Author's posts
Jul 04
Socialist California has gone from the 5th largest economy in the world to the 7th
Forget the overuse of the terms “liberal” and “democratic.” A more accurate description is pro-government. California’s “leaders” have driven its policies in an extreme pro-government direction for 30 years. One-third of the nation’s welfare recipients are in California, which has only one-eighth of U.S. population. See here. “What Happens When Democrats Run Your State?” California …
Jul 01
Fanatical government truster arrested for death threats over “net neutrality”
During the Obama years, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) took a tyrannical step to take over control of the internet. They called it “net neutrality”–and it was promoted as an idea to equalize internet access and stop evil internet corporations from charging different rates for different streaming speeds. Under the ‘net neutrality’ regulations, internet providers …
Jun 28
War on whistleblowers: federal agents pound on door of whistleblower and try to silence him DURING LIVE CBS INTERVIEW
Every government seeks the same powers: to obtain and control all property and all freedom, to require ‘transparancy’ from all subjects so that subjects may keep no secrets from government and must lay naked before the state (while concealing the inner workings of government from any public scrutiny), and to cage or kill all who …
Jun 27
Bozeman Daily Chronicle declares regulations and forced redistribution a “glimmer of hope” for the poor in Big Sky
Under the unlikely headline “Big Sky affordable housing sees glimmer of hope in resort tax funding,” the Bozeman Daily Chronicle printed a bizarre story on June 27. Big Sky is Montana’s wealthiest town–where millionaires ski, golf and recreate and real estate prices are sky high. Prices are high because the town is hemmed in on …
Jun 27
Electric car programs take money from the poor and give it to the rich –and Americans oppose them by wide margins
Government trusters often promote various “alternative energy” schemes designed to wean society off of fossil fuels. One scheme is to have government pay companies to make electric cars. And to subsidize consumers to purchase said cars. And to pay gas stations to install electric charging stations, etc. American taxpayers have been forced to pay billions …
Jun 25
Venezuelan military now makes thirsty Venezuelans pay for water
Socialism bills itself as a system to help the needy. Socialists believe that water, health care, food, and other commodities should be distributed by the government. Bloomberg News is out with a report that in socialist Venezuela, the poor, starving and thirsty subjects are now made to pay the military for drinking water. And the …
Jun 24
Glenn Beck’s media empire crumbles
Pro-government “Conservative” Glenn Beck’s multimedia empire The Blaze “appears to be on its last legs after another round of layoffs,” according to The Daily Beast. TheBlaze once generated a reported $90 million in revenue annually, but has been in a slow motion implosion over the past several years. Top-level managerial shakeups, seemingly ceaseless layoffs, and …
Jun 23
Turkish government media impose blackout of political challengers on TV
Turkey is preparing for a national election. President Erdogan appears to be in jeopardy of losing his office. So in the final days of Erdogan’s campaign, official Turkish TV and news sources have imposed a virtual blackout on any discussion of Erdogan’s opponents. One opponent, Muharrem Ince, addressed a crowd of 4 million in Istanbul …
Jun 23
Leaked internal ACLU memo indicates wavering on free speech
Reason magazine has a startling report out. A leaked memo indicates that the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) is wavering on free speech. Free speech was mostly a movement of “the left” throughout the past 50 years. During the 1940s and ’50s the “establishment” was generally anti-communist, pro-capitalist and somewhat authoritarian. “Liberalism” was closely related …