

Municipal planning is for the rich. It circumvents natural markets in which poor people pool resources, innovate and commute. “Planning” almost always means that housing becomes LESS affordable for poor people. Where “planning” has been most heavy-handed, poor people live in cars or travel hundreds of miles to mow the lawns or shovel the sidewalks …

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NPR claims that Baltimore’s high crime rates stem from too few police; but Baltimore has the second-most cops per-capita in the U.S.!

The government NPR radio network and website is promoting a story suggesting that Baltimore’s high crime rates are owed to a lack of police officers in the city. There is just one problem with this notion: Baltimore has the SECOND-HIGHEST rate of cops per-capita in the U.S.! (1st is Washington, D.C..) Wherever city governments have …

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Iranian government shuts down internet to disrupt protests

Fortune and other news sources are reporting that the government of Iran is shutting down the internet in cities where there are anti-government protests. (In Iran, internet providers must obtain government permission–similar to the “net neutrality” system proposed by many government-trusters in America.)