Author's posts
Apr 21
91 % of Florida Atlantic University students vote for resolution expanding ‘free speech zone’ to the entire campus
Socialists, elitists and government supremacists have turned America’s colleges into dens of pro-government sentiment and ideological discrimination. Throughout the past 25 years, hundreds of colleges have imposed ‘free speech zones’ to limit anti-government speech and thought. Now the student body at Florida Atlantic University (with 91 % student support) has voted to restore freedom of …
Apr 21
American businesses are in decline due to overregulation
Trusters of government have been pouring on regulations since the 1990s. Here is a Washington Post story about the decline of American entrepreneurship. Fewer business are launching. More are leaving, liquidating or dying. The average age of businesses is getting older (as young people stop starting businesses due to onerous licensing requirements). Thus, the efforts …
Apr 21
More sad news for Venezuela: Government to ration electrical power
Venezuela, a South American country with dynamic people and the world’s largest proven oil reserves, has suffered under the curse of socialism for two decades. After the Venezuelan government took a hard-line turn toward socialism in the 1990s, the government took over most industries. Now the government of the oil-rich nation can’t provide enough electricity …
Apr 20
Federal employees get 8 paid weeks off per year
Federal “workers” are generally paid 1-1/2 to 2 times what workers in the private sector are paid for the same type of work. Yet this fact greatly understates the luxury, power and security of federal employment. Private employees are lucky to have 2 weeks of paid vacation per year. Federal workers with seniority get more …
Apr 20
University of Delaware tells students they must regulate speech at a free speech table
American colleges have become bastions for pro-government totalitarian ideology and discrimination. Many campuses impose speech codes. The University of Delaware is a government-owned university subject to the Bill of Rights. Yet students who staffed a YAL (Young Americans for Liberty) table were told they couldn’t allow free speech on a ‘free speech ball.’ The students …
Apr 18
UC Berkeley Forced to Cut 500 Jobs After $15 Minimum Wage Hike
More than 100 peer-reviewed studies have found that increasing (or establishing) a minimum wage law causes higher unemployment. Unemployment, in turn, is correlated with a number of measures of social ills, including increased suicide rates, rates of first admission to mental health facilities and rates of alcoholism. Now, just weeks after the State of California …
Apr 18
We will be at the World Premier of “Climate Hustle” in Bozeman, Montana on May 2
On Monday, May 2, 2016, Marc Marono’s exciting new documentary, “Climate Hustle,” will be shown in Bozeman, Montana at the Regal Gallatin Valley Cinemas. The address is Regal Gallatin Valley Cinemas 11, 2825 W. Main Street, Bozeman, MT 59718, (406) 586-7469 A contingent from Lysander Spooner University will be there. Read up on the film …
Apr 18
More sad news from Venezuela: Dirty air, dirty water, malnutrition, sickness
Witness modern Venezuela. A generation ago, Venezuelan voters cheered when socialist Hugo Chavez was elected president. Chavez’s socialist government took over the mining, industrial, energy, and shipping industries. Chavez imposed censorship on the media, jailing critics. Wealthy households were raided and had their belongings taken by the state. Companies were banned or fled. Chavez provided …
Apr 17
New York Times Prints Blatant Untruths about Forest Fire Increases
The New York Times just ran a story on April 12 claiming that climate change has caused record-setting numbers of forest fires and of acreages burned. See here. The story, headlined “Wildfires, Once Confined to a Season, Burn Earlier and Longer,” proclaimed that “The 10.1 million acres that burned in the United States last year …
Apr 17
Vast Majority Distrust News Media
“Just 6 percent of people say they have a lot of confidence in the media, putting the news industry about equal to Congress and well below the public’s view of other institutions.” See here. For years, ‘mainstream’ news has parroted the positions of government. In fact, government agencies have been repeatedly caught secretly paying journalists …