Star Chamber Justice Returns to the Western World
Guy Reffitt didn’t even go inside the Capitol; he is on trial for protesting stolen 2020 election
Washington, D.C. March 1. Jan. 6, 2021 was a truly terrifying day for the US government. Americans who contested the November 2020 election dared to riot amid the government’ sacred marble Capitol for some four (4) hours!
The horror!
Now the first alleged rioter to face trial is being tried by a masked, mostly-Marxist jury in a Washington, D.C. courtroom.
In virtual secret.
According to Oregonian Ken Medenbach, who was thrown out of the courthouse for seeking to attend, the court is allowing just two (2) people in the audience: one mainstream ‘journalist’ and just one member of the community.
The Sixth Amendment requires that every accused defendant has a right to a public trial.
What are Guy Reffitt’s alleged crimes? He is accused of obstructing a government proceeding. By merely being present outside the US Capitol on January 6. Reffitt has been HELD WITHOUT BAIL in a DC jail for OVER A YEAR on grounds that he is too dangerous for pre-trial release.
The Eighth Amendment requires that every defendant is entitled to reasonable bail.
Katelyn Polantz, writing for the pro-government-extremist CNN, reports that “Judge Dabney Friedrich decided not to allow any members of the public to witness the evidence presentation in person at the historic trial that’s expected to last more than a week.” “Friedrich cited space concerns due to stringent coronavirus protocols at the federal courthouse in Washington, DC, designed to ensure that jurors and witnesses at trials are spread out from one another.” “The situation highlights an ongoing struggle in federal courtrooms, which never allow recordings of their proceedings to be broadcast widely, between the integrity of jury trials and court administrators’ attempts to prevent the spread of disease.”
According to the Gateway Pundit, “Despite never getting closer than 20 feet from officers at the Capitol, never entering the building, and only carrying a megaphone, Reffitt was arrested in a pre-dawn military-style raid on his home by FBI with guns pointed at his wife and kids.”