Author's posts

U.S. Census Workers Violate Privacy, “Camp out” in Yards of Americans who Decline to Participate

by Dr. Roger I. Roots, founder, Lysander Spooner University I remember years ago after I graduated from law school, I applied for a job with the U.S. Census Bureau. I attended an initiation meeting in Providence, Rhode Island. At that meeting I recall a Census official telling applicants that as Census agents we would be …

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U.S. Debt will Soon be more than 100 Percent of annual GDP, Official Warns

The U.S. national debt is now so large that it constitutes 74 percent of America’s annual Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Not since World War II has this percentage been so high. And today’s debt is not so much the product of a worldwide war but of the constant deficit spending required to pay for American …

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There have been no “austerity” measures in Greece or in any other European country.

The word “austerity” has been in the news a lot lately. Austerity means cuts in government payroll or other spending. Trusters of government like to claim that “severe” (Paul Krugman) or “harsh” (the Guardian) austerity measures are being imposed on the people of Greece, or maybe in some other European country. The truth is that …

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“Conservative” Writer: FBI “secretly” saved us from “ISIS” on the Fourth of July

I don’t know whether to write this post about the FBI’s claims or about the knee-jerk column of Matt Vespa, a self-styled “conservative” writer and Republican Party loyalist. In a column entitled, “FBI: We Stopped ISIS-linked Fourth of July Terror Plots” (found here), Vespa cites CNN for the proposition that “we now know that the …

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ACLU’s Ira Glasser: attempts to overturn Citizens United with a constitutional amendment are “willfully, intellectually dishonest.”

Ira Glasser, long one of the ACLU’s most important legal advisers and litigators, spoke at an event put on by the Center for Competitive Politics entitled “Citizens United v. FEC after Five Years – Should Liberals Support Citizens United?” The video is here. Glasser excoriated those on “the left” for calling for a constitutional amendment …

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Britain proposes fiscal restraint

Socialism is a curse that should be wished only on one’s enemies. Any society that embraces it will become sick and weak. In the wake of the default of Greece and the loss of one-third value of the Chinese stock market, world financial advisers appear to be proposing some rare fiscal restraint. In Britain, the …

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Rousseau: Only those who “seek command” can be reduced to obedience

The great Enlightenment writer and thinker Rousseau once wrote in his DISCOURSE ON THE ORIGIN AND FOUNDATION OF INEQUALITY that “[I]t is very difficult to reduce to obedience one who does not seek command.” In order to be free, in order not to be a slave, one must first renounce the desire to be a …

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Economies are being corrected around the world

Ludwig Von Mises was one of the most far-thinking and insightful economic thinkers in history. Mises studied the economy of Russia when communism was riding high; and Mises concluded it was only a matter of time before its Soviet economy melted down. Mises correctly calculated that below-natural-interest-rate lending by government central banks created unhealthy business …

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Chinese Government-Owned Newspapers Telling Readers: “Don’t Panic!”

Here’s a tip: When governments give investment advice, you should generally do the very opposite. Governments worldwide are gorged on massive debt and teetering from decades of Keynsian economics. There is not a currency on earth that is backed by anything but paper. Now the government-owned newspapers of China are loudly telling readers not to …

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Analyst: To become a “one percenter,” get into heavily-regulated industries!

Analyst Sam Wilkin, who studies the habits of the super-rich, was interviewed for an interesting piece in THE TELEGRAPH. Read it here. Having studied the habits of billionaires and “one percenters” for years, Walkin offers a list of seven general principles for becoming super-wealthy. The most interesting tip–6th among the 7 appearing near the end …

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