Author's posts

NASA satellites document that polar ice has grown, not declined

James Taylor of Forbes Magazine: Updated data from NASA satellite instruments reveal the Earth’s polar ice caps have not receded at all since the satellite instruments began measuring the ice caps in 1979. Since the end of 2012, moreover, total polar ice extent has largely remained above the post-1979 average. The updated data contradict one …

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Utah Public College Banned Criticism of Government Officials, Established “Free Speech Zone” Comprising 0.1 Percent of Campus

Publicly Owned universities are premised on two arguments: (1) that such schools meet the needs of the poor in ways that private schools do not, and (2) that such schools allow more free exchange of ideas in ways that private (often religious) schools do not. Both claims have been shattered by known data. Government colleges …

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Montana Health Insurance Rates to Increase 22 to 34 Percent

Government’s slave-plantation-healthcare agenda continues. The Affordable Care Act has now triggered insurance rate hikes of between 22 and 34 percent in a single year for Montanans. See here.

EPA spends millions on high-end luxury office furnishings

by Roger Roots All of us know that government officials love to pad their government temples of power with gleaming marble, oak and precious metals. I remember the first time I ever argued a case at the U.S. 8th Circuit Court of Appeals in St. Louis. Upon first seeing the government building, I almost vomited …

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31 percent of Americans say the government’s climate change claims are a “total hoax”

A new Bloomberg News Service poll finds that 31 percent of Americans view the government’s climate-change claims as a “total hoax.” See here. These figures suggest that the government will have an uphill battle rounding up, arresting or otherwise punishing such vast numbers. The government would need to build concentration camps for 100 million Americans.

The Government One-Percenters: Average New York School Custodian is Paid More than $100,000 Annually

Government trusters seeking to further socialize America, to raise taxes even further, to abolish (private-sector) money in politics, and further empower government must conceal certain discomforting facts. Government workers are paid at least one-and-one-half-times what private workers are paid for the same work. (In fact, careful analysis which factors in vacation time and benefits shows …

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More polling shows Americans distrustful of government

The average person in the world is at least 4 times more likely to be killed by his own government than by any foreign government, any criminal, or any terrorist. Statistically, one’s own government is always the greatest source of potential danger to one’s life. For years, Gallup has been asking the question: “Do you …

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Lysander Spooner University Visits Glacier National Park 2015

Pictured above, the Jackson Glacier, taken at around its lowest point of the year, Sept. 13, 2015. We at Lysander Spooner University are embarking on a continuing research project to study and photograph Montana or Wyoming glaciers each year from the same vantage points and dates of the calendar. As many people know, various agencies …

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California regent (and husband of a U.S. Senator) threatens U.C. with political consequences if the University fails to enact speech code

We previously reported that the University of California system–a government network subject to the free-speech provisions of the Constitution–was proposing a university-wide speech code that banned “intolerant” “expressions.” See here. On Thursday, Sept. 17 (ironically, “Constitution Day”), the proposal was the subject of a large public meeting. According to F.I.R.E. (the Foundation for Individual Rights …

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Missourian criminally prosecuted for “[meeting] with legislators,” “testif[ying]” before the Missouri legislature, and “appear[ing] as a witness before committees”

Our masters in government repeatedly tell us we are to be “engaged” in politics. But when citizens “engage” in efforts to limit or rein in government–especially when such citizens become successful–they are increasingly subject to criminal prosecution and imprisonment. In Missouri, a citizen activist named Ron Calzone, who bills himself as a “citizen lobbyist,” has …

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