Author's posts
Feb 27
Washington Post: Earth could soon cease to be a “safe operating space” for humans
On January 15, the Washington Post published a story claiming that “At the rate things are going, the Earth in the coming decades could cease to be a “safe operating space” for human beings.” Citing a published paper in the journal “Science,” the article suggested that “we have already crossed four “planetary boundaries”: “the extinction …
Feb 27
FCC “Net Neutrality” Takeover Will Turn Internet into a Government Licensing Scheme
In the wake of yesterday’s powergrab of the internet by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), we should all refamiliarize ourselves with the way innovation in telecommunications was arrested by FCC control over telephone companies. For decades, the telephone industry has been under FCC regulation. And for much of the 20th Century, Bell Telephone enjoyed something …
Feb 26
Socialists and Government Bullies Everywhere Are Cheering the FCC’s “Net Neutrality” Takeover of the Internet
For several years, trusters of expansive intrusive government have sought to impose what they call “net neutrality”–a government regulatory structure–upon the internet. Ridiculously, some of them claim they are trying to “free” the internet and keep it “open.” Who exactly is threatening to enslave or close the internet? Why, the private sector; or capitalism; or …
Feb 26
The Entire History of “State Secrets Privilege” is Based on Fraud
Today the U.S. government is constantly invoking “State Secrets Privilege” to shut down lawsuits against the government and keep the American people from knowing the truth about government affairs. When Americans file lawsuits against the government or its blood-brother corporate agents, the government asserts “state secrets privilege” to force the courts to throw out the …
Feb 25
Federal Government Making Plans For Major Takeover of Internet
A dozen sources indicate that our “masters” in government in Washington are preparing to launch a major push for so-called “net neutrality” policies to regulate the internet. This socialist model will spread the stink and stain of government over the internet in a manner similar to the way governments have long controlled utilities. If adopted, …
Feb 25
Beware of Government-Funded Attacks on Privately-Funded Science
The government-worshipping website is reporting that certain manmade-global-warming-skeptical scientists who have testified before committees of Congress regarding the (non)threat of manmade climate change are now under investigation by the government for being nongovernmentally funded. As most Lysander Spooner University students know, the vast majority of what passes for scientific research in the area of …
Feb 24
Dutch City Removes All Traffic Signs; Traffic Accidents Go Down
We were recently alerted by a essay about how traffic safety actually improves when traffic controls are decreased. American car traffic is tremendously overregulated; and there are way too many traffic cops on the roadways. Within the link is the mention of a Dutch city of 50,000 people, Drachten, which stripped its streets …
Feb 24
17,000 Federal employees made more than $200,000 last year
Statistically, a federal worker is now more likely to die than to quit. Federal employees are so overpaid that there are multiple books on the shelves of most bookstores on the topic of how to get a federal job. Those who work in the federal government have hit the lottery. As the American middle class …
Feb 24
Savers Continue To Be Punished
If you save anything in modern America, you are an absolute fool. For years, the Federal Reserve Bank has set interest rates well below “natural” levels. (In a free lending market, private banks would tend to charge substantially more interest per dollar lent, and savers could expect substantially higher rates of return for keeping their …
Feb 20
Dr. Richard Lindzen is an American atmospheric physicist and retired Alfred P. Sloan Professor of Meteorology at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. In an important interview, Lindzen states (beginning around 7:20) that: The trouble is all of us scientists are government employees—even if we’re working for private universities. All research is supported by the government. …