Author's posts
Sep 09
Be Afraid: Government News Agencies are Teaming Up Worldwide to “Fight Misinformation”
The Agence France-Presse (AFP), the world’s oldest news agency (which is affiliated with the French government) is teaming up with the British Broadcasting Company (BBC) (a branch of the British government) and other news organizations in a global initiative to combat nongovernment and anti-government news (which they call “misinformation.”) See here. These government news bureaus …
Sep 05
Socialist California’s middle class wages grew just 1 % in 40 years
Socialist California’s growing servant class California has America’s highest taxes, highest-paid government employees and largest government programs for “fighting poverty.” Its politics have been identified with pro-government extremism and socialism for several decades. What has this increasing socialism wrought in California? Californian’s middle class wages rose by just 1 percent in 40 years. The state …
Sep 04
The officer who shot Weinhaus was previously diagnosed with extreme PTSD and tested positive for mind-altering drugs immediately after Weinhaus’ shooting; yet prosecutors hid this information from Weinhaus’ defense lawyers. Jeff Weinhaus, the Missouri activist journalist who was gunned down by state troopers in 2012 and then sentenced to 30 years for assaulting an officer, …
Sep 01
Pentagon to spend massively to regulate and control the internet in preparation for 2020 election
Government claims it needs propaganda authority to fight “fake news” A truly Orwellian government press release disguised as a news story appeared on Bloomberg News on August 31, 2019. “Fake news and social media posts are such a threat to U.S. security that the Defense Department is launching a project to repel “large-scale, automated disinformation …
Aug 30
Once again, federal prosecutors declare government figures immune from laws they impose on others
Laws apply only to non-government individuals. An investigation by the Department of Justice has found that Former FBI Director Jim Comey violated Federal criminal laws when he deliberately leaked internal memos and communications to the media in retaliation against Donald Trump. However, the DOJ will not prosecute Comey. Like Hillary Clinton before him, Comey is …
Aug 29
There are only ten weather stations in the Southern Hemisphere that have temp records from the 1800s; none of them show a warming trend
Whenever someone claims to know the GLOBAL temperature for a given year (or date) in the past, be mindful that such a feat of knowledge is highly unlikely. This is especially true for dates in the distant past. Worldwide there are only 116 thermometer stations with unadjusted temp datasets that go all the way back …
Aug 29
More DOJ lies: Secret memos reveal prosecutors knew that was innocent of “human trafficking”—but they launched a prosecution anyway. Now a federal judge has ordered the memos sealed
In case more proof was needed that government budgets are bloated and overflowing . . . For years, US voters have elected politicians who promised to cut government. Such politicians have then gone to state and federal capitols and voted for ever-more government. A frequent tactic of “limited government” Republicans who win elections is to …
Aug 22
More fallout from Nature “climate contrarian” blacklist study.
August 14. Antigovernment News Bureau. Two weeks ago, the once-prestigious journal Nature published a peer-reviewed article which strayed far from the journal’s typical range of content. Nature’s online imprint Nature Communications delved into social science rather than natural science, generating a list of some 386 names of climate “contrarians,” denouncing them generally as unqualified hacks, …
Aug 17
Major science journal publishes article blacklisting climate skeptics
The journal Nature previously enjoyed great prestige among science journals. In recent years, however, Nature‘s editors have heavily promoted climate doomsday messaging. Now the journal has published a study purporting to show that climate change “contrarians” are overrepresented in media discussions of climate science. The study first gathered a large list of known “contrarians” taken …
Aug 17
Another teen arrested for “threatening” federal agents–over social media posts
Every government that ever existed sought to equate criticism of government with ‘terrorism,’ ‘treason’ or threats. Prior to the American Revolution, Brits could be criminally prosecuted for merely imagining the death of the king. (Numerous figures in English history were executed for merely imagining the death of the king in poetry or prose.) In the …