Today’s government-funded colleges and universities deliver a steady stream of elitist, socialist worship of the state. Writer and higher-education reformer Dennis Prager compares modern government colleges to the seminaries of old Europe, where the Church indoctinated the leaders of western society. See here.
2017 archive
Feb 20
Starving Venezuelans losing 19 pounds per year due to socialism
Just 18 years ago, Venezuela enjoyed the highest standard of living in South America. Then the people voted for socialism. Now the people of Venezuela eat dogs, cats, donkeys and even giant anteaters for survival. Women and girls prostitute themselves for as little as a tube of toothpaste or a box of diapers. Men die …
Feb 17
Washington State Supreme Court rules that florist must provide flower arrangements for gay wedding–and pay legal fees for fighting court battle!
Of course, people have widely differing views on faith and marriage. Last year the government of the State of Washington ordered a Christian florist in the Seattle area to provide flower arrangements for a gay wedding. The florist, Barronelle Stutzman, refused to participate in a gay wedding on religious grounds, and challenged the Government’s decree. …
Feb 06
Whistleblower emerges: Government temp claims were never scientifically verified
More government lies. Remember last year, just ahead of the Paris climate conference when world governments were preparing to commit untold billions of dollars–taken from their subjects–to government climate-change agencies? As the Paris meeting began, EVERY major newspaper in the world announced on its front pages that a new U.S. government study found no pause …
Feb 05
Multi-year ice in the Arctic is now at a 10-year high
The intrepid data analyst Tony Heller is back with more analysis of satellite data. Multi-year ice in the Arctic is now higher than at any time in the past 10 years. See here.
Jan 30
All-time record snowfall this year in many areas of the U.S.
The government’s climate models 20 years ago predicted that snow would be a thing of the past by now. But snow is at record levels in many areas of the U.S., including parts of Arizona, Nevada, southern California and New Mexico. See here.
Jan 28
Fraud investigator seeks whistleblowers from government “climate science” agencies
Those who scrutinize the government’s apocalyptic-manmade-global-warming-by-carbon-dioxide claims are aware that government agencies have been caught manipulating data for more than a decade. U.S. agencies such as NOAA and NASA have been falsifying temperature records to erase warm periods in the past. These agencies have repeatedly claimed that government needs even more power to save humanity …
Jan 25
Arctic ice has quickly grown in past 3 months
2015 and (the beginning of) 2016 were very warm years. But government agencies “adjusted” the temp history records to make the past 2 years seem even hotter than they were measured. Hundreds of newspapers have recently reported that Arctic ice is quickly melting–citing the claims of government agencies that bolster the government’s manmade-global-warming-by-CO2 theory. But …
Jan 23
FBI operated a majority of child porn sites
Court documents last fall revealed that the FBI secretly operated and controlled a large proportion of all child porn sites in the United States. See here. Further investigation has revealed that the FBI’s control and operation of the “child porn industry” was much greater than previously admitted. Through the FBI’s “Operation Pacifier,” the FBI published …
Jan 22
U.S. Postal Service–with every possible advantage–lost $5 billion last year and $50 billion over a decade
Government sucks at everything it tries–with the exception of killing, stealing and impoverishing. The U.S. Postal Service lost $5.1 billion last year – and more than $50 billion over the last decade. Even with every advantage in the market–including the world’s most prestige locations, a monopoly on its core operations, paying no taxes (either property …