Author's posts
Nov 19
McLatchy–one of the largest “mainstream” news chains–nears bankruptcy
Bloomberg reports that “The McClatchy Co., the storied news publisher weighed down by pension obligations and debt, could file for bankruptcy within the next year.” McClatchy operates a news service and owns the Miami Herald, the Kansas City Star, the Charlotte Observer and other pro-government (“mainstream”) papers. Its reporters and content have been repeatedly linked …
Nov 18
Montana legislature creates multi-million-dollar agency, stops all boats on highways, can’t find any invasive mussels
Montana’s voters, like those almost everywhere, have repeatedly voted for Republican politicians who promised “limited government.” The Montana legislature has been controlled by these “limited government Republicans” for more than a quarter century. Yet the legislature has grown Montana’s government faster than the rate of inflation for decades. Indeed, Montana’s legislature has grown government faster …
Nov 17
Twitter’s highest censor over Europe and Africa is revealed as a British government propaganda official!
Everyone knows that major social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Google and Youtube have recently been on censorship binges–blocking, deplatforming, removing and censoring antigovernment criticism or content. Most free press advocates have been lulled into inaction regarding this because the online media platforms are private firms rather than government agencies. But now it has …
Nov 17
Income inequality decreases in free markets, increases under government regulations
Income inequality is proclaimed to be a major issue for government trusters everywhere. In the U.S., presidential candidates like Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders argue for even greater government regulations and taxes to fight income inequality. But the data show that U.S. income taxation already places burdens on the highest income earners which are greater …
Nov 17
Iranian protestors–like those in Paris, Ecuador, and Chile–are driven by outrage over climate taxes
Iran has been the Middle East’s poster child in the area of climate change regulations. Since the 2015 Paris Accords, the Iranian government has positioned itself as a worldwide “climate tax” leader. The government loudly denounced the U.S. when U.S. President Trump pulled out of the Paris agreement in 2017. Iran has recently raised carbon …
Nov 14
Politico: “Mainstream” media is losing credibility by hiding “the whistleblower”
Eric Ciaramella is a privileged, highly-paid federal employee with a long track record of supporting pro-government extremist positions and the Democratic Party. It was apparently Ciaramella who, while working in the National Security Council in July of this year, heard that Donald Trump had talked to the Ukrainian president (via telephone) about getting the Ukrainian …
Nov 12
UPDATE: New York ExxonMobil Trial Sputters to an End
New York Attorney General Drops Half Its Fraud Case In Closing Arguments Lower Manhattan. November 7, 2019. The downsized “Exxon knew” trial in New York City has ended. The parties await a verdict from Judge Barry Ostrager in the New York Supreme Court. A 3-year investigation by the New York Attorney General into some 4 …
Nov 07
Federal Prisoner Schaeffer Cox—Wrongly Convicted in 2011 Conspiracy Case—Resentenced to 15 Years
Tacoma, WA. November 5, 2019. Antigovernment News Bureau. Francis Schaeffer Cox, the charismatic young founder of the Alaska Peacemakers Militia, was resentenced to 188 months (some 15 and ½ years) imprisonment—a significant reduction from his previous sentence of 26 years imprisonment. Cox was convicted in 2012 of a variety of firearm and explosive offenses and …
Nov 07
Venezuelan death troops kill hundreds more
Socialism is always sold as a path to harmony, equality and tranquility. In reality it is starvation, misery, torture and mass murder. Venezuelan government troops continue mass executions and slaughters throughout the once prosperous country. Since 2018, the non-governmental human rights group Cofavic has recorded 831 “executions” carried out by FAES [Special Action Forces] members, …
Nov 01
Mainstream News explains Chilean riots as protests against privatized pensions!
“News” story ignores the public’s anger at government climate regulations Reuters news agency has been repeatedly exposed as funded in part by the CIA. See here and here. Now the pro-government news bureau is out with a story attempting to explain the recent riots in Chile—which saw a million Chileans take to the streets to …