by Roger Roots Mainstream journalism is in its death throes. In the information age, consumers just won’t pay for tired news content extolling the virtues of big-government establishment institutions. ‘Mainstream news’ is becoming so marginalized that it isn’t even, well . . . mainstream anymore. It is the voice of a small minority of elitist …
2019 archive
Feb 06
Microsoft’s “NewsGuard” tool to ‘weed out fake news’ is controlled entirely by Deep State Operatives
Over the past two years, major government-supporting media have (simultaneously, it seems) pronounced a need to cleanse their platforms of “fake news.” This push seems to correspond with Deep State investigations into “Russia collusion,” marginalization of Julian Assange and Wikileaks and a general effort by the establishment to limit public discourse to the confines of …
Feb 05
Socialist elite of Venezuela live like kings while the population starves
The London Daily Mail is out with a scandalous report on the children of Venezuela’s socialist “leaders.” See here. “The rich kids of Venezuela’s socialist elite know nothing of the misery their parents have wreaked on their country.” “Socialist revolution leader Hugo Chavez’s oldest daughter Maria Gabriela is rumoured to be Venezuela’s richest woman, with …
Feb 02
Venezuelan death squads have killed over 500
Just 50 years ago, Venezuela was one of the 6 wealthiest countries on earth. Its people enjoyed the highest standard of living in Latin America. Then around 2000, Venezuelans began voting for socialism. Now millions have fled the socialist hellhole. Hundreds of thousands have died of hunger and disease. New York Times reports that Venezuelan …
Feb 02
McClatchy Newspapers announces 500 job cuts
McClatchy has been an organ of government deception and propaganda for years The McClatchy newspaper chain, which owns the Miami Herald and many other government-supporting newspapers, continues to lose subscribers and influence. This week the newspaper chain announced it is cutting 500 jobs–ten percent of its workforce. The chain has pushed socialism, taxes, and government …
Feb 02
Wall Street Journal publishes article on federal employees “considering leaving government work”; can’t identify A SINGLE employee who actually left
During the recent federal “government shutdown,” hundreds of news stories reported on the tearful plight of federal “workers” who were temporarily laid off. Hundreds of good samaritans, charities and businesses offered free goodies and giveaways to the furloughed government workers. Many municipalities, school districts, and universities held job fairs specifically aimed at getting alternative jobs …
Jan 29
The next Paris will be Australia: voters’ patience with “climate change” impositions is wearing thin
CENTRAL PLANNERS WORLDWIDE WERE STARTLED weeks ago when the voters of France descended onto Paris streets wearing government-mandated yellow vests in a massive protest against the French government’s numerous carbon taxes enacted (supposedly) to “fight” manmade global warming. The yellow vest protests brought the French government to its knees. French president Macron was forced to …
Jan 24
“Mainstream” journalism sheds another thousand jobs
With the rise of credible “alternative” news sources, consumers will no longer pay for pro-government “mainstream” “news” content. Yesterday, Verizon Media announced cost-cutting efforts at a wide variety of its media holdings. Buzzfeed, Gannett, AOL, Yahoo, HuffPost and other “mainstream” (meaning government supported and supporting) all laid off employees. See here. On a related note, …
Jan 24
Newsweek published a climate change article saying certain Mexican glaciers had disappeared; it failed to mention that the disappearance was caused by volcanic eruptions.
Global warming alarmists routinely predict that permanent ice and snow in the Arctic and Antarctic will soon disappear. But before Climate Change makes the glaciers near the poles disappear, it must first melt the glaciers in the tropics. Yes, there are actually many glaciers and permanent snowfields in the mountain ranges between the Tropic of …