Author's posts

Obamacare has led to fewer insurance options, fewer firms, higher costs and a need for another bailout

Just as in other heavily-regulated industries (think meatpacking), the new regulations in healthcare are causing consolidation, fewer but larger insurance companies, and much higher premium costs. Here is a summary of the situation. Dr. Mandy Cohen of the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services recently testified that almost 700,000 Americans have lost their health coverage …

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TSA Security Fails 95 Percent of the Time

After 9/11/2001, Congress deprivatized airport screening and created the Transportation Security Administration. The TSA is 10 times more expensive than the private-contract screening in place before. Yet it provides no greater level of security. Recent undercover attempts to smuggle weapons or breach TSA security checkpoints found that undercover agents were able to get weapons past …

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Daily Newspapers Continue to Dwindle

Those seeking knowledge are increasingly avoiding the nation’s pro-government, state-controlled daily newspapers. Daily newspapers now number fewer than 400 nationwide. (There were 1,800 just decades ago.) Per capita newspaper consumption is now below 15 percent. Overall, the newspaper industry is down nearly 80 percent. See here.

Pro-Government Professors Intimidate Reporters at University of Missouri

Every time one walks onto a typical government-supported college campus, he enters a world of less freedom, more intimidation, and higher costs. Parking is entirely free almost everywhere in Montana or Wyoming. Except on government college campuses. The entirety of government funding of higher education is based on a notion that such funding helps “the …

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The NATION Turns: Leftist Magazine Prints its first Climate Skeptic Article: Could this be a Signal?

The climate-change hysteria promoted by worldwide governments is about to bust. Hard. The false predictions and outrageous claims of the climate-change socialists simply cannot withstand open sunlight. Already one-third of Americans regard the climate-change hysteria as a “total hoax.” Almost no one on “the right” regards global warming as anything other than a leftist push …

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New Study Suggests that Peer-Review Process may Prevail in the End regarding Climate Change.

William N. Butos and Thomas J. McQuade are scholars of the tragic role of government funding in scientific scholarship. They have authored a study entitled, “Causes and Consequences of the Climate Science Boom,” which appears in the Fall 2015 issue of The Independent Review. See here. Butos and McQuade find that the domineering role of …

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Another Government University Discriminates against Governmentally-Incorrect Thought: Cal State Professor Punished After Sending Students to Event at Reagan Library

America’s government-funded and supported universities are dens of extremist pro-government thought control and discrimination. Now an English professor at Cal State Northridge (a public institution subject to the equal protection and free-speech provisions of the Bill of Rights) has been subjected to Star Chamber Disciplinary proceedings for . . . (wait for it!) . . …

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Yale University Erupts in Violent Screaming as Students Demand a Campus “Safe” from Intellectual Diversity

Not only are American colleges generally staffed with extreme trusters of the state. See here. The drive for “safety” from alternative ideas now predominates student discussions and drives out all principles of intellectual openness, freedom or diversity. Witness this video of students shouting down a Yale University officer for suggesting he has a duty to …

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New Study Finds Earth’s Changing Orbit Has More Effect on Temps than Greenhouse Gasses Do

It turns out that the Earth’s orbit around the sun changes a great deal from time to time. A new study concludes this changing orbit path has more to do with earth temperature changes than any other factor. See here.

Government Temp “Adjustments” Turn a Cooling Period into a Warming Period

As hype over alleged global warming heats up, more people are looking into the constant “adjustments” of temperature records by government agencies and government-funded scientists. Here is a good article on the subject. “[The National Climatic Data Center] pulls every trick in the book to turn the U.S. cooling trend into warming. The raw data …

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