Author's posts
Aug 01
OVERREGULATION: Climbing Mount Rainier requires two separate government permits and a “Recovery Fee”
MOUNT RAINIER, the highest mountain in the State of Washington and the most glacier-covered mountain in the contiguous U.S., is a mecca for mountaineers in the Pacific Northwest. But government regulations are higher than the snows on the mountain. Those seeking to summit the peak must obtain TWO separate permits: a “wilderness permit,” and a …
Aug 01
America died from overregulation. The only way out is deregulation on a massive scale
by Roger Roots, JD, Ph.D., Founder of Lysander Spooner University During the 150 year period between 1830 and 1980, the American people became the greatest innovators in world history, launching countless new inventions which propelled humanity through frontiers of knowledge, space and discovery. More recently, however, American ingenuity has been choked nearly to death. PayPal …
Jul 22
Is Drudge Report now CIA?
The U.S. government is the world’s largest advertiser. It spends hundreds of millions annually to announce and promote its positions and claims. And this above-ground spending pales in comparison to the government’s secret spending. It was revealed during the Frank Church Senate hearings in the 1970s that the CIA spent one-third of its budget on …
Jul 20
Oregon Bundy defendant Sean Anderson now clinging to life in an unknown hospital; Government agents riddled his face and body with bullets after a “traffic stop” but are not releasing dash- or bodycam footage
Sean Anderson, one of the last four occupiers of the Malheur Wildlife Refuge in eastern Oregon in 2016, was recently riddled with bullets by multiple law enforcement agencies after a traffic stop. Government agents are spinning the story as a confrontation with the militia activist, but have thus far refused to release any dashcam or …
Jul 16
Facebook “Fact Check” claims coronavirus death rate is false–ignoring science and CDC reports and citing some quotes from Fouci
With few exceptions, social media “fact checkers” are used by major media platforms to replace inconvenient (to government) facts with pro-government talking points. Now Facebook is attaching a “misleading” stamp on posts that point out that the coronavirus death rate is in the range of tenths of 1% or lower. The “fact checkers” claim “The …
Jul 12
Modern pro-government “conservatism” was created by the CIA
The great writer Charles Burris has some keen insights into the development of modern pro-government “conservatism.” As government grew throughout the twentieth century, a strain of “conservatism” arose which seemed to support this vast new growth of government programs while quibbling at the margins with tax rates, or advocating more imprisonment or ever-more-powerful surveillance. …
Jul 11
Government vampires seek extreme tax increases
Government’s unquenchable thirst for money and power continues despite America’s cratering economy. Throughout the government’s COVID-19 impositions, no one at local, state or federal levels has lost a paycheck. Many government employees have received their paychecks in spite of having no work whatsoever to do. But the cratering economic stability of the country is already …
Jul 11
Matt Ridley: the Planet is in great shape
British science writer Matt Ridley has an optimistic view of the Earth’s future. Ridley points out that the Earth has been getting greener and healthier, probably due to the increase in carbon dioxide in the atmosphere–thanks to humans. Forests and trees have been increasing. The Earth now has significantly larger areas dedicated to forests, wilderness, …
Jul 09
English Government professors call for imprisonment of climate doomsday questioners
“When those seeking power can’t convince the populace of the merits of their ideas, they start putting people who disagree in jail, hoping that fear will keep the rest in line.” So writes Anthony Watts of Watts will surely be one of the first people arrested and imprisoned if professors at the University of …
Jul 06
500,000 middle class New Yorkers flee the City after government COVID impositions
New York City, once the world’s flagship of commerce and capitalism, is now a sewer of government control, rioting and misery. New York’s governing officials ordered most businesses closed for months. A story in the Daily Mail reports that 500,000 New Yorkers–disproportionately hard-working middle-class residents–have already fled the Big Apple. Streets once teeming with tourists …