2017 archive

Spanish government (upon orders of Turkish government) arrests journalist for “terrorism”

Every government that ever existed has sought to equate dissent and criticism with terrorism or treason. Untold thousands of humans have been arrested, subjected to mock trials, and/or executed for saying or writing things which their masters in government did not like. Throughout European history, thousands were burned at the stake, hanged or tortured for …

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Andrea Parker confirmed as speaker at upcoming symposium

Lysander Spooner University’s upcoming “Despotism and Defiance” Symposium in downtown Las Vegas will feature a nationally recognized speaker and criminal justice lecturer: Andrea Parker. Andrea Parker is the wife of Eric Parker, accused defendant in the Bunkerville (Bundy conspiracy retrial) case currently under way at the Las Vegas federal courthouse. Andrea Parker has previously lectured …

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Pro-government extremist site “Salon.com” cannot pay its rent

U.S. government agencies such as the FBI and CIA have been secretly funding pro-government “journalists” for years. But when government subsidies are stripped, pro-government media “news” sources frequently have trouble paying their bills. Here is a new report that the pro-government extremist news and commentary site “Salon.com” cannot pay its rent. Salon.com pushes a steady …

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Government policies create shortage of primary care doctors

A free market in health care would immediately produce high quality medical goods and services at prices so low that even the poorest Americans could afford them without insurance. But our masters in government have long imposed a slave-plantation level of control and regulation on the industry. Becoming a doctor requires as much as $400,000 …

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New Speakers Announced for August 12 Symposium

Amazing roster of speakers and lecturers for Lysander Spooner University’s “Despotism and Defiance” Conference. Saturday, August 12, Las Vegas, Nevada downtown, 1217 S. 4th Street, just north of the Stratosphere at “Camp Liberty.” Nationally recognized researchers and activists will discuss current threats to American liberty. $7 at the door appreciated. Maureen Peltier, army veteran turned …

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Obamacare has caused millions to lose health care. Many have died.

“Obama and those in his administration knew that more than 40%-67% of those people in the individual market would likely lose their plans” at the time they were pushing Obamacare. The Act has already added hundreds of billions of dollars to America’s national debt. “The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) reported that between 2012 and 2022, …

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The FDA has killed millions, saved only a few thousand

Government programs and agencies always achieve the very opposite of their stated purposes. Antipoverty programs impoverish. “National security” efforts make societies less secure. Health and safety regulations make people less healthy and safe. Here is a website dedicated to tallying the numbers of Americans who have died because of FDA-approved drugs, vaccines and medical devices. …

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Announcing new symposium: “Despotism and Defiance,” Saturday, Aug. 12, Las Vegas, NV

Lysander Spooner University proudly announces a new scholarly symposium tentatively scheduled for Saturday, August 12 at “Camp Liberty Annex,” 1217 4th Street, downtown Las Vegas, NV. Stimulating lectures, debates, and networking. Speakers to include: * Maureen Peltier, freedom activist * James “Jamie” Landin, * Dr. Roger Roots * (others to be announced). Tentatively scheduled for …

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Congress passes “bipartisan” bill to grow government by subsidizing hearing aids

Republicans have been winning elections for years with promises to limit government. They now control the majority of legislatures and governor’s mansions across the country as well as both branches of the U.S. Congress, the presidency and (arguably) the majority of judgeships (at the state levels, at least). The people want cuts in government, taxation, …

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Government’s War on the Poor: More than 1/3 of Households have No Savings

Government policies punish savers so much that it is utterly foolish to save even a penny. Near-zero interest rates. “Social Security” payroll taxes. Medicare and Medicaid. Obamacare. Market-entry barriers such as occupational licensing laws. Government policies incentivize Americans to work less, build less, create less, save less, be unhealthy, sick and weak. “Nearly 20 million …

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